My Own Platoon!

Yuan Dong returned to his tent after a long conversation with the Major. He began cultivating, when, all of a sudden, someone barged in.

"Hm? Who are you?"

"Your Platoon Sergeant, Chi Danshi."

Yuan Dong thought back to his conversation. The Major had mentioned at some point that he would be commissioned as an officer and would lead a platoon, but he had never thought it would be so soon! This would interrupt his cultivation...

Seeing the ugly look on Yuan Dong's face, Chi Danshi made an ugly face in return.

You're just a recruit, aren't you? Just a Mortal Stage 4 realm Cultivator! Just a stupid newbie... Why did you have to take my promotion slot? I have toiled for years and years to advance my cultivation to Qi Training Stage 1 and butter up the Major, and I lost all that work in an instant. I wanted to lead this damn platoon! And now, when being told your position, you frown! Are you serious?

Yuan Dong did not know the thoughts that were streaming through Chi Danshi's head and said: "Sounds alright... I guess I could do this in the off-time..."

Chi Danshi almost blacked out that day.

Upon arriving at the platoon's barracks, Yuan Dong was informed that this was Platoon 5 of the Company. The soldiers looked haggard and scared of their new lieutenant. All the soldiers were looking down and some even had fearful and crying expressions on their faces. Even the equipment, resources, and beds were breaking down.

Yuan Dong asked them all: "Why are you all so sad?"

A private replied: "Sir... haven't you noticed? This is the lowest platoon in the company. All of Tianhai's military functions on a very dog-eat-dog premise. The lowest 30 members of the company get put into this platoon. We receive the shittiest work, the shittiest pay, and the shittiest cultivation resources. We don't even get respect for what we do! Our sergeants can be bullied by recruits from other platoons... Every month, there is a Platoon Swapping Test. Based on the cumulative results of our platoon, we rise to the top or fall to the bottom. We have been in the bottom 7 months in a row as we do not have any chances to improve our cultivation or techniques."

Yuan Dong thought for a moment and began to speak. He had never liked systems in his previous life that put others down and had others rise to the top with everything. Therefore, with his extreme talent, he decided to BREAK THE DAMN SYSTEM. Every one of his members would rise to the very top platoon next month! All of these ideas and more were included in the speech that he gave to them.

After being perked up, all the soldiers began to march outside to the field for their daily drills and received cat-calls from soldiers from other platoons.

"Hey, Bottoms! Enjoy doing double fitness exercises!"

"Fucking Mortal Stage 2 Cultivator as a Sergeant! HAHAHA! Useless idiots!"

"Why are they even included in our Company... Just have them clean the latrines!"

All this torment made the soldiers of Platoon 6 exceedingly sad and irritated. However, they couldn't do anything as they were in the lowest platoon with the lowest cultivations of all. Everyone kept their heads down... Except for Yuan Dong. Exceeding expectations, he called out: "Dogs! All bark and no bite... What a pity..."

The soldiers of other platoons were shocked and then began to rumor.

"Isn't that the rookie lieutenant? He must be intent on shaking things up..."

"Stupid idiot... how can he change anything."

The lieutenants of Platoon 2 and 3 walked up. "Yuan Dong, did you say something?"

"I said you are all dogs! Deaf dogs apparently!"


This announcement burned in the ears of every person there. Since when did Platoon 6 gain such an arrogant leader?

The Major watched from afar. Trying to mess with Yuan Dong? You might as well rip your head off yourself..

The Platoon Leaders of every other Platoon looked at him. Then Yuan Dong said something else.

"If you win against me, I will give you all of Platoon 6's cultivation resources for one year! If I win against all of you, you will give me all of your platoons' cultivation resources for THREE YEARS!"

Another HONG!!!

"This rookie is really confident huh?"

The members of Platoon 6 were enraged. What the fu*k? That's all of our goddamned cultivation resources you're betting! Aren't you really too arrogant?

Finally, the leader of Platoon 1 walked over first. "I'll deal with him alone, no need to get dirt on our shoes. Mortal Stage 4? Pshhh. I have the cultivation of Qi Training Stage 1! You will die!"

Everyone around gasped because this was the highest cultivation any Platoon Leader in the whole company had! Yuan Dong was going to die...

"We'll see about that."

Yuan Dong walked up to the Platoon Leader, used his full power measured to be at Qi Training Stage 3, and...

Slapped him!

There was a huge cloud of dust floating up from Yuan Dong's position. Everyone sighed, noting the loss of yet another brazen cultivator. But when the dust cleared, the cultivator that had turned into a raging maniac was the Platoon Leader! He had scars and bruises all over his face, and he was crawling on the floor.

"Please Yuan Dong! Don't slap me anymore! I'll call you anything even Great-Grandfather!"

Crowd: ...

Platoon 6: ...

The Major: ...

No one expected Yuan Dong to come out on top! Especially not by slapping the other opponent to half-death!

There was dead silence in the crowd for a long time after that. Even the Major was pale-faced.