My name is Wang Lie

For Xia, it's her first kiss. But unfortunately, she gets it from a beast.

'How did I kiss a beast? Being his food is better than that.'

"Is it the only way to get rid of my smell." Xia furiously asks Wang.

"Not exactly, but this one is quite cool, so I did it. I thought you also enjoyed it." Beasts were not always serious, sometimes they become flirty too.

"What!!!" His answer was quite surprising to Xia. What he said has some points, but a woman can't accept that easily, so Xia also gives an angrily-surprising expression.

A playful smile appears on Wang's face. From that, Xia realized that he is just teasing her.

"Haa, how can someone joke at this serious situation." Xia murmured.

Xia just leaves the matter, and come to talk about the most important one. Escaping from prison.

"So, what's your plan to escape from here." She just expecting some ideas from Wang. But he didn't think about escaping from prison.

"Nothing, I'm just regaining my strength. If you have any ideas to escape, just do it, and don't disturb me, OK." He just sat on the floor, and peacefully take rest.

"What you mean by, go up with my idea? Then, what kind of benefit you are talking about earlier, Enjoy your resting pose, mister." Xia exploded.

"First of all, My name is Wang Lei. So please, call me Lei, and secondly, the benefits I talked about your safety, You are in safe hands of a young charming man, so it's a huge benefit." These words just shut up Xia.

'Beast is always a Beast. Why should I help this crafty Beast? Heartless fellow---' Xia regrets about helping him.

Wang changes his posture of sitting, it looks like he is in meditation. His lips were slightly moving, he saying something with low noise, but it isn't hearable for anyone. It's like he is regaining his spiritual powers.

Wang just in the same posture for an hour. At the same time, Xia making plan of escaping from prison. Suddenly Xia notices something strange happening to Wang, some minute golden glitters were coming out from his chest, which is floating on the atmosphere, and went outside their prison room. That was an interesting one to see, Xia observes it subtly.

"What's happening to him? What's this glitters, can I capture this? Where is it going? ---Is he dumb if someone views it, everything will over.' Xia tries to capture it with her hands, but it flows out from it.

The golden glitters left the prison and split into two directions, which floating aimlessly. It looks like it searching the entire building for someone. The glitter is invisible for others, not for Xia.

The place is quite larger and had too many crooked ways, but only one way to enter and exit. On that building, other beasts were also imprisoned. The arrangement of cells is far apart from each other, so one prisoner can't see another. Maybe there, screams can hear to others.

On the building, more than forty guards were working there to make that place safe and secure. At least one beasts were locked in each cell, but the beasts seem like they have no energy to fight or scream. The beasts there imprisoned are from different origins and their appearance was also different some are like humans, half-humans, animals structured ones...

On the search, the golden glow entered a cell. The floor is wet with blood, on the top, a beast was lying. He is conscious, but his body doesn't have enough strength to stand on its feet.

The fine particles come back to Wang and re-entered to his body. He abruptly opened his eyes and think about the sceneries he saw.

'What's happening here, How a beast can be these much feeble? Most of them are looked young, then why can't they help themselves? And what happened to Xin, why he seems so weak when I can regain my strength? The blood in his cell is surely not Xin, then whose--- How should I find these answers?' Lots of questions pop-up in his mind, not even a single one had a proper answer.

"Aaacchhooo---" A sneezing sound appeared from Xia.

The one who can give answers is sitting in front of him. Only Xia can clear the doubts, Wang is sure that she isn't the one who put him here, but at least she can help him in clear the doubts. For that, he needs to find out why she is with him in the prison.

"What kind of crime you have done, they put you here?" Wang suspiciously looked towards Xia.

"Why should I tell you?" Contempt facial expression appears in her face. The one who can't help her, so she also rejects to answer. Wang angrily looked towards her, Xia is conscious that the one standing here is not a human, and that thought forced her to answer his questions.

"OK, OK, don't look at me like that. It's just a robbery case." Xia said.

"You are a thief, I just expect more. It's a disappointment. So tell me, What did you rob then?" Wang has seen curious to know more about the robbery.

"A royal treasure, the princess crown--- Before we sell it, a traitor betrayed us." She hits the wall, which shows her frustration.

"Haa--- with this looks, no one will ever say that you are a cute thief." Wang looks at her face and said.

'Is he flirting with me.'

"What are you thinking?" Wang disturbs Xia's thoughts.

"Nothing, just thinking about how to get out of here." Xia tries to change the topic.

"As a thief, it's shameful that you are still in this prison." Wang shouldn't miss a chance to tease her.

"Whose talking---As a beast, you can't even break a single rope." Xia mocked Wang too.

"Lower your voice, the guards will hear. I have one more question to ask." Xia curiously waits for Wang's question, he continues " The guards brought you alone here."

"Not at all, they take us here as a whole group. I think they send others to another prison."

Xia's statement gives a clue to his doubts. With this information, he tries to solve the first part of the mystery

'There isn't any human in other cells. Then the blood shown in Xin's cell must be one of the prisoners. After getting a heavy meal, how can they still be so weak? Something is still wrong.'

Wang heard another boot noise coming towards there cell. Wang understood that the soldier is coming for rounds, and it's time to fight back and save himself from this situation. But he knew that rashly acting is only leads to complicate the situation. So sudden attack is not a good idea, he uses his brain.

Wang creates an imaginary view on the wall, it looks like one side of the wall is broken down. Xia shockingly looks at the imaginary view, and she proudly looks at Wang. Suddenly, Wang hides near the corner with Xia.

"What are you doing?" Xia couldn't understand what his next step or what is he doing.

"Ssshhh---" Wang covered her mouth with his hands.

The soldier is in front of their cell. From the vintage of the wooden door, the soldier sawed the broken wall. He quickly opens the door and enters the cell.

Wang suddenly attacks him from the backside, he needs only one move to kill the guard, he just broke his neck with strong hands. Wang takes the keys and the sword from the soldier. And left the prison, for taking Xin so they can leave the place together.

'Is he dead? Mr.Lei just killed him---Where is he leaving? What should I do now? Shall I follow him?' Xia couldn't understand What is he doing.

On the way to Xin's cell, Wang faces more guards with swords. In the fight, Xia realized one thing, Wang is not just a beast, he knew how to fight with a sword too. He is a good fighter in this field, Xia also helps him to share the fight with guards. From her moves, it's clear that she is a trained martial artist.

Both of them just cleared the area, but one of the guards just rang the bell of danger. Hearing the sound, the guards on the other floor will come in any seconds.

Wang opens the door, where Xin is prisoned. Xin senses the smell of Wang and tries to get up, but he fell to the floor.

"Is that you,Wang---" Xin curiously asked. Wang fastly approaches him and gives a tight hug to Xin.

"Don't waste time, fast we need to leave, they will come at any seconds?" Xia reminds him.

Xin curiously turns his head to the Xia. At the time, Wang broke the wall at his single hit.

"Wang, you must escape from here, don't think about me just leave," Xin advises him to leave the place

"Do you think, I just let you die here. They have taken us together, so we leave here together." Wang carried Xin on his back and walk towards the broken wall.

Wang takes a look at Xia for a second. He turns his eyes quickly from her and sighed. Wang just jumped to outside. While falling on the air, he shifted himself to a dragon with large wings. Xin safely sitting on his back, Wang just flies away from there.

Xia is still on the building, Wang just left Xia to die there. She slowly walks to the edge and looks downwards. Beneath the building, only sharp rocks were placed on the ground.

"What about me, then?" Xia hopelessly asked to herself.