Chapter 129: Building A Raft

  "This must've been partly true, at least." Willow responded, "Because Yang Wei lost his father in a riot and I know for certain that his father must've been a demigod."

  "A riot?! During these times?" Windy looked to her in shock. 

  She nodded, "You don't know about this, because they closed off Beijing, but a riot occurred due to the lack of proper procedures to intercept the events occurring in the quarantined area. Yang We's father took part in that riot and never came back. Even when others were armed." 

  "Does Missus Yang know?" The second uncle looked to her in surprise. 

  Willow frowned, "Who knows for certain, but I doubt it. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to lack the knowledge on what to be careful with Yang Wei also being a demigod. I'm suspecting that Yang Wei doesn't even know it himself. Yet, his father went to take part in the riot with hardly any weapons in hand, not even for self-defense."