Found it

Amy walked alone with a restless mind, she could not believe what Michael had just said. Become engaged and publicly announce that they were a couple. She knew he had said this in order to protect her and her family, but what would his family say? They were powerful and influential the kind most could only dream about. How would they react to a illegitimate girl who never even met her real father.

Before she realized it Amy was at the park her and Michael used to go to when they were younger. Being back here brought back memories both fond and terrible ones. it was at this park that Michael and her promised to get married and were she broke his heart 6 years ago. remembering all of this mad Amy start to cry. When Michael came back she thought maybe she had a chance to be with him again but now she did not know what to do.

Just then as she was starting to cry a voice came from behind her.

"Are you alright my dear"

Amy turned to see who it was and standing in front of her was a elderly man with a cane.

"Yes, I'm fine, sorry to make you worry"

the old man fished out a handkerchief and gave to Amy to wipe her tears with.

"No I am the one who should be sorry, clearly i am butting into things that are none of my business. But i hate seeing little girls cry like that"

Amy took the handkerchief and wiped her tears and smiled at the man. She did not know why but she felt calm and familiar with this man, even though she had never met him before.

"Sir you are vary kind to reach out to complete strangers, that is a trait not found much now of days, thank you"

the old man smiled at Amy

"If its not to much to ask just what were you crying about?"

Amy lowered her head then raised it and answered man

"I was just proposed to"

The old man was a little confused

"isn't that something that most would be happy about? why are you so sad?"

Amy didn't know why she was so willing to open up to this man, but the more they talked the better she felt.

"normally most people would however, I feel unworthy to even strand next to him and i have found things about myself that lower my status even more. I do not want people to look down on us because of me."

Old man listen to Amy and simply smiled and patted her in the head.

"let me ask you this do you love him and does he love you?"

Amy feeling my calm answered his question

"Yes I love him and I believe that he loves me"

The man smiled

"then don't concern yourself with what others think only care about what you think and make yourself someone worthy of standing beside him. If you two truly love each other then nothing else matters"

Hearing this Amy felt more at ease, the words of the old man were right. She did not need to concern herself with the thoughts of others and only needed to focus on herself.

"Thank you sir, you really are wise and I appreciate you're advice"

Just then the two heard a voice call out


As the two turned they saw Elizabeth with Michaels bodyguards following running towards them.

"Amy there you are, don't run off like that. you scared all of us"

Amy smiled at her mother and gave her a hug

"your right I'm sorry for making you worry"

Elizabeth was a little puzzled by her daughters attitude, just what had happened?

Amy then turned towards the old man

"Sir thank you for you're advice and kind words, I am sorry I did not get your name?"

The old man smiled

"It was no trouble young miss, you may call me Andrew"

Amy bowed to the man

"Andrew, My name is Amy Wu and this is my mother Elizabeth"

As the old man looked at Elizabeth his eyes widened, like he had seen a familiar face. his reaction had confused Amy and Elizabeth. Elizabeth decided to ask a question

"Sir is everything alright"

Andrew then shook his head and regained his composure

"Yes everything is fine, I hope to see you around miss Wu."

With that the man turned and left.

as he left Elizabeth asked Amy who that man was, to which she simply replied.

"A very wise and kind man who helped me."

The two women left the park followed by Michaels men and headed back home.


Michael and Adam sat in the car with Andy as the were driven to the Brandon Chen location. From there Michael would try and come up with a plan on how to deal with the Black Death. He then looked up at Andy and asked him a question.

"Andy, from there conversation how important do you think the Lu family is to the Black death operation here in East City?"

Andy pondered for a moment and then answered

"Very important, they appear to be his biggest contact in the city and the one who have been organizing everything on his behalf"

Hearing this Michael then grinned. When Adam saw this he had a pretty good idea of what Michael was thinking.

"Are you planning on moving up our plans with the Lu family to buy more time for the Wu's?"

Michael nodded his head

"Yeah, if what Andy is saying is right taking them out could cause him to loose his foot hold"

As they were talking the car pulled up into a rundown hotel on the outskirts of town. one of Michaels men walked up to the car and knocked on the window. Michael rolled down the window to hear what the man had to say.

"Sir we have confirmed that this is were Brandon Chen was staying however, there has been a issue"

Michael raised a eyebrow at what the man said

"What issue?

The man then turned and pointed to the manager of the hotel who was behind him.

"Please explain to my boss"

The man approached and stood in front of Michael with a very scared look.

"Brandon Chen has been staying here the past few weeks and earlier today as he was leaving a van pulled up and several men grabbed him and took off."

When Michael heard this he rubbed his temple his displeasure

"They already got to him"

He the dismissed the manager and told his men to drive back to the office. He knew he had to take out the Lu family quick.

"Adam were are starting our plan tonight, go to the club and pretend to get drunk. Andy try to reach out to Richard and let him know that his target is alone and drinking heavily"

The two men understood their task and nodded their heads in unison. the Adam asked Michael to drop him off at his house.

"let me get with my grandfather, he may be able to provide some insight on how to deal with the Black Death and provide some more manpower"

Michael agreed and dropped Adam and Andy off at his home,

As Andy left Adam walked inside and saw his grandfather Sitting on the couch going through a old box.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

His grandfather did not even raise his head and just kept rummaging through the box

"looking for something"

Adam was a little curious.

"looking for what?"

Just as Adam asked this his grandfather help up a folded paper and screamed

"Found it"