The Camping Trip

Prom was over and the weekend has come. It's finally camping time. They all met up at the school gates. Alice, the guys and also their girlfriends. They went to the bus stop and they headed to the city outskirts.

"Please don't tell me that we're walking," Angela prayed that they weren't.

"We are, we'll set camp at the middle area of the forest," Vincent said. Before any of the girls could ask anything, Vincent told them that it'll only be a three to four-kilometer walk, much to their chagrin.

It took them an hour to find a clearing and it was the perfect spot to set-up camp. It was near a lake and there were plenty of trees as well. They all worked together to set up the camp while Joanna and Gerald roasted barbeques for their lunch.

On the other side of the forest, the Black Phantom gang were currently searching for Alice. "She's over here somewhere, start searching." James ordered.

"But she's with a bunch of other people right?" Zack asked.

"Well based on the video I watched of her fight with Grant's group, she didn't let her friends fight. She's the type to do everything alone." Dan chuckled.

"Oh shoot," Alice cursed causing everyone to look at her. "I think I lost my anklet," she sighed.

"Well I'll help you look for it, just retrace your steps," Mark told her.

"No need Mark, I'll go and look for it myself. You stay here and help them, I'll be right back!" Alice said as she hurriedly looked for her lost anklet.

She kept walking aimlessly until she saw a bunch of guys. She nearly yelped when someone pulled her and covered her mouth. "Shh, they're looking for you." relief was shown on her face when she saw Grant.

She pulled his hand off of her. "What are you doing here Grant and who are those?" Alice asked. As if on cue one of the guys turned around. "Black Phantom? What are they doing here?"

"Keep your voice down," Grant said as he adjusted their hiding place behind a tree. "I knew you were up to no good when you asked me about Black Phantom. What were you thinking?" he asked.

"Huh? I met up with them, but I didn't know that they'd know I'm here. Same with you Grant, are you stalking me?" Alice asked. Grant pinched her on the cheek.

"You're in trouble yet you're still asking dumb questions," he scolded. "They probably did some research on you Alice. I happened to be passing your school when I saw them there. I followed them and I ended up here," Grant narrated.

"Shit, the others must not know Grant." Alice said worriedly.

Grant was about to reply when they heard some footsteps. "Look who we have here," they heard chuckling. They turned around and they saw Edmund and Michael. The two stood up and they were immediately surrounded by the gang.

"We meet again Alice and this is a surprise, why is Grant here?" James asked.

"I'm on Alice's side. Leave her alone, you won't be able to persuade her to join you if that's what you idiots want," Grant scoffed.

"But she offered a fight back then. If it's a fight she wants, it's a fight she'll get," Adrian said. Grant looked at Alice in disbelief.

"What? I wanted excitement," she pouted.

"Then this will be exciting. Two against seven, we'll see." James cracked his knuckles.

Alice and Grant got ready to fight as they looked at all the seven. "Let's fight," Alice chuckled.

"Alice! Are you here?!" Alice froze in shock when she heard someone call her. "It's time for lunch!"

"Shit, that's Julianne and Jayne!" she panicked.

The gang members looked at her in confusion. "Uhm... L-let's settle it later. Not now, I'm busy," she gulped as she looked worriedly at Grant.

"What the heck is going on?" Kristoff asked.

Grant grabbed Alice by the arm. "We'll meet here tonight. We'll settle it here, just don't you dare involve the others." he warned as he led her away from the group. Once they were gone, a smirk formed on Dan's lips.

"I've got an idea guys," he chuckled.

"Alice? Why is he here?!" Julianne exclaimed when she saw Alice with Grant. Alice faced Grant then she faced the two girls.

"U-uhm… I invited him. He just followed," he stuttered.

"Hi," Grant smiled.

Surprisingly, the two girls bought her excuse. They headed towards the clearing and they met up with the others. "Why is he here?!" Mark nearly yelled when he saw Grant. The latter only gave him a smug grin.

"She invited me, she said it will be fun,"

"Why'd you invite him?!" Mark asked, still in disbelief.

"Can't I have someone to invite at least?" Alice retorted. "Besides, you told us to invite anyone we want," she added.

"I told the guys to invite their girlfriends, that's about it." Mark groaned.

"Well I invited Grant," Alice said stubbornly.

For the rest of the day, they just hung out and had fun just like little kids. They played tag, hide and seek, splashed each other at the lake and so much more. When it started to get dark the guys set-up a campfire.

"Hey, you two, where are you going?" Lance asked when he saw Alice and Grant sneaking out.

"W-well we're taking a stroll," Alice lied and Grant nodded along with her.

"Just the two of you? Is there something we should know?" Gerald asked as his eyebrows raised.

"It's just a stroll, nothing wrong with it." Grant quickly answered before he and Alice left hurriedly.

The two walked through the dark woods. Alice cursed herself since she didn't bother to bring a flashlight. Finally, they arrived at their meeting place, no one was there. Then they heard a sound coming from the bushes.

"Come out," Alice's eyes narrowed and her adrenaline pumped in excitement but her mouth gaped open when she saw Mark.

"Why are you here?" Grant exclaimed.

"I followed you," he simply shrugged.

"And why?" Alice asked.

"I don't trust that guy," he answered as he pointed Grant. "Besides, why take a walk when it's already too dark?" the two shrugged.

"Can you go back?" Alice asked with irritation.


"Why not?!" she yelled in an annoyed manner.

"I can't leave a girl alone in the middle of the forest together with Grant Mendoza," Mark smiled. Alice just huffed.

"Suit yourself, you're the third wheel here," Grant told him causing Mark to leer at him.

Thirty minutes passed and nothing happened. The Black Phantom gang didn't show up. "Hey, let's go back! I'm hungry." Mark whined.

"You think they backed out?" Grant whispered.

"Probably, what a bunch of cowards," Alice scoffed.

"Hey, I said I'm hungry!" Mark whined. Alice and Grant glared at him. "Come on, we're just sitting here!"

"Fine," Alice groaned.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at their camping area. They froze in shock and their eyes widened at what they saw.

"Hello there," James, together with his gang, smirked.

Their friends were all beaten up, the camp was a total mess. The guys even had bruises all over them. "Make a run for it! They're after Alice!" Josh yelled but he only got himself punched by Zack.

"Who are you and what do you want with Alice?!" Mark asked as he protectively stepped in front of Alice.

"Didn't I tell you to not get them involved?" Grant hissed as he did the same.

Everyone looked at Grant in surprise and Alice immediately felt scared. "You know them? You know about this?" Mark asked.

"They're a gang at my school, the Black Phantom gang. They're after Alice," Grant answered. Mark stepped towards him and gave him a strong punch on the face.

"What? Why didn't you tell us?!" Mark said as he pulled Grant by the collar.

Alice stepped between them and she pulled Mark away from Grant. "Stop this, this is all my fault okay?!" she exclaimed as she looked away from Mark. "I heard you talking with Tiffany and curiosity got the better of me. I challenged them for a fight because I wanted some excitement for a change and Grant was here to help me. We wanted to face them tonight but I didn't know that they'd do this."

"We didn't want any of you involved," Grant added.

"That's just selfish, all of this happened just because you want excitement?! That's just sick!" Mark seethed as he faced the gang. "I'll fight you," he challenged.

James and the rest just gave him a smug look.

"Wait, don't get yourself involved," Alice went to stop Mark. He got angrier and pushed Alice away.

"You already got us involved anyway. Don't worry, I'll fight these guys. You aren't worthy to save our friends," Mark said coldly.

Alice never saw Mark that angry before. He was seething with rage and it made her afraid.