Vacation Time

"It's finally Christmas eve," Alice said happily as she hopped off her bed. She heard her cellphone beep the moment she wore her slippers. She picked it up and saw Mark calling "It's Christmas eve, Mark. What do you want?" she growled.

"Alice?" she tensed up when she heard Ivan's cute voice.

"O-oh hey Ivan, something wrong?" she asked nervously.

"Big bro wants you to come over. Please come over," Ivan told her. Alice sighed in disbelief. Mark used his irresistible brother against her, this is foul.

"Okay Ivan, I'll head there now." she said as she ended the call.

Alice asked for her parents' permission and they surprisingly allowed her. She took a shower, got dressed then she got ready to leave. "Alice, don't tell me you're leaving while wearing that outfit." her mother called out to her. Alice gulped, she was wearing one of her brother's shirts and a simple pair of jeans and her Keds sneakers.

"Okay mom, I'm not leaving while wearing this outfit." she retorted.

"Get back in here young lady and dress like a woman for once!" her mother's nostrils flared.

"My clothes are fine mom," she whined.

"You can't leave if you don't change." her mom threatened.

So she obviously had no choice but to agree to her mom. She ended up wearing a white blouse with an orange wool sweater and a black skirt together with a matching purse. The only good thing she was allowed to wear was her sneakers.

She walked towards Mark's house since it wasn't that far anyway.

"Hi Alice!" Ivan immediately hugged her the moment she entered the house. Alice ruffled his hair.

"Missed me?" she grinned and Ivan quickly nodded.

"Oh boys, Alice is here!" Mark's mother called out. "Go on and head to the living room, Alice. You look really beautiful by the way."

"Thanks," Alice blushed. "And Merry Christmas," she told the older woman.

"Merry Christmas too dear."

Alice went to the living room and she saw the whole gang. "Hey, what's up?" she greeted them.

"You're late Al-" Mark stopped when he saw Alice. "What's with the outfit?" he said as he looked away.

"Oh right," Alice looked at her clothes. "Mom forced me. Sucks right? I look like an idiot." she chuckled.

"Nope, you look really great Alice, it suits you." Alex said. Mark glared at him since he beat him to say it.

"Shut up," she scoffed. "Anyway, what are we doing here?" she asked.

"We're going to the amusement park together with Ivan, mom already agreed." Mark explained.

"Sounds cool, we should go there while it's early, the place will be crowded if we still stay here you know." Alice pointed out.

They left and headed to the amusement park. They took the bus and it didn't take long before they arrived. "Which ride do we go on first?" Alex asked excitedly.

Alice asked Ivan and he just pointed the roller coaster. Alice and Alex grinned while the others gulped.

"Let's go guys!" Alice and Alex said in unison...

"Here comes the daredevil duo," they all grimaced at the thought.

Ivan wasn't allowed on the actual rollercoaster but luckily, there was another one that was more kid-friendly. They fell in line and took their seat, Alice and Alex stayed at the front while Ivan and Mark took the second and the rest followed behind them. They got a chance to ride the other rollercoaster afterward but this time, Gerald and Ivan had to stay behind.

Alice found the rollercoaster ride fun. She and Alex laughed at their friends' expressions. Mark was pale while Josh and Lance kept ranting random curses. Vincent and Matthew were screaming at the top of their lungs.

When the ride finished they stepped out the coaster. "That was fun!" Alice said. Alice nodded in agreement they faced the others and they were shaking.

"Y-yeah fun indeed," Mark stuttered.

"I wish I rode that too," grumbled Ivan.

"Aaw, don't worry. You'll have your chance once you're older." Alice told him.

"Hurry up, we're going there next." Alex pointed out a ride.

"I ain't going on that swinging ship!" Josh protested.

"It's called Anchors away idiot," Matthew told him.

They all stayed at different places on the ride, it wasn't a surprise that the daredevil duo stayed at the edge, they reached the highest portion whenever the ship would swing.

"Isn't this fun?" Alice yelled happily, while beside her Alex was swinging his arms happily.

"No way in hell!" Josh yelped.

Once the ride ended, the boys slumped on a bench. "Hey let's ride some more," Alice told them.

"You're filled with more energy than usual today," Gerald pointed out.

"Oh come on, just keep up with me and Alex. I'm having so much fun!" Alice said as she dragged them off the bench.

Alice dragged them into more rides like the octopus ride, the skydiver, log ride, drop tower, waterslide, and the ghost train.

"Wanna ride more?" Alice asked.

"I'm hungry," Ivan grumbled.

"I guess we can eat first," Alice nodded. The guys thanked Ivan in their thoughts for saving them. Alice led the way and they went to the nearest café. Each of them ordered a slice of cake and a parfait. Ivan and Mark kept their attention on Alice who was eating a spoonful of a parfait.

"What are you two staring at?" Alice asked.

"Alice is cute," Ivan grumbled and Mark nodded in agreement.

"These two are grumbling about something," Matthew snickered as he heard what Ivan said.

"Let's just continue eating," Mark said as he glared at the other.

"Hey Alice, you're having so much fun now. Is it your first time in an amusement park?" Josh asked.

"Nope, it's my third time. It's just that it's the first time I came here with people I really want to be with. The first time was when I was with my dad and his officemates together with their kids but they won't let me ride the fun and cool rides, the second was only with some classmates that aren't really my friends." she narrated,

"So now I'm with you guys, I might as well make the most of it." Alice then smiled, a really sweet smile that it caught the guys off guard, it made them smile too.

"Then let's hurry so we can go to more rides," Ivan grinned.

"So we rode the bumper cars, went to the not so scary haunted house, and rode the roller coaster once again and we still have time for one more ride," Lance said. The rest nodded.

"How about we ride the Ferris wheel?" Alice suggested.

"Well I guess it's better than the drop tower," Josh sighed.

All together they went to the Ferris wheel, they made Mark and Alice go together and the rest of them split into two groups.

Once they stopped at the highest portion Alice looked at the wonderful view. "This is amazing, I've never ridden a Ferris wheel this high before. This view is awesome," she said happily.

"Yeah, but where are we going after this?" Mark asked.

"We're going to the movies," Alice answered. "But you know I'm glad I went here with you guys. I had so much fun, you guys made me feel at home." Alice smiled. Mark couldn't help but smile too, who knew Alice's rare sweet smiles were contagious?

Once the ride was over they went to watch a movie. Unfortunately of all genres Alice could've chosen, she chose horror. The movie was about a group of friends going to an amusement park and then one by one they disappear and it wasn't really a happy ending. Once the movie ended they ordered pizza and they ate at the food court.

"That movie was boring," Alice said bluntly

"You think it's boring? There was blood! Blood everywhere!" Josh said hysterically.

"You know I wish we watched the movie before going to the amusement park," Alex snickered.

"No way that'd be even scarier," Vincent shook the scary scenes away from his mind.

"I wish we could've just left Josh and Vincent at the kid's show together with Ivan, Gerald and Matthew." Lance sighed.

"But the kid's show was great!" Gerald said happily.

"No it wasn't, it was boring." Ivan said. They laughed.

"It's okay Ivan, when you're thirteen you can watch movies with us," Mark told him.

"But all of you will be old by then," Ivan whined.

"Then we'll watch movies in your house next time." Matthew suggested.

"Okay guys, it's getting late. We've got to go home." Alice announced.

They left right after they were done eating. As soon as they arrived at their town, they all separated but Mark and Ivan were still following her.

"Why are you still here?" Alice asked.

"I'll accompany you until you get home, it's a bit late." Mark replied and Ivan nodded, so they arrived at the front of Alice's house.

"Anyway, thanks for walking me home, and thanks for the great day." Alice mumbled.

"Thanks too, it really was a fun day." Mark smiled.

"So Merry Christmas, sorry if I don't have a gift." Alice giggled.

"Hey it's okay, but I do have a gift." Mark said mysteriously.

"What?" Alice asked curiously.

All of a sudden, Mark leaned closer, covered Ivan's eyes, and gave Alice a quick peck on the lips. Alice blushed furiously

"You sick bastard, what'd you do that for?!" she raged as soon as she realized what just happened.

Mark gave her a satisfied smirk. "Hey, it's the second time. You said the first didn't count since you were drunk so I thought I'd kiss you sober,"

The shade of red on Alice's cheeks darkened. "Whatever! Just go home!" she pushed Mark away.

"Lights!" Ivan cheered as he pointed all the colorful Christmas lights.

Mark and Alice stopped as they looked at the streets, all of the Christmas lights in their street just opened. "See the scene was perfect, these lights are beautiful, now's the part where you should pull me in for another kiss." Mark grinned.

"Go away!" she yelled.

"Merry Christmas Alice," Mark waved.

Alice went inside and closed the gate, she then touched her lips. "Mark kissed me," she said to herself, a vein throbbed on her forehead as she wiped her lips violently.

"It doesn't count! It doesn't count!" she thought. She suddenly sees her dad kissing her mom's cheek right through their window, he smiled as she sighed. "Merry Christmas everyone,"