The Troublemaker

"So you two finally made up?" Josh asked. Mark, Alice, and the others were having lunch at the school rooftop.

"I'm glad we made up," Alice grinned.

"Did anything interesting happen?" Lance asked.

"Oh, well Alice and I kissed." Mark shrugged.

"How can you just tell them as if it is the most normal thing in the world?!" Alice smacked him on the head. That was when they both saw the gobsmacked expressions on their friends' faces.

"A kiss in the rain eh?" Alex smirked.

"It's nothing, it's not true," Alice blushed furiously.

"Oh, I think it is." Matthew teased,

"It is," Mark added.

"Shut up!" Alice stepped on his foot causing him to jerk.

"How sweet, so are you two dating yet?" Vincent asked, although he only received a glance at Mark's middle finger as a reply.

"Why would you two kiss? We're only in high school and not to mention that you two aren't even dating. It's wrong and foolish," Gerald scolded.

"You're doomed," Lance muttered.

Gerald turned and he saw Mark giving him a death glare and Alice approaching him. He gulped "That's why I regret it Gerald, it's not like I wanted to kiss Mark," she said with a scary aura.

Gerald suddenly felt severe pain. Alice kicked him on the crotch and it caused him to land on the floor and cry out in pain. "Learn to shut up next time Gerald my dear friend," she said sweetly.

Once lunch was over they returned to their classroom and their classes resumed.

"Where's Tiffany?" their teacher asked.

"She's suspended," one of their classmates answered.

"Oh, I remember now. Is Alice here?" she asked again. Alice raised her hand to catch her teacher's attention. "Don't cause any trouble okay?" she reminded.

"Yes ma'am," Alice nodded. "Sheesh, it's Tiffany's fault." she grumbled.

A few moments later, their classes ended and Alice and the others walked home together. "Alice, aren't you worried?" Vincent asked.

"Why?" she asked.

"Well Tiffany is coming back soon, she'll definitely get revenge," he answered.

Alice only shrugged. "I'm not worried, when it comes to fighting I got it in the bag and besides, I have you guys. You'll stop me before I do anything stupid." She answered.

"I'm worried that you might do something on your own again," Mark sighed.

"Trust me, I won't. I learned my lesson." she chuckled.

"Oh by the way guys" they stopped when Alice called their attention. "Let's have a sleepover at my house, you can invite your girlfriends over too. My parents will be going on a trip and I'm pretty sure that my brother won't go home," she said.

"Cool, it's gonna be a party!" Josh cheered.

"No it isn't, I just want the girls to come too since I don't want the neighbors to tell my dad that I invited seven guys to my house, and they're ugly for that matter." Alice smirked.

"Hey, that's mean." Gerald pouted.

"I'm only kidding," Alice laughed. "I have cool best friends you know?" she smiled.

"Hah! Be thankful, we'll see you tomorrow then," Alex ruffled her hair. They were already at the bus stop so the others are going to separate from them.

Alice and Mark were walking home together, as usual. "What will you do if the members of Black Phantom returns?" Mark asked. Alice only shrugged. "Just be careful Alice, you'll never know when they will strike." Mark warned.

"Don't worry Mark, I already defeated them. Anyway, why are you worried about them? Tiffany is the one returning, not them."

"You can beat Tiffany anytime, she's just a girl who thinks she's strong, and besides, you know her weakness." Mark replied.

"Tiffany's weakness is you," Alice pointed out.

"I know," Mark sneered causing Alice to giggle. "But I'm worried about those guys from Black Phantom, they're guys." Mark worriedly said.

"No worries they won't beat me up, James told me. He said he wants we or something like that."

"He w-wants you?!" Mark's eyes twitched. Alice nodded.

"You are not fighting those idiots! I'll bury them to the ground." Mark said in a scary aura.

"Shoot," Alice said with a smug look. "I recall you got beaten up by them," she teased.

"Shut up he cheated," Mark blushed.

"Whatever, I defeated James when I got a spark of adrenaline rush." Alice taunted.

"Fine you're stronger… so what?" Mark bellowed.

"You're cute when you get annoyed," Alice laughed as she pinched Mark's cheeks. "Well my house is in this street, I'll see you tomorrow." Alice waved as she separated from him.

Mark touched his cheeks which were now warm, he knew he's blushing. "Alice said I was cute," a goofy grin formed on his lips. He giddily walked home like he just won the lottery.

The following day, they had classes for history and chemistry, and just like the day before the teachers warned Alice about causing trouble. Alice complained about it during their lunchtime but the guys did point out that she really is one hell of a troublemaker.

"So who's coming?" Alice asked.

Not all of the girls were given permission so only nine people are going to her house. The boys, Julianne and Sarah.

Their next class was gym class, their coach said that the sport for the final grading period was basketball. He told the students to form four groups. Alice immediately teamed up with her friends together with Jayne and Sarah.

"Okay first game, Josh's team versus Edward's team," their coach said. As much as Alice wanted to play she had to let the guys play first, so she acted as the coach instead. She gave them instructions and then the game started.

Edward's team practically dominated the first half which really frustrated Alice so during the second half she insisted to play with them. The guys from the other team looked amused when Alice entered.

"You sure you can handle it, sweetie?" Max, one of the members of the other team, teased.

"Yeah right." Alice rolled her eyes.

To their surprise, Alice was a big help. She was fast enough to steal from the other team thus giving her team more chances to score. The guys were also surprised that Alice was good at passing, the ball wouldn't even last long in her hands!

"Why are you so good at passing?" Alex asked.

"I suck at dribbling," she mumbled.

During the last quarter, their team was able to catch up. "Alice, try to make your shots just like during the Christmas party," Mark pleaded. They were only three points behind and they were down to the last three minutes.

"I'll try,"

Alice did attempt to shoot and some got in and some didn't plus the other team focused on marking Alice. "Can't a girl get some space?" she joked.

You're not a girl on the court Alice, you're also a player like us," Edward grinned.

"Okay," she was able to break out of their defense, the ball was passed to her and she passed it to Mark. "Shoot it loser!" Alice shouted.

"Mark's team wins by one point. Final score is 50 to 49!" their coach announced.

"We won!" Alex yelled.

"You almost made us lose, idiot! If you didn't break out of that defense what would have happened?" Mark told Alice.

"You were awesome!" Alice ran to him and she jumped onto him out of pure happiness, this caused them to land on the floor with Alice on top of Mark. "Gosh, I can't believe we won. Did you see me play? Was I awesome?" Alice ranted like a child.

"Alice, you can get off now," Mark chuckled.

She stopped talking, everyone in their class was eyeing them. All had goofy smiles on their faces. She blushed when she realized their awkward position.

"This is your fault!" she yelled as she slapped Mark accidentally.

"What did I do?" he whined.

Everyone laughed, "Those two are like a part of a romantic comedy movie," their coach laughed as he looked at the two who are now currently fighting and blaming each other.

Once classes were over they all headed to Alice's house. "By the way, since I don't know how to cook can you cook for us?" Alice asked.

Everyone facepalmed. "We're the visitors, you should be the one cooking for us," Julianne teased.

"I'll cook then but I can't guarantee your safety from food poisoning," Alice winced.

They laughed. "You're such a joker. Fine, we'll do the cooking" Sarah smiled.

"Alice is such a horrible cook," Mark commented as he placed his arm around Alice.

"What did you say?" she glowered.

"You're. a. horrible. cook." he said with a smug grin.

All of a sudden, Mark was flipped onto his back courtesy of Alice. "Don't you dare enter my house idiot!"

Mark winced in pain. "J-just kidding," he chuckled as he stood up and dusted his uniform. Alice only rolled her eyes at him. "I'm still a better cook," he teased.

"I'll kill you once I get you!" Mark immediately ran once he felt Alice's scary aura. They could hear Alice cursing Mark as they chased each other.

"I guess we're following them," Josh shrugged.

Minutes later, they arrived at Alice's house. By that time, the two have stopped fighting. Alice opened the door and they entered.

"Wow, it's my first time here," Sarah whistled.

"Just make yourselves at home, feel free to do anything. The kitchen is right there, you may cook anything." Alice said.

"We'll be happy to cook," the girls said in chorus.

"Thanks, sorry for making you cook though. We'll be back in a few minutes," Alice sighed.

"It's okay, I love cooking," Julianne giggled. Alice and the guys went to her bedroom.

"I never expected your room to be girly," Alex said as he looked around the room. Alice's room was clean and neat, there were also some posters of some male idols.

"What the heck do you think of me?" she scoffed. "I get attracted too you know," she chuckled.

"It just seems like a weird thing for you," Lance laughed. "By the way Alice, is that a picture of you and Grant on your desk?" he asked.

Alice immediately ran towards her desk but Mark beat her to it. It was indeed a picture of her and Grant. They tried out the photo booth once when they went out together. Mark's eyebrows knitted when he saw the picture.

"Hey, is something going on between the two of you?" he eyed her.

"No way," Alice shook her head. "We're just close friends."

"Too close," Mark thought. "You never took pictures with any of us," he added. Alice never took a picture with any of the guys aside from group photos, the least they got in the picture was three.

"It isn't my fault that all of you have crushes, I'm pretty sure none of you would like a picture with me," she said as she snapped the photo away from Mark.

"Mark would," Josh snickered.

"What?" Alice asked and he just shook his head.

"You're lucky she didn't hear it," Mark whispered.

"Hey guys! Dinner is ready!" Sarah called. Alice and the others headed downstairs. She apologized for letting the girls do the work then they began to eat.

"Wow, this is delicious!" Gerald gasped as he took a bite of the food.

"I can't believe we have the ingredients to make this," Alice laughed.

"Thanks for letting us use your kitchen Alice," Sarah grinned.

"N-no it's fine, I should be the one thanking you for cooking." Alice waved.

After eating Lance and Gerald offered to do the dishes. "Good boys," Alice beamed. Josh grunted and flicked Alice's forehead.

"Don't treat them like dogs!"

Once they were done, they all gathered in the living room. "What should we do now?" Alex asked.

"I have an idea," Julianne said.

"What?" they turned to her.

"Truth or Dare," she smirked.

Everyone was silent but they all grinned and agreed. "Well that seems interesting," Matthew said.