
"We are trapped…" Yu Zhan worriedly says to Zheng Wei. They are already trapped in Hing Soin's room, there is no other door or way they know to escape from there. Both of them tightly hold their sword and quietly move towards the door.

"Wait, don't open the door. There is a secret door in this room, it leads us to the outside." After saying that, she takes the lamp near the table and hang on the wall. At that time, Yu Zhan was almost gone to open the door, luckily he didn't open it. The secret door slowly opens, Zheng Wei and Yu Zhan follow the Xia. To lock the door's room, Yu Zhan cleverly takes off the other lamp hanged opposite to it.

But he never felt that what he doing for safety going to put them in a new danger. Suddenly some sounds were heard from the walls. They didn't wait for what going to happen there, they just run towards the route that leads them outside. But abruptly, they hear a chain rubbing sound, which is hearing very near to them. Zheng Wei pulls back Xia before a sharp nailed paw touches her face. A giant wild fox came towards them.

At the same time, Xlon Xa was waiting outside the door for getting permission to enter the room.

"Sir, Please open the door. There is some important news I want to tell you."

Hing Soin tries to make the sound but his mouth was full of clothes, so his voice didn't come out. To get help from Xlon Xa, somehow he makes sounds by hardly pushing the table near to his leg. After hearing the sound, doubted Xlon Xa tries to open the door which is locked from inside by Zheng Wei. He breaks the door and comes inside.

Seeing imprisoned Hing Soin in his own room, Xlong Xa didn't waste any time on thinking.

"Sir, what happened here, and Who done this to you?"While unties Hing Soin, Xlon Xa asks.

"There is no time to explain what happened here, they sawed my real form. If they escaped all our hard work will be in vain. Xlon, go and catch them." On that condition, Hing Soin says. Xlon tries to open the door, but he couldn't open it.

"Sir, it's locked." After hearing that word from Xlon Xa, a weird smile appeared on Soin's face. Xlon didn't understand what's it meaning, but he sure that they can't escape from the secret tunnel.

"That means they dug their own grave. Now, it's more interesting to see how they escape from Kiachi." Hing Soin whispers.

While Zheng Wei and Yu Zhan were trying to defeat the wild fox. It's not been that much hard for them to defeat a fox. With some small wounds, they kill the fox and continue to walk on their path. While moving forward the chains sound were following them, but this time the sound appearing may feel like more than one were coming towards them.

They ran as fast as they can do, but Wei is clear that hiding or running can't help them from saving their lives. The foxes were following them by sensing their smell, the others can escape only when one will sacrifice himself in this trap.

Within seconds, the other fox has surrounded them. All of them were tried to fight with wild foxes but with how much, their numbers aren't decreasing. Others were also coming, it looks like there isn't any end.

"Yu Zhan takes her from here. I can handle them. Leave here.." While fighting with foxes, Zheng Wei told to Yu Zhan.

"Wei, my duty is to protect you, not to secure my life when your life at stake. The one who needs to leave here is you, Go…" While hearing both of there conversation, Xia is the one who was almost in trouble. She didn't have any weapon to fight or have the heart to leave them alone in this situation.

The situation was isn't in control state. On the other side, Xlon has entered the tunnel and coming for them. Suddenly, a miracle happened there, the foxes were turned to ice statues. Xia was in shock after seeing this, but there is no reaction was shown in Wei and Yu Zhan.

Before coming back to the shock, Wei takes her from there. Somehow they succeed in escaping from Kiachi and they leave the place as much as fast they can.

Xlon Xa hadn't get the chance to catch them but seeing the statues of foxes make him confused. He orders to catch the intruders at any cost to his soldiers, and he went to inform what happened there to Hing Soin.

"Sir, they aren't normal thieves who entered Kiachi. I think they have some connection with the magicians. Is it some kind of sign that the forbidden magicians were coming." Xlon Xa points out his confusion by analyzing the situations.

"Now, it's not the time to find out is they are from the magician's group or not. What important here is the girl, I want her alive or not. How many guards you won't take them all, just take her here." Hing Soin furiously orders to Xlon Xa.

For Xlon, finding a girl isn't that hard. But without knowing how she looks like, or anything about her it's been a hard one. To find her, he takes his half army and leaves to Shinon.