Chapter 3

Lorelai's P.O.V

Everyone filled out in their seats, and lorelai noted the hesitation in Tamlins step - where was he to sit.

Alec was the one to make the first move, sitting to the left of the head of the table. A couple steps behind him was Lorelai, at ease sitting next to her brother. Feyre led Rhys to the seats opposite them, while Cassian and Nesta went to the seats next to Lorelai. Azriel went next to Rhys, with Amren stalking close behind. Finally, Mor went to the head of the table, and began to pour out wine.

Turning to the two spring males left standing in the corner, he drawled, "You can sit down you know."

Cassian stifled in a laugh and Az went deathly still. After a silence which seemed to drift on into forever (most likely Tamlin deciding if it was worse to sit next to Nesta or Amren) he walked to the seat next to Amren - a wise choice. Brennon took the seat next to Nesta, and she could practically see tension seeping through.

"Excuse the informality, we aren't used to guests." Alec chucked out to no one in particular.

"Ah so now we're being polite," Lorelai countered as her stomach rumbled. "I seem to be,as always, exceptionally hungry."

Rhys snorted, "You consume more then all of us combined."

"Actually I'll have you know I haven't eaten since before training this morning!" She retorted back.

"Oh no! Whatever shall we do!" Chucked Alec and she elbowed him.

With a snap of Rhys' fingers, food piled up into the table.

"Finally." Mor let out with a moan.

Brennon, she guessed as an attempt to break the ice, commented on the dishes, "The food looks delicious,my thanks to the cook."

Tamlin remained silent.

"She will be happy to hear that," Rhys replied, "I will pass the message on."

For the rest of the meal, nothing of great interest happened. The usual banter was passed around, with minimal participation from Feyre, Mor and Nesta. Brennon attempted to join in, but some sharp looks from his father held him back.

At the end of the meal, Tamlin arose. "We are hear for trade, not fancy meals, I'd appreciate it if we could get onto the topic of interest now." Every word seemed strained, like a falling mask.

Rhys kept his face cool and began to get up, "Of course, I'd hate to have kept you waiting all this time. We will be joined by Mor in our discussions, will your son be present to?"

"No" Tamlin said sharply, "he will stay in his room."

"A pity," Lorelai yawned, "he seemed to be quite interesting."

Tamlins eyes were daggers as he glared at the back of her head. Rhys smirked at his daughter, and as he opened his mouth, she knew she shouldn't of said anything at all.

"Well if you so fond of our guest, how about you show him around Velaris while the discussions go on?"

I could see Tamlin rushing to say no, to find an excuse, but not before Brennon could coolly step in. "I'd actually quite like to see more of the place they call the City of Starlight."

At that moment, she thought Tamlin was so furious he would enforce rank, but one look at the people around him made him bite his tounge.

He nodded with a grunt, "Don't stay out too long."

With that he left the room, her father eventually following close behind.

Lorelai rolled her eyes, and walked over to the male sitting uncomfortably in the room.

"We are not  taking the stairs," she quipped as she strutted to the balcony, pissed that her night  had been ruined.

Alec turned to the male, and gave him a small smile, "Good luck."

Brennon got up, and followed Lorelai out through the glass doors to the balcony.

He found her with her Illyrian wings out, stretching across the marble balcony. Her long dress swayed in the wind as she turned around to face him, "You ready?"

He gulped. "Sure you can carry me?"

"Please," she said, rolling her eyes, "I've carried triple your weight."

With that, she can towards him and picked him up - bridal style. He seized up. "Don't worry," Lorelai muttered, "this won't hurt your masculinity."

Brennons P.O.V

They took to the skies, and he couldn't help but marvel at the bustling city below him. The city was aglow with life and lights, shining like stars. Looking down, he tried not to feel ill.

"You doing ok there?" Lorelai smirked.

"Fine," be rasped.

With that, she took the two of them down into a free fall. He couldn't help but clench his eyes shut, desperately clinging onto the Illyrian woman.

With a laugh, Lorelai gently swooped them down onto the ground, near a small market in the edge of the sidra. He and Tamlin had winnowed here, so he hadn't managed to see any of the sights. It was stunning.

Lorelai turned to look at him, a small glint in her violet eyes. "Welcome to Velaris, City Of Dreams."