Chapter 19

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" I would have expected it to have come from Xavier but from Damien never. I don't think I heard him sound so aggressive before. I guess Chloe hasn't either since I saw fear flash through her eyes. She shivers a little but doesn't back down. Wow this girl is really stupid.

"I'm talking to you guys. How dare you cheat on me and let this slut sit on top of you?" She clearly can't take hints. The way they were looking at her you could tell that she was unwanted here. She has guts though I'll hand her that but she is still stupid.

"Talk to us like that again. I fucking dare you. She is our queen and not some slut like you. You mean nothing to us and we never even touched you so I don't know where you got that from." I guess she lied about her having some relationship with them both.

Why did him saying that give me so much relief? I'm not falling for them am I? No I can't not after all the things I've been through. I kidnapped for sakes. I looked at her to see her glaring at me. Great more females just keep hating me for something I have no control over.

"How can you say that? I have seen the way you look at me. You want me just as much as I want you. You think you want her when really you don't. You're just being controlled by her." This girl makes no sense. If I could control them then I would force them to let me go.

"Gabby Charisse, or whatever your name is, we don't want you. We never even looked at you if it wasn't disgust." She looked shattered at him not knowing her name. I would too. The person you love not even knowing your name.

She looked my way and gave me the deadliest glare she could muster. If looks could kill I would probably three feet under. Yeah I know it's six feet but her glare wasn't that bad. "You better watch your back bitch. Next time I see you you will receive more than just a slap."

At that sentence I can feel the atmosphere of the room change. If Xavier wasn't holding me so tightly on top of him I would have booked it down the hall. Damien starts to stand up and honestly he is starting to scare me more than Xavier.

"How dare you put your disgusting hands on what is ours? You even had the nerve to threaten her in front of us." I know for a fact that her saying it in front of them or not doesn't matter. They would still be this heated.

Xavier grips starts to tighten on me and I see Damien fist getting even tighter by the minute. Chloe looked a little scared but quickly covered it.

"Yeah so what? I'm your real queen. I just have to get her out of the way." I'm starting to think that this girl has a death wish. I guess her saying that just guaranteed her a death sentence. Right after she said that Xavier shot her right between her eyes.

When did he have time to grab a gun? I didn't even feel him move to grab something. I stare at Chloe laying there in a puddle of her own blood. Both the twins go back to what they were doing like there isn't a dead body in the middle of the floor. I continue to look at her in horror.

This is the second time I watched someone die in front of me. I can't bring myself to stop looking at her. "Stop looking at her. She is dead. Forget about her." Of course Xavier was the one to say that. It not as easy as he makes it sounds.

I feel hands grab my face and turn it away from her. Xavier stuffs my face into his neck. I try to move my head to be able to breathe a little better but he had other ideas. He pushed my head back but kept his hand there. "Keep your head here. You won't be able to see her."

I huff a little but I guess that was a mistake. Xavier lets out a groan and shift a little. I blush thinking about what I just did. I should probably start thinking about my actions before I do them.

I thought Xavier would have done something but he just goes back to work. It's so boring but now it is even more worse now that I can't even look around. I look down and see his arm. I decide to do something that I probably wouldn't do if I wasn't so bored. I start to trace his tattoos.

He shivers when my hand makes contact with his arm. My hand was most likely cold as they always are. I continue to trace his tattoos until I heard the door open. I try to turn to look at who it was but Xavier stopped me from doing so. I go back to tracing him and hear the door close again.

I hear the sound of a chair moving and footsteps coming our way. I know that Xavier wasn't going to let me look so I don't even try. I feel myself being lifted up and turn my head to see Damien. He smiles at me and I do the same.

He puts me on his hips and starts to walk out the room. From the corner of my eyes I see that Chloe's body was missing. I guess the person that came in here before took her away. I feel so bad for her. She was just upset and was trying to take her anger out. She definitely didn't need to die for a few words.

I look up and see that we were in the garden. The garden still amazes me so much. I bet it took hours to do this whole garden. Whoever did this deserves an award winning trophy for this. He sets me on the ground and I just take a deep breath relaxing from all the calming scents.

Him taking me here definitely helped me take my mind off of everything that happened today. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I shouldn't have showed you that part of me." I was surprised at what he said as I didn't think he would have apologized for being defensive and protective of me.

"It's fine. No one if calm for their whole life. It's good to let of some steam once in a while."