Episode Twelve: Espresso

"So… It is possible."

"Of course! You are talking to the great Rhianna, everything is possible. Though, if your blood isn't compatible like Keisha has, whelp, I might as well have my words as an appetizer." Rhianna said as both her and Zhackary in a room filled with scientific apparatus and gizmos.

"I am counting on you."

These were the conversations that they had before a large project was upheld. It all started by a movie advertisement from an electric pole in an old abandoned suburban.

Zhackary was having his daily jog and decided to come to this neighborhood. He decided on this place as there are no reported terrorist sightings anywhere near the place, but for safety precautions, he has a colt 45 revolver and a pocket knife with him.

As he ran to the isle of this desolated place, he was wondering of ways to tame the beast that was sleeping at her room at this moment. He was wondering why Keisha couldn't hear him but could hear Jaden.

"It must've because he has a very deep connection to Keisha. It must mean she completely forgot our relationship. All those days were gone, just because a psychopath tortured her and a poison was in her body", he thought out loud as he took a break and some deep breaths of hopelessness, thinking if there was a way. He was drinking his lemon water when he saw a really old movie ad of the Avengers: Age of Ultron. He suddenly remembered Keisha when he thought about the incredible hulk. He suddenly realized something and made him spit out his drink.

"That's it. Oh my… god answered my prayers", he rushed back on to the Cipher's base to talk to someone special. He rushed on to the girl's accommodation and knocked on to a particular room.

"Rhianna, open up!" the loud bang was enough to wake the sleeping girl inside.

After a few knocks, he heard some closet slams and plastic containers that were falling. Not a moment later, Rhianna opened up with a messy bun on her hair and messy pink shirt and pajama.

"Uhhhhh… yes Zhack?" Rhianna asked while panting as she rushed to open the door.

"Remember when I told you you shouldn't use the Seditio virus? I need you to mess it up a bit for me. We have an important thing to do."

Rhianna's eyes lit up as well as her smile that almost reached her ears.

"It's an honor sir but I have a special request. I slept at 2:00 am last night and it's still 4:00 am. Can I sleep some more?" she asked and yawned like she almost fell asleep while she was standing.

"Fine. But, by 8:00 am, I am expecting you at your laboratory. Bring Shino with you so we could discuss things clearly. Don't worry, I will treat you guys some espresso and I will give you guys incentives", said Zhackary who seemed so excited about the thought he was having.

"Oh really? Okidoki sir." She said and entered to lie down on her bed again.

After four hours of waiting, Zhackary was playing with some baking soda and vinegar. Recreating his childhood school project, a volcano. Out of boredom, he decided to put some gunpowder on a cylinder and added some rubber ball as a bullet and pointed it at the sky where no one can possibly be targeted. He shot one and the range was quite far. Not a moment later, Rhianna and Shino came into the laboratory.

"So, what do we have now?", Shino asked as Zhackary told them to take a seat because it will be quite long.

"So, you remember the Hulk and Black widow, right?", Zhackary said and the two was confused.

"Yes sir, it's an amazing love story", Shino said, recalling the two movies.

"So, what are you pertaining to?", Rhianna asked and thought about what was the connection to Seditio syndrome.

"You see, Bruce Banner undergoes a failed experimentation, resulting in him turning green when he is angry. One and the easiest way to make him calm down was by Black Widow's therapy."

"So, you want to calm her down in her rage mode by telling her that the sun is going down?", Rhianna asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Of course not. It's impossible in her state. But what if we found a switch for her rage mode. Like a way of controlling it?", Zhackary asked and it caught the two mad scientists' attention.

"Well, if it's something like a light bulb, we need a wire connecting the switch and the bulb. Because it was connected to her Amygdala, it is responsible for her emotions. If we put up something like an antenna, it will be directed to her Amygdala and we will be able to control her anger or the emotion itself. But due to the poison on her bloodstream, it is now acting as a self-defense mechanism to her body", Rhianna said and was worried that any device would melt inside her body.

"Wait… you said that the reason why her body accepted the virus and caused Seditio Syndrome was because her blood was compatible", Zhackary mentioned with his hand on his chin.

"That's right, she is lucky enough that Keisha survived", joked Shino. Rhianna pinched him which made Shino jerked back.

"You seriously tried it with every possible blood sample?", Zhackary said like he was onto something that could change everything and be impossible at the same time.

"Yes sir! Besides Keisha, Jaden's and… Yours sir", Rhianna replied, after looking at a cabinet full of blood samples, neatly separated by blood types.

"What if we used my blood as a cloth for that antenna or receiver so that the virus wont detect us as foreign object, we could possibly reach the amygdala and have control on her." Zhackary suggested but had doubts that his blood wouldn't match hers.

They talked about the possibilities of its succession if Zhack's blood was compatible. Luckily, after spending the whole twenty-four hours of trial and error, they found the right formula and made Zhack's blood as the key to tame Keisha's rage mode. They now started the next testing of a nano chip as the receiver for Keisha and another one to act as sender for Zhack. They were now ready to inject the nano chip to Zhackary's blood stream. It successfully reached its destination so proceeded to the last step of the experiment.

"Thank you very much guys for doing all this", Zhackary thanked the both of them for doing such great work.

"It's all good. I mean the espresso is really good", Shino said while checking his vitals.

"Yeppp, but sir, remember, our incentives!", Rhianna said as she cleaned the wound where she injected the nano chip.

"Don't worry guys I got your back", Zhackary said as well as giving them a calm smile.

They then invited Keisha to the lab for the shot. They explained to her the reason as to why this is necessary. Unfortunately...

"I object." Keisha bluntly said with her arms cross.

"W H Y ?" Zhackary was surprised by that sudden refusal.

"If you guys think I can't manage it, then you are wrong", she said out loud with her eyebrows almost met.

"It is so we could prevent worst case scenarios, what if you somehow lost control-"

���I HAD IT IN CONTROL!!", Keisha's irises turned faint red as she put a hole on a steel tray beside her in one punch.

She quickly realized that the three of them were right. The hole on that tray convinced her to go for it. It's not like something bad was going to happen. So they proceeded to the last phase and successfully gained control over her emotions, at least on her anger.

"I feel… really sleepy… tired", at a moment's notice, Keisha fell asleep. Zhackary was alarmed about it and thought that it could be the side effect but Shino and Rhianna tapped his shoulders.

"We did it. We have complete control on her feelings", Rhianna said and neatly placed all the tools they used after she disinfected it.

"How can you say that?", Zhackary was still anxious about what happened to Keisha.

"Z, you look really tired… wanna sleep as well?", Shino asked but his movement contradicted his words when he handed his cup of espresso.

"I see…" Zhackary realized and picked Keisha up and carried her like they were a married couple. He looked back at the successful allies with a very warm smile.

"So for the incentives, I arranged some dates with Nix and Czar. Enjoy your Saturday guys." And with his last words, he left the room leaving a good news to the two mad scientists.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD I CAN SEE HIM AGAIN!", Rhianna excitedly said with a smile that almost reached her ears.

"OH SHIT.. WHAT DO WE DO?" Shino on the other hand seems nervous, but deep down he doesn't have regret helping Zhackary to this big project.

As the two celebrated their jackpot, Zhack on the other hand was having a hard time controlling the sudden wrath inside him. As he carried Keisha all the way up to her room, he was fighting the hardest battle of his life. After all his anger management self-therapy, he still gently put Keisha on her bed. Even with all the drag inside him, he managed to gently kiss Keisha on her forehead. Suddenly, his emotions improved and now he was at peace.

"I see, so you are the only one who can make my storm calm down", he whispered and moved Keisha's hair to the side.

He landed one last kiss on her forehead and headed outside. He felt so sleepy that he could fall asleep as quickly as Keisha did.