Chapter 193: A Doctor

    By the time they arrived at the scene, there were a few older men carrying the elderly farmer in a makeshift stretcher being carried to the house. Willow could see the unkept clothing and straw hat slung over his shoulder. The stubble around his chin made her wonder if the old man had been out of it of sorts from overwork as he also had some gray strands of hair shooting out of his scalp. Willow noticed that one of the dirty pant leg was pulled up and tightly bundled around his leg to prevent good blood flow to the rest of his leg and revealing the two crimson dots on his shin. 

    "Quick! Bring him into the Xia family home!"

    "How did he get bit by a snake? How did snakes get into the town?"

    "We'll discuss this later. We need to care for the elderly first!"

    "I've never seen him before. Who is he?"

    "He's the new guy that moved in last year."

    "At this time of his life?"