Alice Vs. Tiffany : The Second Wave

Once they arrived at the school, they headed to their chemistry lab since it was their first period. They were all paired up for an experiment. For some reason, Mark ended up getting paired with Tiffany while Alice, Josh, and Alex ended up as a trio.

"I'm glad chemistry is over, that was hell. I thought we'd never finish the procedures." Alex whined as he scratched his head.

"At least you were grouped with your friends, Tiffany was a handful. She kept clinging onto me like a leech." Mark scoffed.

"Well that must be annoying," Josh agreed. "I was a bit irritated when I found out that Gerald and Jayne were paired up but I guess it's alright," Josh said.

"I wish I was paired with Alice," Mark hissed.

"Am I hearing this right? Mark wanted to be paired with me?" Alice suddenly popped out behind him. She had a mischievous smirk plastered on her face.

Mark immediately avoided eye contact. "Not really, I just thought I could deal with you easily rather than Tiffany."

"If you say so," Alice merely shrugged.

They headed to the locker area to grab their things then they went to the washroom to change their clothes. PE was their next subject. "Today's sport will be dodge ball, everyone please choose your own group, ten people on each team. Good luck." Their gym teacher who preferred to be referred to as coach said.

So the class was divided into four teams with five excess students who were told to play a three on two on the other side of the gym. One team was an all-boy team, while the other was an all-girl team, another team was composed of girls and boys with Tiffany included and the last team was Alice's team composed of the eight of them together with Sarah and Jayne.

"You know I just realized this, only Lance's and Josh's crushes are our classmates, funny cause they have more time with them unlike the rest." Alice pointed the others as she giggled.

"Mark's crush is here too," Josh resisted the urge to say that out loud. "Whatever," he says aloud instead.

So the first game began, it was Tiffany's team versus the all-girls team. Alice watched in awe as she saw how focused Tiffany was. "Wow, Tiffany is an aggressive player," Alice said in amazement.

"Which means you're dead when our teams fight," Josh chuckled.

"I'm better than her of course," she said proudly. There were no doubts when Tiffany's team won. The next game was Alice's team versus the all-boys team.

"Line up, the game will start!"

So the game began, everyone was just playing naturally. They were lucky since almost all of them were athletic, except for Gerald, Josh, and the other two girls, but they were still able to pull it off. They won easily which means that they're up against Tiffany's team.

"So it's team three versus team four. We're up against Tiffany's team, be careful," Mark warned as he placed his hand on Alice's shoulder.

"Sheesh, it���s just Tiffany. I'm better than her," she said as if it was a fact.

Alice yelped when almost everyone at the other team were aiming at her. It was a good thing that she's gifted with fast reflexes that she was able to avoid them all but she was still having a hard time. The same with Sarah, Lance got himself eliminated since he was protecting her from getting hit. On the other hand, Josh got himself purposely hit all because he got tired.

"Are you an idiot?!" Alice exclaimed. Josh just shrugged at her and he sat on the bench to rest.

To Alice's surprise, Tiffany took advantage of the moment and threw a ball towards her. "You're out," Tiffany's eyes widened in shock when Alice grinned goofily at her. Alice was able to catch it, therefore it was Tiffany who was out of the game.

"Bye-bye Tiffany," Alice chuckled as the game continued on. In the end, their team was able to win and Alice couldn't help but feel proud that she once again defeated Tiffany.

The girls all headed to the washroom to change their clothes while the guys just changed at their school gym. Alice checked herself one last time in front of the mirror before she got ready to leave.

"Congratulations Alice," Tiffany said bitterly. Alice just smiled arrogantly at her and turned to leave. Tiffany grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against the bathroom stall causing all the other girls to gasp.

"What the heck Tiffany?!" Alice growled as she shoved Tiffany away from her. Tiffany only gave a satisfied smirk.

"Why don't you show off your true colors for once Alice? Stop acting like you're this calm and cool girl because you really aren't. Why don't you fight back?" Tiffany asked.

"Hey, don't fight!" Kim interfered. Alice placed her hand on Kim's shoulder and she gently pushed her to the side.

"Stay out of this," she calmly said.

Alice grabbed something from her bag and she quickly dashed pass Tiffany. To everyone's surprise, the bottom part of Tiffany's hair was cut and Alice was holding the strands and a pair of scissors. Alice smirked as she placed the strands of hair on Tiffany's palm.

"If you want a fight Tiffany, just ask. It's better that way than having you showing off like this." her smirk widened. "I did you a favor by the way, I cut off your split ends, thank me later," after that she left.

"Whoa, that was cool, but you started the fight Tiffany, I'll give you both a warning for now." Miriam, their class president said.

"I'll fight her soon, we'll see if she'll still be able to run that mouth of hers." Tiffany said through gritted teeth.

Alice met up with the guys and altogether they headed to the AV room since it was their computer subject. They were only assigned to do a hands-on activity about web designing. On the other hand, their teacher was too busy playing online chess. Alice finished quickly so she just played around.

She was searching for random stuff until she came across Tiffany's blog which was linked to her Facebook account. Out of curiosity, Alice decided to check it out.

"What a boring person," Alice groaned. Tiffany's blog was just filled with facts about herself and a bunch of her pictures, which was creeping Alice out by the way since Tiffany looks like the Cheshire cat. She saw one post that intrigued her the most.

Just met with my former classmates!!! <3 I miss them so muuuuch!!! :')

Below the caption was a picture of Tiffany together with some students from another school. "I never knew that she just transferred here during our second year," Alice told herself. The school Tiffany transferred from was quite well known. Most students there were delinquents because there were fraternities. One of the guys in the picture was awfully familiar to her. Her attention was diverted when she received a message on her Facebook account, it was from none other than Tiffany.


Tiffany : Hey witch

Alice : Hello miss obsessed psychopath :D

Tiffany : Meet me at the park near the department store later, we still have a score to settle. I'll bring my friends with me so be careful.

Alice : Why would I? Idiooooooot… and besides, who would you bring? Your former classmates from your old school?

Tiffany : So what if I'm from that school?! Don't get cocky Alice, we'll wait for you later. I already contacted them.

Alice : Yeah sure congrats, be thankful that I'm bored… I'll meet you then :D

Tiffany : Just make sure you won't cry afterwards and no telling teachers!

Seen: 4:38pm


After class they all headed to the department store, Alice separated from them since she still has to meet with Tiffany. She came to the park alone and she was greeted by Tiffany and her friends. "So you did come," she heard Tiffany.

"Is this her? Are you sure she could fight? She seems harmless Tiffs," One of the guys chuckled. It was the guy who looked familiar to her.

"Don't let her fool you Grant, you should start acting like a leader of a frat rather than ogling at a girl like her. Alice Villanueva is just another flirt." Tiffany spat.

"Oh, so you're Tiffany's friends. Nice meeting you all, and… you look familiar," she said as she eyed Grant.

Grant smirked at her. "Villanueva? I think I know you, my last name is Mendoza by the way. Does it ring a bell?" he said mysteriously.

Alice thought for a while, then her eyes widened a fraction. "You're the son of my mom and dad's officemates. I think we've met when we're younger, I didn't know that you're a troublemaker. Not to mention that you're a leader of a fraternity." Alice eyed him.

"You got it right. We used to be playmates, I didn't know that you're also a troublemaker yourself," Grant said.

"No time to reminisce you two!" Tiffany interrupted. "Just fight her already, she's just another bitch at school!" she fumed. Then all of a sudden the three other people with Grant charged at her.

The only girl pulled her hair while the two guys grabbed each of her arms to hold her in place. Tiffany got ready to punch her when she kicked her causing her to fall backward. She elbowed the two guys beside her then she shoved the other girl pulling her hair. "I was talking to someone. Do you have any manners at all?" Alice groaned as she ran her fingers through her messed up hair.

The others got ready to charge at her once again when Grant gave them a signal to stop. "Tiffs, why exactly are you fighting with Alice?" he asked.

"Because she's a flirt, and she stole away my Mark!" Tiffany whined.

Grant eyed her suspiciously. "Is this Mark even hers in the first place?" he asked Alice, and she just shook her head causing Grant to chortle.

"Why the heck are you even asking her Grant?! I'm your friend!" Tiffany yelled. This time it was Alice's turn to give her a signal to stop, she took something from her bag then she once again ran past Tiffany.

"Shut up Tiffany," as if on cue, Tiffany's skirt dropped to the ground. Alice spun the scissors on her fingers and she gave a victorious grin. "Hey Tiffany's friends," she called. "Try and go near me and you won't know what these babies can do." she showed them the scissors.

"I'll see you around Grant. Make sure your parents don't find out," she said before she left.

"Alice huh? Well, puberty struck her right." Grant whistled and the other two guys agreed with him.

"Seriously Grant? Don't you dare look at Alice that way again! Anyone but her!" Tiffany scoffed.

Grant rolled his eyes at her. "If I were you, I'd take care of the skirt first,"

Tiffany's face turned red when she remembered that Alice cut off the zipper on her skirt causing it to fall down. She grabbed her skirt and she mentally cursed Alice.

Alice met up with the guys at the department store, by that time they were done buying their materials. She made up an excuse that she met up with her older brother and the guys bought it anyways. They headed to Mark's residence and they started with the scrapbook. Ivan was there once again to grab Alice's attention much to Mark's annoyance.

As they were working Lance remembered something "Hey Alice, you got into a fight with Tiffany, didn't you?" he asked.

"What makes you say that?" Alice asked back without taking her eyes off her work.

"At computer class, some girls were talking about you and I heard them mentioning that you were cool and something about fighting Tiffany." he explained.

"Oh," Alice mouthed. "She tried to challenge me, I wasn't interested but the bitch was persistent. I scared her by using my scissors to cut her hair but she still kept bugging me until computer class so a while ago I met up with her and her friends and foug—" Alice suddenly covered her mouth, she said more than she should have.

"What?" the guys gasped.

"You used scissors?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Sorry," Alice scratched her head. "I ditched you guys a while ago to fight her. Well, I wasn't hurt so no worries and I only used my weapon to scare them, no blade came in contact with skin I can swear on that."

"How can you narrate that so casually?" Matthew exclaimed.

"How the heck did you even learn how to fight? Well, we're all aware that you give a good punch but full handicap fighting? That's dangerous, especially for a girl like you." Vincent said.

"I usually fought with other kids since I was little and I often play basketball with my brother. I could apply some aspects there like speed and strength in my fights and I'm a sucker for action movies, right? I know about stuff like these from them." she narrated

"You do realize that if someone caught you, it could end in suspension in an instant." Mark said.

"I know but it will appear as self-defense since they surrounded me in the first place," Alice explained.

"It isn't the point, you still agreed to fight and it is against the rules." Josh sighed.

"I know I did, but it's done right Ivan?" Alice said in a childish voice and Ivan nodded.

"Whatever I still think it's cool," Lance grinned.

"How idiotic," Josh grunted.

"This still doesn't answer how she used the scissors!" Alex whined.