Chapter 108: Was She Stupid Or Too Brave?

 "Ah... It's raining again..."

 The guy turned to Bashu who was in a cave with the flashlight shining on the books, "Are we still looking for that thing?"

 "The best time for it to be out should be now." Bashu muttered with a frown as he fumbled through the pages with his emerald color eyes glued to the images and words laid out before him. 

 Hearing this, the man sighed in dismay as he began folding away the raincoats he brought with him for such situations. After having entered the small realm, he was scared unconscious by falling in the skies, woke up to find himself in some random cave, was told to drag a woman with them, and failed to follow his orders. Ever since then, this guy have been in a terrible mood and refuses to look him in the eyes. Well, it wasn't like he ever did look him in the eyes or anything, but can't he at least give him some recognition for working so hard, at least?!