Xiong Kingdom

--- At Hua's house ---

The house is small, anyway, two people can adjust there. As she says, her house is clean and tidy. In front of the house, there is a small garden that looks so beautiful.

"Nice house. you are living alone in this house."

"I have been living alone for 3 months. You can stay here as much as you wish." Hua observe Xia's closely and continued. "What happened to your clothes? It looks dirty."

"Ohh, I just fell on the ground while walking earlier. If there is any river or lake near here, I need to clean up myself." Xia curiously waited for Hua's answer.

"There is a lake near the forest, but do you really have to take a bath. It's being sunset, You know on nights the beast comes out from the forest." Hua frighteningly said.

"You just lead me there, if any beast appears I can handle him. Also, I heard that the beasts attack was minimized."

"I think you never experienced a beasts attack. You know, beasts are the dangerous creatures on the earth. They are stronger than ten elephants, their looks are like--- Ahh, they had the head structure and horns of a buffalo, the arms and body of a bear, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the jaws, teeth, and mane of a lion, the tusks of a wild boar and the legs and tail of a wolf." Her expressions and manual expectation of a beast made Xia laugh.

"Hua, Not every beast looks like that, and not every beast kills humans," Xia assuredly spoked and continues, "If you are this much afraid of it, then just tell me how to reach the lake. I will go alone, If you don't mind can I borrow some clothes from you--" Xia can't tolerate anymore the stinky smell from her clothes and body.

"If you are stubborn to go there, then I will lead the way. Wait here." Xia waited outside the house. Hua comes back with some clothes, a lamp, and a large stick too. She gives the clothes to Xia and leads the way to the lake.

--- At forest---

Zheng Wei and his group were waiting to trap beasts who wandering alone in the forest. The leaves on the trees started to make sounds, the five huntsmen surmised that the beast is somewhere near to them.

The beast's red eyes were sparkled from behind the leaves. The beast is very fast and cunning before they reach he changes his position. Suddenly Fang Song's legs were grasped by something and drag him to the woods. Fang's sword was dropped, while the intense attack from the beast. An arrow abruptly cuts the beast tail, he drops fang and disappeared to the woods.

Fang nods his head towards Han Xi, to say he is alright. They move forward towards the direction the beast went. But they couldn't find him.

"Keep search, with the wound, the beast can't escape that easily," Han Xing told to others.

"You are right, brother. A wounded beast is more terrific than others, so let him escape is risky." Han Xi supports his brother.

Everyone agrees to what Xing said and split in search of the beast.

Zheng and Fang were moved in the same direction as a group, and the others were moved in the opposite direction.

"Are you ok?" While walking Zheng asked Fang.

"That's nothing, I'm alright. You do not need to worry about me." Fang always had a serious look, without losing his attitude he replied. Fang just overtakes Zheng and walked fastly.

"Fang, slow down. I understand you are alright." Zheng follows Fang.

---At Xiong Kingdom ---

Xiong, the land of beasts, Placed far away from human land. Different kinds of beasts were living there. The land is filled with talking animals and mythical creatures.

A huge castle was placed on the middle of the kingdom, Dragon symbol flags were held high above the walls. Wang turns his route to the castle. "The prince is coming---" a small girl says loudly, so others can hear.

"I should need to give this news to Queen." a lady suddenly run inside to the castle.

Wang crash-landed on the yard and slowly placed Xin to the ground. Xin already losses consciousness. Wang changes his body to a human one.

The Queen and her servants come to the yard. Wang slowly walked towards the Queen, after taking two steps he also collapses to the ground. Before losing his consciousness, he saw everyone runs towards him and the queen's hand softly touches his face and calling his name.

A few hours later, Wang regains his conscious. Now he is in his room. Suddenly a face come in front of him.

"Finally you are awake. You know, how long I'm waiting here for you." a female voice appeared.

A girl with a wide smile on her face, her large blue eyes were eagerly looking to Wang.

"Qin, what are you doing here. Where are others?" Wang has been surprised after seeing her in his room.

"They all are in Xin's room, his condition isn't that good--- Anyway I'm happy because you are safe, nothing happened to you." Qin hugs Wang.

Wang tries to wake up from the bed and somehow manages to stand up on his feet. He leaves the room and goes to see Xin. The Queen stops him from seeing Xin and takes Wang to her room.

"What happened to you two? Where had you been for these days? Who did these to my sons?" Queen furiously asked Wang.

"Now, I can't explain anything to you. I really couldn't figure it out, what happened there---And I don't know what they did to Xin?--- Only one thing I know is Humans, did it to us. After these many years in peace, I don't understand why humans are now ready to declare war against us." Wang sighed and look towards his mother.

"Humans, I will never let them live peacefully. How dare they touch my sons. You all will regret your actions." Queen's face filled with anger.

"Mom just calms down, we must wait for dad(the king) to return. I have to tell him some other news to him."

"I'm also waiting for his return. After that, the filthy humans will pay for what they did."

"Mom, shall I leave now, I have to meet Xin," Wang asks her for approval to leave the room. After getting her approval he gently leaves the room and went to Xin.