The Two Are The Same.

Michael sat in his office at MR international going over some paperwork while waiting to head over to the club, while he was working he kept thinking about what Mark Wu had told him. 

"Master Yang, Amy recently discovered family secrets that leads her to view her own status lower then yours"

When Michael heard this he his attention was turned to Mark, what could have Amy have found that made her so much like this?

"Sir I don't mean to be sticking my nose into business of other families but just what did she discover?"

Mark lowered his head and this informed Michael about everything about his daughter and granddaughter, About his mistakes and what Brandon Chen had done. When Michael had heard this he was surprised, Brandon was not Amy's father and he even sunk so low to drive her real father out of east city. then Michael had a idea, if he could help Amy find her real father then that night help her heal, he then looked at Mark Wu.

"Sir, my family will not hold such a thing against her and will care more about her character. however, I do want to help Amy heal, could you please tell me her fathers name, I might be able to help find him"

Mark lowered his head and then said a name that made Michael almost fall over. 

"Jonathan Song"

As Michael sat there thinking about about all of this news he kept thinking about the name Jonathan Song, that was the name of Adams Uncle. Could the two be the same man, from the story that both his family and Adam told him the time seemed to match, but how could he confirm this. Just then his secretary knocked and came in. 

"Sir, there is somebody here to see you, he said he is your Grandfather"

hearing this Michael quickly stood up, his grandfather was here. why would he come all this way to east city. As Michael made his way to the door his grandfather walked past the secretary. 

"Michael, there you are"

John Yang walked toward Michael and gave his grandson a hug. 

"Grandfather I was not expecting you here, tell me what brings you all the way to East city?"

"Well, I kept hearing that East City was being transformed by MR international and that the great young master Yang was responsible for it. Also with both Andrew and his Grandson down here I figured its only a matter of time till everyone comes down."

Michael smiled hearing these words however, his smile then faded. He knew he had to tell his grandfather about everything that has happened and decided to start with worst of it. 

"grandfather please have a seat there is somethings I need to tell you about and need your advise"

hearing this John raised his eyebrow, both sat down and Michael had them bring some tea and the two began to chat. Michael then informing his grandfather about the black death and the Lu family. hearing this made his grandfather very nervous, he had heard about that man and that he was ruthless to his enemy. John finished his tea and then looked at his grandson. 

"Michael, we have never had to deal with the black death before, and while we do have the connection and the recourses, this man is a superior strategist, when deal with him you will need to analyze everything before taking the next step."

Michael understood what his grandfather was saying he had to be careful one wrong step and he could fail horribly. 


In a club on sunset strip Adam Song was playing his part, he had the manager set him up in the VIP area and had some women surround him and pour wine. While Adam had a strong tolerance he knew he had to act week to convince Richard and his men. In the office room that overlooked the club Adams Grandfather stood watching out over the club keeping and eye on his grandson and future heir. He knew that Adam was just acting as his grandson had explained the plan before, but that didn't mean that he liked it. watching Adam act like a spoiled rick fool was the exact thing he and his son did not want Adam to turn into. 

Just the the door to the office opened and in walked Michael and his grandfather John. seeing his old friend put a smile on Master Songs face, he walked over and greeted his friend with a hug. 

"John, what are you doing here in East city,"

John smiled back at his old brother in arms 

"well I heard that you and you grandson came here, so I figured Michael must have really built up the place"

As the two old man talked Michael watched and smiled, these two had been through wars and fought many hard battles. they look and acted like the best of friends or even siblings. Michael decided that they should catchup while he takes care of the Lu issue. 

"Grandfather I'm gonna have them bring you some Tea, if you would like I can have them take you to a more quite room so you two can talk"

However, Master Song turned to Michael and walked towards him. 

"that will not be necessary my boy, actually there is something i would like to discuss with you" 

The three sat down and had some tea, and while they were drinking Andrew Song pulled out a picture from his coat pocket and showed it to Michael. 

"Michael, i understand you are familiar with a Elizabeth Wu correct?"

Michael looked at the picture and could not believe it, there was a young Elizabeth holding the arm of a man that resembles Adam. 

"Yes, i know her and her daughter Amy, Sir where did you get this picture?"

Master Song looked Michael in the eye and told him plainly.

"the Man in that photo was my late son Jonathan, i believe he and this Elizabeth Wu had a close relationship. You have heard the stories about my son and i would like to know what happened to him while he was in East City"

When Michael saw this picture there was now no doubt in his mind anymore, the two were the same man that meant that Amy real name was Amy Song and she was the eldest Daughter of the Song family. 

"Sir i believe i know what happened to your son"

When Michael said these words both elderly men sat up straight. Michael then Proceeded to tell them how Jonathan worked here in East City and had dated Elizabeth Wu. He then told them how Brandon Chen had set Jonathan up fore crimes and how they made him believe that Elizabeth had betrayed him as well. When Master Song had heard this he was angry and sad, they had hurt his son and framed him for crimes he did not commit. then Michael reviled a truth to him. 

"Sir, i believe that Amy Wu is you granddaughter."