Chapter 17

Harmony's POV

I'm sitting in bed just reading a book. I wonder who that dude was from before. He is quite hot and he kinda looks like Xavier. I know I probably made Xavier angry by staring at that man especially how possessive he is. I hear the door open and look up to see Xavier and that other man in the doorway.

The way they were looking at me made shiver and squirm. Their eyes make me feel some type of way. I look away from them not able to take the intensity of their eyes. The moment I looked away my face was grabbed and pulled back to look at them again.

"Don't ever look away from us again," The mystery man growled at me. I look at Xavier to see if he would do something. He seems like he doesn't care at all about what is happening. He has the same expression as the man in front of me. I nod my head to show that I understand. That doesn't seem to please him at all.

"We expect verbal responses from you, kitten." Him calling me 'kitten' makes my stomach feel funny. What is wrong with me? I then remember what he said and quickly responded.

"Yes sir." A look of satisfaction crosses their face. I look at them questioningly to see what they wanted.

"I know that you're probably wondering why we are in here. We came to the conclusion that we will share you." I looked surprised. I'm especially surprised that Xavier is fine with this. I could never see him as the type to share what's his.

"I don't have any say in this do I?" I ask them even though I know the answer to the question.

"No you don't, baby." This time it was Xavier who answered. Before I could stop myself I said something that I knew I would regret.

"Why won't you just let me go? Why don't you understand that I don't want to be here? Find someone else who would want both of you cause I don't. So let's just save the trouble and let me the fuck go."

Both their expressions darkened after I said that. The moment their faces darkened the confidence I had drained out of me. I start to push myself away from them. The more I moved away the more they moved closer. I tried to get up and run across the room to the bathroom. The moment I got up I was pulled back down and put on one of their laps.

Xavier moved in front of me and gripped my face hard. I could tell that I was going to bruise from his hold. I tried to grab his hand but the man just grabbed my hands and held them with one of his. I tried to pull my face away from his hand but that didn't work at all. I then reverted to just moving around until one of their grips left my face. My squirm was quickly stopped by the man hands on my waist.

I quickly grabbed Xavier's hands and tried to pull his hands away from me. "STOP FUCKING MOVING!!!!" All my movement ceased and I cowered away from him.

"You clearly need a punishment, baby girl." Fear covered me like no other when he said those words. I don't think I can take another punishment.

"P-Please d-don't do-o this. I-I'm so-s-sorry. I-I won't d-do it again." I begged them and I think that their sadistic selves loved it. I just want them to not punish me. Them scaring me is enough of a punishment for me. I don't need to be punished again.

"You know we can't do that baby so there is no point in asking. What do you think her punishment should be, Damien?" Oh so his name is Damien. I look at him pleadingly hoping that he will let me off.

"I don't know. What do you have in mind, Xavier?" No why didn't you just say something. Xavier punishment are just the worse. I know that I don't know Damien at all but I'm just hoping that he is just nicer.

"Maybe we should take it easy and just spank her?" Whew just a spanking. Spankings aren't that bad.

Time Skip~

Oh boy was I wrong. I thought that I was just going to get a small spanking. Now I'm sitting here with a bruised butt. They both spanked me 25 times and I could tell that they put all their strength into the last few ones. I want be able to sit for a while now. Now I'm laying on Xavier's chest while Damien left to go get something.

Damien soon came back with something in his hand and I start to get. I try to get away from Damien but Xavier holds me in place. Damien walks even closer to me.

"P-Please n-n-no m-m-more." I begged scared to get hit again.

"Shhhhh I won't hurt you anymore. This is to help you." He then puts some stuff on his hands and rubs it on my butt. Oh did I tell you that I was spanked bare? I whimper and moan a little. They chuckle at this and I blush deeply.

"Feels good baby?" I blush even more at the question. I don't know if he wanted me to answer so I just stuff my face into his neck even more.

"Kitten I believe that my brother asked you a question." Damien stopped rubbing my butt and I started to whine. I feel a swift hit to my bottom and that is enough to get me quiet.

"Y-Yes i-it feels good." I blush from embarrassment. I stuff my face more into Xavier's neck while Damien starts to finish off. Damien puts the stuff back and comes back and lays next to me. He pulls me half way onto him and kisses my forehead.

"From now on you'll be shared between the both of us. You'll be dating the both of us. You'll be punished by the both of us. You'll feel pleasure from the both of us. Everything we'll be with the both of us." While hearing this all I can think about is how people will react to this.

"What about other people though? Like all the looks we will get from people. What people will think of us, of me? The backlash from this relationship." I try to get them to see that this relationship will not work at all. Hopefully they will find someone who doesn't care about others opinion.

"What other people think doesn't matter. Don't worry about them. People will always have something to say about other people who are better than them. All that matters is what we want and think." Xavier says sternly. I can tell that he is trying to get any idea of being set free out of my head. The thing that scares me is that my heart swelled at his words.

I feel a tap on my butt and get up. Once I'm up Xavier walks into the closet and comes back with panties. I grab them and try to walk into the bathroom. I was grabbed and pulled back onto the bed.

"Put it on right here. It's nothing that we haven't seen before." Damien says this while smirking. I blush and hurriedly put on the panties. After I put them on I grab Xavier's and Damien's hands. We walk into the office and I immediately groan. They walk over to the desk and I sit on the couch laying down. I guess that I will just take a nap.