Feeling for someone

For Xia, it's the first time she saw someone who cares about her. Zheng Wei tries to talk stupid things pop-up in his mind, so Xia feels relaxed and tension free in his hands. Xia also gives accompany on his stupid talk.

"Wei--" A person runs towards them.

"Song, What happens?" Zheng Wei anxiously asked.

"Ohh, you are here." Fang Song has seen as relaxed after meeting Zheng Wei. "The lady said she saw a beast near the lake and her friend trapped there. I'm on my way to the lake. By the way, What happens to her?" Song confusingly looked Xia, she was sitting on Wei's hand. With fang, Hua also standing.

"Hua--" Xia pronounce Hua's name. Wei carefully gets down Xia, and She hugs Hua without any hesitation.

"There is no need to hurry, the beast is already dead and her friend is safe and standing in front of you," Wei looks at Xia and told to Song.

"Thank you, so much---" For helping Xia, Hua feels grateful towards Wei and Song.

"We need to leave." Xia holds Hua's and said.

"You two can go alone, ladies," Fang Song asked.

"We are almost out of the forest, so it's safe. We can go alone." Hua replied to his question and both of them walk towards their home. While walking, Xia turns her head towards Zheng Wei and gives a lovely smile to him.

"Aahh--Hmm--" Fang Song produces a sound and stares towards Wei. While Wei's mind is not there, he just looking towards the way, Xia has gone and keeps smiling.

"What--- Why are you staring at me? Something placed on my face." Wei stretches his face towards Fang Song.

"Not in your face, but it placed on your head." Fang Song takes a pink petal from his hair. "So What's going on in your mind?" Wei slowly walks towards their destination. His face is filled with shyness.

"I'm also clueless, what going on my mind?"

"Anyway, it's the first time, I saw you lifting a lady on your arms. I felt sorry for Kiara." On their way, they talk some personal.


"Her chances were lost, that's why." Zheng Wei confusingly looked towards Fang Song and he continues." What?--- Don't tell me, she had no such intentions towards you."

"Of course, she is a good friend of mine. So don't look at us with that view." After saying Wei fasten his walking speed.

"OK, let's talk about some business now." Fang Song follows Wei.

---After reaching Hua's home---

Lying on the bed, Xia thought about the memories she went through in the 2 days. Arrest, Wang, kiss, escape, Hua, Zheng, the beast all of them makes her sad and at the time happy too. While thinking, sleep slowly approaches her eyes and she fell to deep sleep.

The next morning, Xia helps Hua to make breakfast and both of them ready to go outside, so Hua can show her village to Xia.

Hua showed the ancient temple, the famous markets, where they can buy products at a cheap rate, restaurants. From these places, Xia purchases some clothes and eat different food selling on the street, with Hua.

"That's all, in your village, nothing more--- like some exciting place you showed me yesterday." Xia curiously asked.

"Are you teasing me for what happens?" Hua's face gets down.

"Not at all, yesterday is quite adventurous and the view is really beautiful. I like those places that's why I asked. There is no other intension like teasing you." Xia points out her view.

"There is a place, but we can't go there. It's a restricted area for villagers, the superior officials can go there." While thinking about places Hua said.

"In this village also, there are restricted areas. Quite unbelievable." Xia curiously asked.

"From the long 5 years, the area is restricted to the villagers. If someone enters there, they can't leave the place forever." Hua's voice trembled.

"What happens!!" Xia anxiously asked. "You can tell me anything."

"Someone I cared about, is in there, My mom." She cried. Xia somehow comforts her and takes her home.

'A restricted area in this peasants village, strange. If there any hidden treasure in that area. Before leaving here, I need to find out what's in there. '

Xia fixed in her mind that she will find out what activity is going on there. For more information, she needs the help of someone who knows the village and Hua is a good target for her mission.

Xia opens the items she brought from the market, so Hua's mind is diverted to these things. She gives some dresses to Hua from the bought ones.

"Why are you giving this to me? You can give it to your loved ones when returning home. If you give these to me, then what will you give them." Hua concerned.

"You don't need to concern about something that doesn't exist in the world and these clothes specially brought for you. It's a gift from me, so you can't reject it. If you don't want it you can throw it." After saying these Xia went to sleep.

---At Xiong---

Wang roaming around the garden. From his dressing we can say now he is a prince, wearing a white shirt and pants, a long coat is also worn on the top of the shirt. His long hairs were neatly combed and a golden dragon symbol clip placed on two side of his hair.

He seems to be upset, while someone interrupted his privacy. Another beast with the same physicals and signs as Wang. From that, we can say he is also a dragon. His clothes were not as cool as Wang, his dressing shows that he is someone working there as a guard.

The guard shows his respect by bowing towards prince Wang, he also bows his head.

"As a friend and my guard, now you get time to meet me, Nom." Wang friendly asks.

"I also want to meet you as soon as I got the news you come back to the castle. But what to do, I need to complete the task you gave. That's why I get late to meet you." Nom gives his explanation.

"That means you found out what happens there?" Wang curiously waits for Nom's response.

"Not exactly, but I get something that may help." Nom gives a golden compass to Wang. On the compass, there is a symbol of the sun and moon. He continued "Humans use these kinds of things, but the strange thing is that it found in the northern region."

"Without an inner help, human's can enter our land isn't easy. The one we are searching for is nearly close to us." Wang concludes his assumption.

"How Prince Xin now? I heard his eyesight is gone after coming from the human realm." Nom ask.

"He is fine. Uncle Lu is working on medicine to heal his eyes problem."

"Prince Wang, One thing I didn't figure out. The humans are not that powerful to caught you, even we can't defeat you and Xin, then how they can!" The doubts on Nom's mind, he discusses with Wang.

"I sensed some strange smell all over the area where we stayed, after that, I saw myself in jail. You know what the strange part was, I didn't get any sense of human presence on that area, where they attack us." Wang fold's finger to control his wrath.

"Both of you are in the same condition, then Why your eyesight hasn't gone?" The next doubt comes up in Nom's mind.

"My eyesight---" Wang suddenly paused and memorize about Xia.