“Queen of Kindness”

Back in India.

"Do you think this will work out?"Vansh whispered to Sanvi, who was trying to peek and look in side Vaidehi's parents room.

"Keep quite and watch it. It my idea, not a flop one like yours. She will do it easily." Sanvi said with a smug smile and smiled looking at Vaidehi , who was standing in front of her parents room.

Author: Wondering what's going on?

Well ,flashback to fewwww hourssss agoooo.

"What's your plan Sanvi?" Vaidehi asked looking at Sanvi, who was smiling creepily.

"Stop making faces! You look like you're planing to kidnap a kid by luring them with chocolates." Vansh chided and smack her head lightly.

"Ooch!" Sanvi frown and glared at Vansh but nonetheless she smile creepily amd and rubbed her hand in excitement.

"Listen both of you and listen carefully. we will butter, no now we will Vaidu di(sister) will butter them with kindness. And our first target will be Bade papa(Vaidehi parents/ Sanvi uncle and aunty) and bade ma!" Sanvi clapped her hand and flipped her hair.

"Now, guys you don't have to thank me, I know my plan is awesome." Sanvi said with a smug smile.

Vaidehi and Vansh looked at each other and than at Sanvi.

"You ,my highness. It will be very kind of you to tell us ,how she is going to butter them?" Vansh said with a fake smile and Vaidehi nodded and looked at Sanvi questioningly.

Sanvi jumped on the table top and said, "Oh my dear ,poor, helpless people. Why fear when queen of kindness is here?"

"Kindness? Huh, more like queen of dumbness." Vaidehi muttered under her breath, to which Vansh , who was standing near her snorted.

Sanvi glared at both of them and jumped from the table. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Laugh all you want but, I know end of the day, you will be coming to me singing my praise!"

"We will see. Now tell me what to do next?" Vaidehi said with a frustrating sigh.

"Listen here kids." Sanvi whispered her awesome top secret plan to both of them.

Vaidehi smiled , while Vansh frowned.

"This plan sounds awesome. I taught you well, didn't I?" Vaidehi said proudly.

"Hey! This is my plan, you didn't taught me anything!" Sanvi whined.

"As if this plan is even going to succeeded!" Vansh said grumpily.

"You are just jealous, Vansh bhai.(Brother)"


"Let's butter them with kindness!" Sanvi said cheerfully.

End of flashback.

Vaidehi gulped and with shaky hands, she knocked the door.

"Who is it?" Vaidehi's father answered.

"It's me, dadda." 

He opened the door and looked at her in surprise,"Vaidu, baccha(baby) you need something?"

"Um–I–" She rubbed sweat from her forehead and looked him nervously.

"What happened, Vaidu? Tell you dadda." He kept his hand in her head and looked at her worriedly.

"Where is mamma?" She looked at her father whilst fidgeting with her fingers. 

"She is in the kitchen. Now tell me and don't change the topic." 

"Actually, I–I wanted to help mamma s–so I thought to come here." She looked down still fidgeting with her fingers.

Vaidehi father laughed out loud listening to her.

"The girl who only knows who to eat ,sleep and dance around the house, wants to help her mother suddenly? Vaidu are you okay?" He laughed and kept his hand on her forehead as if checking her temperature.

Vaidehi made face and removed his hand from her forehead and whined,"No, I am not lazy!"

"But I never said that you are lazy, did I?" He said trying to control his laughter.

"Daddddaaa!" She whined and stomped her foot like a toddler.

"Okay, okay. You are my cute, lil' koala, who loves to help everyone. Okay now?" He laughed and patted her head.

"Yeash! That's better." She giggled and side hugged him.

"Bacha,(baby) are you sure came here only to ask me this?You have been acting weird lately. Is everything alright?"He asked worriedly, still hugging her whilst patting her head gently.

Vaidehi gulped a lump from her throat.

"N–no. Its nothing dad. I am fine." She tried to hold back her tear.

It's easy for her to tell this big news–Not yet. She reminded herself.

"They why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?"

Vaidehi's body went still. She can do anything but lie. Lying is not her thing. She can hide the truth but can't lie.

"Dad I–I–" Her words cut off by a loud knock on door.

"Vaidhu, are you here? Grandma is calling you. Come fast."

There stood her savior–her Vansh bhai(brother). She sighed in relief and quickly stood up.

"Dad, I will talk with you later. Let me see why grandma is calling me." She smiled nervously.

Her father nodded and she quickly walked out of the room.

Standing out of the room she took a long deep breath and looked at Vansh and smile, "Thank you for saving me."

"He didn't but,I did saved you ass today." Savni appeared out of nowhere and glared at Vaidehi.

Vaidehi looked at Sanvi questioningly,"What? How did you do that?"

"When you were inside the room and all hell bend of spoiling my awesome plan, me and Vansh bhai(brother)where trying to peek and listen to your conversation." Sanvi said with a straight face.

"Guys, I don't think so I will be able to do it." Vaidehi smiled sadly and looked down.

"Di,(sister)don't say like that.I can't see you sad. And we still have other half of plan. We still have time." Sanvi side hug Vaidehi and patted her hand.

"Yes, Vaidehi. You can do it. Why are you being so negative. Now, let's go and do the part two of our plan" Vansh cheered Vaidehi by fishing out two chocolates from his pocket.

Vaidehi smiled and quickly tried to take to take one of them.

"You will get them, only when you go and do the second part of our plan." Vansh smirked and shoved both the packet of chocolates inside his pocket.

"Yes, now follow me."





"Can I help you ,mamma?" Vaidehi said cheerfully looking at her mother.

Vaidehi mother looks shocked would be understatement.

"Are you okay? You came to help me? " She almost dropped the bowl that she was holding.

"Can't I just help you? You are you all make me look like a lazy brat?" Vaidehi pouted and looked at her mother.

"Because you are. But if you are insisting so much to help me you can. Come help me bake this."Her mother rolled her eyes and said.

Vaidehi clapped her hands in excitement almost throw the bowl of flour on herself. She giggled nervously looking at her mother, who was glaring at her with a hand on hips,"When I said you can help me, I meant by not burning down my kitchen, Miss clumsy!"

"I will keep that in mind."





A few moments later.

She stood in the kitchen with messy hair and all the stickly batter of cake falling around in the kitchen.




A very furious looking mother , glaring at her.

Holly dark chocolate ice-cream with extra chocolate chips!