Chapter 226: That's My Little Secret

    Seeing her bright expression, Willow was amused. If anyone had learned that she was the daughter of the goddess of witchcraft, they wouldn't believe it in the slightest. 

    "Really?" Willow's firm lips soon hooked up into a smile as she pondered this thought. 

    "Yeah! Big Brother Yang said he's been to the beach before and played lots of games and swam in the ocean. I want to go there with him and play those games too!" She cried out playfully before sneezing.

    Willow huffed in exasperation, "So, you want to let your mother and brother go to the beach while you stay at home with the cold? All right."


    At her cry, Willow decided to stop teasing the child and continued, "All right. Let's go home now."

    "You can't tell mommy about the beach if I get sick, okay? Please?" She pleaded to Willow as Willow chuckled. 

    "But, I didn't even say if there was a beach yet," Willow said with a smirk.