It was the day of the play, and as Alice told Mark, she decided to visit Mark's home. Once she got there she knocked at the door.
"Mom, someone's at the door. I can't answer it right now, my outfit is embarrassing!" Mark shouted.
"Good morning," Mark's mother greeted once she opened the door.
"Hi auntie, is Mark here?" Alice asked.
"Mark's in the living room. Come in sweetie," So Alice headed towards the living room.
"Who was it mo—" Mark was cut off when he came face to face with Alice. They stared at each other for who knows how long until Alice started laughing. "Don't laugh," Mark looked away.
"It's cute," Alice giggled.
"Never mind, by the way, sorry about last night's incident, dad was being crazy again." Alice shrugged.
"Again? You mean it happened before?" Mark exclaimed.
"It happens when he sees me with a guy. Last time he brought out an actual sword," Alice narrated.
"How did your father acquire those weapons anyway?" Mark asked in bewilderment.
"Well he often goes hunting with his boss, plus my grandfather was once a soldier and a swordsman and my other grandfather was a Karate expert back then," she explained.
"No wonder you're inhuman, your family sure is one of a kind." Mark groaned. "Anyway, how come you're still not wearing your costume?"
"My costume is still at school, Miriam said she has a bunch of adjustments to do. You know her, she'll never get satisfied." she shrugged.
"You do have a point, well come on, let's go, I don't wanna be late," Mark said.
They were about to leave when they saw Grant right outside Mark's house, Alice used all her self control to stop herself from laughing. Grant was wearing his Captain Hook costume, he did look good but he just couldn't blend in because of his extraordinary costume.
"I was going to offer you a ride because I know how embarrassing your situation is," Grant said.
"Then why didn't you come to Alice first?" Mark asked.
"Because I know the costume would suit her anyway, but then again she doesn't have her costume with her does she?"
"Good point, and nope, she's changing at school."
"I think you're forgetting that I'm right here," Alice went between them. "Don't talk about me in that way, I'm getting a bit conscious." she said.
"It's true anyways," Grant smiled.
"Whatever pretty boy, come on. Let's go to school before Mark's neighbors see you," Alice said as she pushed them both into Grant's car.
It was quiet in the car when Mark decided to talk. "You know time passed by so quickly," he muttered as he stared outside.
"I know what you mean, I've just been in this school for more than a month," Grant suddenly frowned.
"Today is the last day of school," Alice said with a smiling face. Suddenly she realized that the two were both releasing a negative atmosphere and had gloomy faces. "B-but you know, I do hope we win the contest so that we could go to the amusement park together. Also, we could all hang-out during vacation too." Alice tried to cheer the two up.
"You're right, I guess we should all try our best today so that we'd get a higher chance of winning." Grant smiled and Mark nodded. Alice sighed in relief. "They're okay now,"
Once they arrived at school Grant and Mark dashed off to their classroom while Alice casually walked. Everyone whom she passed by greeted her and wished her good luck for the play, she smiled at them in return. "Great, now I'm getting nervous." Alice thought as she flipped her hair.
Alice entered the classroom and she was both mentally disturbed and overwhelmed with happiness. Mark and Grant were both frozen on the sofa, the other guys were dressed as pirates and what cracked her up the most were her friends as the lost boys.
Alex was wearing a fox costume, Matthew was wearing a bunny outfit, Lance and Josh were dressed up as raccoons, Gerald was a bear and Vincent was dressed as a skunk! Alice ran near them. "Aww! Look at you! You're all so fluffy!" she then gave them all an embrace.
"Meh, I hate this day." Josh spat.
"It's fine to be called cute, but fluffy is way beyond my sanity!" Lance groaned. Alice pouted.
"Are my two little racoons upset?" she teased.
"Oh don't tease us, Miriam's right behind you and she's holding a cute fluffy blue dress," Alex smirked.
"Eh? What?" Alice turned around.
"Your costume is done! Now let's get you dressed" then a bunch of girls dragged Alice towards the girl's locker room.
"This… is… too… girly!" Alice yelled the moment she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a blue dress, but there were more laces and ribbons added to it. She was wearing long white socks and her black shoes and worst of all, she was wearing make-up. But the thing she can't tolerate the most was the huge blue ribbon on her hair.
She grabbed a pair of scissors and she cut her hair. Now it was only shoulder length, the other girls looked at her as if she'd gone mad. "I needed that haircut anyway," she groaned.
"Wow, it suits you! I'll straighten the cut for you then we're off to the classroom." Miriam chuckled as she dragged her.
"Hey everyone, here's our Wendy!" the girls shouted once they entered the classroom. Alice was looking at the floor because of her embarrassment. To her surprise, no one was laughing, instead she heard gasps and when she looked up, most were looking at her.
"I know I have a girlfriend but I know she'd agree, damn you look good. Did you get a haircut?" Josh smiled.
"I was panicking a lot and I cut my hair," Alice answered as if it were a normal thing to say.
"It suits you, Alice. We're proud best friends here!" Alex grinned.
Alice turned away. "Shut up" she said with puffed cheeks. She walked off and approached Mark who apparently still hasn't noticed her. She tugged his shirt and he turned to her.
"Hey, be honest with me, do I look okay?" she said without looking at him in the eyes. Mark was too stunned to even answer.
"You really look, cute. The new hairstyle suits you too." Mark muttered.
"Wrong answer!" Alice yelled as she punched his shoulder.
"I thought it was a cheesy moment" Veronica slapped her forehead.
"Sorry," Alice grumbled immediately.
"It's nothing, but you really do look cute. You should try smiling more then you'd definitely look your best." Mark smiled sweetly at her.
Alice didn't know why but her heart skipped a beat, she gulped then forced out a smile. Mark laughed. "Not like that, you look scary."
"Whatever," she huffed. "Let's just do our best okay?" then she smiled.
Mark blushed and he looked away. "Damn, she nailed it"
Minutes later, they all headed to the auditorium. Mark noticed Alice trembling, he took her hand with his. "Relax and just have fun with it," Mark assured.
"I don't think I can have fun with it when our chance of winning is on the line," Alice sighed as she slipped her hand away.
"Damn, it's a full house." Grant cursed when he peeped through the curtains. Mark and Alice went near him and they too peeped through the stage curtains. They saw their families, all in complete attendance, right in the front seats.
"Miriam," Alice huffed. "She probably invited them." she groaned.
"You can thank me later, go to the stage Alice, the play will start in two minutes, go to your position."
It was a good thing that Alice was nervous otherwise she could've strangled Miriam then and there.
"Mark and Grant, I have to tell you something," Miriam called the two. "Grant, I want to see more of your evil side okay? When you're saying you want Wendy mean it."
"Yeah sure," Grant shrugged. "But you do realize that Alice's and my parents are here!" he snapped.
"It's a play, be professional." Miriam beckoned.
"And what were you going to tell me?" Mark asked. Miriam whispered something to him.
"What? Hell no!" Mark objected.
"Do it," Miriam glared. "Or else you won't get your share in our class money."
"Stupid manipulative Spartan of a class president," Mark grumbled. Then he smiled to himself. "Be professional huh?" he chuckled.
The play went on smoothly, and the audience would react enthusiastically to every twist they had. The play was a big hit. Finally, it was the last scene where Peter and Wendy bid farewell. They altered the ending wherein, Peter chooses to grow up with Wendy on earth. Mark was able to take a glance at Miriam from backstage.
"Do it!" she mouthed.
Mark gulped, he leaned down and kissed Alice's forehead. "I love you Wendy," he smiled.
Alice was surprised, no beyond that, she was flabbergasted. The kiss wasn't part of the script. After that the curtains closed, music played and she heard the crowd's applause. Alice was still shocked.
"Mark, what was that? It wasn't part of the script!" Grant whined.
"Sorry, Miriam forced me to do it" he turned to Alice "Sorry for surprising you," he chuckled.
"Idiot!" she punched him, her face was in a deep shade of red.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Miriam ordered me and she said I should really surprise you," Mark defended himself from getting punched again.
"Okay everyone, get ready to take the final bow," Miriam ordered.
"You! This is all your fault!" Alice roared as she attempted to strangle Miriam but Mark and Grant restrained her from going near the class president.
Suddenly the curtains opened and the audience saw Grant and Mark both pulling Alice, the three immediately separated and took a bow as if nothing happened. Mark and Grant were certain that Alice's father was glaring daggers at both of them.
Soon the play was over and most students went to see their parents. They were fortunate to be the last class to use the auditorium so they can stay as long as they want.
"Was I good? That's the first time I ever tried acting in front of a huge audience."
"You were great, but I can't believe you didn't invite us, good thing your class president sold us some tickets." her mother smiled.
A vein throbbed on Alice's forehead. "Sorry, I thought you're busy." After that she got a short lecture from her father about that "Kissing Scene" but Alice was able to clear things up. Mark and Grant went to fetch her but apparently it wasn't a good idea since they only received more glares from Alice's father. They headed to the classroom afterward.
Once they were in the classroom the three crashed to the sofa in the room. "I'm beat," Alice yawned as she settled between Grant and Mark.
"Your dad is scary," Grant commented.
"There are worse things dude," Mark laughed as he told Grant about the wooden sword aiming he received the previous night.
"Hey, thanks for your help." they were surprised to see Miriam holding a box of donuts and milk teas for them. "Eat up, it's my reward, you worked all week and the play was awesome, this is my way of saying thanks."
"Let's eat!"
Once they finished eating, Grant fell asleep. "He must be really exhausted," Alice smiled as she looked at Grant's peaceful face.
"Hey Alice," Mark called, she turned to face him. "Let's go out, we have to enjoy the last day of school," Mark said.
"Sure," Alice grinned.
The two hung-out for the rest of the day, it was already five-thirty and the bonfire lighting occurs at six. "Let's go to the rooftop,"
They got to the rooftop and they leaned on the railings, from up there they can see the whole festival going on, not to mention the beautiful sunset right in front of them. But as Mark looked at Alice, he couldn't help but feel worried, it looks like she isn't enjoying it at all.
"Alice, are you alright?" he asked worriedly and Alice looked at him with lonely looking eyes.