Chapter 135: This Isn't Normal

    "We can't give them up." Windy spoke in shock as this information sets in, "Li Yan and Yang Wei are still children. We can't give away two small lives no matter how young they are. Can't we do anything else about it?"

    "I already decided myself that it'd be better to fight it off and make it give up the idea of taking them." Willow answered with a frown, "I'm not letting it take away those two either or Li Yun would have my head if something terrible happens to them."

    Well, minus the fact that she accidentally allowed them to make contracts with strange artifacts she had stated to have forgotten about back in the caves. 

    She had yet to see Li Yun explode, but she was also unwilling to witness it either. Confrontations and disputes are the last thing she wants to face and the last type of dispute is that of a battle with a tigress.