Episode Five: Utopia

Utopia, a place where flowers bloom in rich soil. Birds were chirping from the great trees that were standing inside the great walls protecting the urban city. It was so innocent outside, yet so impure inside. The seductive music breaks the quiet evening from the night clubs all over the place. The noise was also accompanied by the people hooting and groaning to the immoral show on stage in front of them.

At the largest strip club in the utopia, the leader Iyaz, was seated at the second floor while surrounded by the women in nude, caressing his whole body in a provocative way.

"Enjoying it sweetheart?"

His girlfriend, namely Hilga, walked in and paid no care at all at her boy's business.

Iyaz answered a bit stressed and his tone gradually calmed down, "I was so tired, and I need to relax and enjoy the scene. This is a very tiring day because of that rat."

He pushed all the girls surrounding him and signaled that they should return to their dens.

"You enjoy yourself too much. You might forget about me."

Hilga bit Iyaz's ear as she sat down on his lap. They kissed intensely and Iyaz' hand slid to every inch of her skin while gasping for hot breath.

A guard barged in, catching his breath as he ran from the farthest prison facility.

"Sir, there is a problem."

Annoyed and disturbed, Iyaz quickly responded, "Didn't you see that I am in the middle of something? If you dare this much, make sure you have a very urgent report. 'Cause if you don't, I will kill you."

The thirty-fourth guard from the premises reported with fear in his eyes, "The prisoner 1423 escaped. The girl escaped sir. When we returned to check on her status, the warehouse was already empty."

"What?! You were always supposed to guard that girl!"

Iyaz stood and pulled his hand gun from his side and pointed at the guard. Not a second of hesitation, a loud bang filled the room and blood spilled on the floor. Obviously, the gunshot startled everyone, but they did not dare to panic nor leave the area without his commands. Not a moment longer, they went back to their old state as if nothing had happened, ignoring the corpse's blooding dripping from upstairs.

Afterwards, Iyaz rushed on to the warehouse to check on where Keisha was supposed to stay. He also ordered the guards to block every exit where she would have escaped. However, there was no sign of her all over Utopia.

He mumbled the name of the faction he hated, "Cipher..."

"What's that?", Hilga asked him as soon as she heard his mutters inside the blood-stained warehouse.

"With all her wounds and injuries, she wouldn't have enough energy to even break out the prison cell", he deduced as he spat on the blood trails on the floor inside the cell. "She must've been escorted by Cipher as she was long gone before we even noticed. They are the only people who could rescue her if these useless people weren't around."

"They must've taken her on their base by now, the blood trails look dried by a few hours or so", his female companion added, whose fingers touching the crimson stain on the ground.

Iyaz called and ordered his spies to track the blood trails. The men then left for the mission he gave them. He drove back to his lair then checked all the surveillance cameras all over the Utopian area. All of the cameras were knocked down from the south side of the town to the prison warehouse. He then confirmed that they were followed. He picked up his radio transmitter then contacted the same men he deployed.

"Start searching from the forest where we found her. She must've contacted the Ciphers while she was hiding. Their base must be near around there if they had the chance to follow us. Also, the recorded video stopped by the time we arrived. Be careful, you might get detected."

"Copy that sir", the man from the other line with the deepest tone responded.

Iyaz threw everything he touched out of rage. Every monitor and transceivers inside the room were destroyed. It was followed by picking up an Uzi then used it to shoot towards the monitors down as he laughed like a fucking madman. He poured gasoline all over the place; threw a grenade inside while he exited. The large explosion caught everyone's attention as he climbed up on the high ground right at the center of the town, majestic as he stood.


Iyaz apparently lost his sanity after realizing that he lost someone irreplaceable because of his useless people not being able to do their job properly. Everyone soon became devoured by fear after his gunmen each welded two Ak47, pointing at their heads while grinning from ear to ear. Everyone kneeled down after this, as well as Hilga that was just a few meters away from him.

After the wicked moment, he left the centre with Hilga straight to their private room where they live.

Hilga rolled her eyes while she sat down on the king-sized bed inside the room, "Putting such threats to people won't make them follow you."

Proudly, Iyaz stated, "They won't bug about it at all. After all, they will blame Cipher for that. That's how stupid people are nowadays. They will hate because of the misfortune entering their worthless lives."

"But isn't that the reason why they will be up against you?", disagreeing with him, Hilga crossed her arms.

"Nope, I have a plan", Iyaz grinned.

Little do Hilga know, he ordered his most trusted friend to pollute all the Utopians' minds. Jack was at the biggest strip club to enlighten people. But not really in a way of informing them but to change their perspective in order to manipulate them easily.

"You know why this happened to us?! It's because of Cipher. If there were no prisoners, we wouldn't be put under such threats!"

"But why? Why will they take one prisoner?!", one guy from the middle row of the cluster answered with his face turning red out of anger.

Jack continued to sympathize with the people in fuel and fire, "That girl was a threat to all of us. We sealed it so that it won't be in the wrong hands. Our leader Iyaz was just protecting us. But know, that they have it, we won't stand a chance! Unless we all unite to go up against Cipher! WE SHALL REIGN OVER THEIR DEAD BODIES!"

The next morning, all of the people in Utopia gathered at the plaza, just the same central area from last night's activity. They were all waiting for the arrival of their great commander, chatting and whispering to each other; inaudible. Not a while later, the deceiver arrived.

"I think we are all on the same page here aren't we?", Iyaz told them, metaphorically washing his hands to wipe out his sins.

"We can't let Cipher be victorious. It will be the end of all of us", Jack added fuel to the coal, just waiting for the cluster to start the fire.

"That's right! Ciphers are selfish! They must burn in hell!", a man exclaimed with a metallic scream, raising both of his middle fingers in the air. His teeth were replaced with gold, grinding and eyes as white as being possessed by a demon.

A woman added, her voice screeching, piercing through the drums of everyone's ear, "My boyfriend died because of them! They don��t deserve to live either."

All of the shouts and complaints were to mock and ridicule Cipher. After that, Jack finally silenced them then faced Iyaz.

"Oh, great leader, what should we do now?"

Iyaz sneered as he cockily stated his words.

"OH, my brethren. We will attack."