

"I'm hungry..." Yuki groaned while rubbing his hand on his stomach.

"Bear with it, we're almost there." Rue said as they make their way towards the school cafeteria.

"He's so handsome!"

"The Elites are just so dreamy!"

"It's The Elites!"

"Who's that girl beside Yuki?"

"I don't know maybe she's a Astatinian too, she's pretty though."

"Pretty?? She looks like an angel!"

"Who is she?!!"

"Umm...why are they looking at our direction?" Zhyrine asked in confusion. Gazes from students have been directed to them as soon as they pass among students on the hallway.

"Sorry Zyne. It's just, other people find us amusing dor some reason." Yuki explained with a apologetic smile.


"They're just bunch of bugs." Zhyrine heard Loki whisper.

"Bugs...?" Loki glanced at her.

"Tch, stupid." he mumbled but Zhyrine heard making her pout.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asked when she saw Zhyrine pouting.

"Nothing." she answered a bit frustrated.

As soon as they reach the cafeteria they ordered for themselves and sat on the available table at the corner.

"By the way Zyne, I heard you're a scholar." Chain suddenly brought up. Zhyrine nodded as a respond, though her eyes are focused on the food on her tray.

"Then you must be smart."

Zhyrine stopped on her tracks.

"Umm...I don't know" she answered plainly and continued eating, starting with the french fries.

"What do your family do?" Aries asked.

"My parents are both working in the medical area. Ah, I heard awhile ago that they kept calling you all The Elites, what does that mean?" Zhyrine asked changing the topic.

"The Elites are actually a title given to the group of students that ranks within the Top 10 but because our group are always in the top 10, the title The Elites became like our group name for some reason. Actually the title Elites is still what they call to those in Top 10, but they don't use it anymore. They are currently thinking of changing it." Titus explained and Zhyrine nodded understanding.

The next minutes passed with them eating and asking questions about Zhyrine.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet." Zhyrine excused herself and left. Their questions keep getting deeper and she already felt guilty lying.






"Wah! I'm lost!" Zhyrine exclaimed in frustration. She forgot to ask for direction and now she doesn't know where to go. There was no one in the hallway she's in.

She sighed and just decided to follow the end of the hallway, hoping to bump into someone that could help her.

After a few minutes of walking she saw an slightly opened door and there was light radiating from it. Zhyrine smiled and ran through the door.

Her eyes widened when she saw that it was an open space, the bright blue sky are visible and there are trees dancing with the wind. There are grass everywhere making the place looked calm and fresh.

As she roam her eyes on the open space, something caught her eyes.

"A student!" she exclaimed and went towards the person laying upon the grasses.

Zhyrine stared at the person in confusion. The man is wearing the same uniform as hers but his eyes were closed.

"Is he dead?" Zhyrine mumbled to herself.

"Umm..excuse me..?" she tried to wake him up and but the man didn't react.

Zhyrine squatted and stared at the man. He was jet black hair, high nose, fair skin, plump lips and he has long lashes.

Zhyrine brought her hands to his face and slowly poked his cheek. When the man didn't react she tried to poke again with her finger but a hand suddenly grabbed hers.

Zhyrine fell back in surprise. The man then woke up and got up from the grass. He was in a sitting position as he stare at Zhyrine.

Zhyrine sat back and her eyes suddenly went to his. Her bright emerald eyes met his gray ones. Zhyrine unknowingly stared at the gray orbs, for some reason she suddenly felt something strange.

"You..." she snapped from her thoughts when the man spoke.


"I know you..... Zhyrine Valeineart?"

Zhyrine's eyes widened "How did you know?!" she exclaimed.

"I've seen you before." he answered.

"B-but..." Zhyrine suddenly felt nervous, someone already knows about her secret. Now, she can't continue attending school, that was the secret condition that her mother ordered.

"Umm...c-can you please...keep this a secret? Please...?" Zhyrine said and stared at his eyes pleading.

The man then nodded.

Zhyrine beamed in delight and unconsciously hugged him. The man's eyes slightly widened in surprise and his lips parted, but after a second, his expression turned back.

"Thank you very much!" Zhyrine said cheerfully.

"Do you also know the way to the Astatine Section? I was going to the toilet but I got lost." she explained and pouted. The man just stared at her before answering her.

"I know."


"Aren't you going to the toilet?"

"Right! but the class is going to start soon..."

"They won't punish you."

"Really?! Then can you guide me first to the toilet?"

"Let's go."

While making their way, Zhyrine kept asking questions after questions while Zyco continued answering her in one word or in one simple sentence.

- - - - - - - - -

The door suddenly opened interrupting the whole class. The professor stopped in her tracks and her mad gaze averted to see who has the audacity to interrupt her class, but her mouth shut tightly as soon as her eyes landed on the two person.

"Y-Young master Zyco...and Miss Zyne. Kindly go to your seats please."

Zhyrine felt confused at the professor's weird expression but she just shrugged it off and smiled at her. Zhyrine bowed slightly at the professor and went to her seat beside Yuki.

"You're with Zyco?" Yuki whispered to Zhyrine.

She nodded "I got lost and he helped me."

Yuki looked at her surprised. Zhyrine on the other hand was oblivious of Yuki's surprised reaction.

Hours later and the class were dismissed. Zhyrine organized her notes and grabbed her bag on the side. While placing her notes unto the bag, Zyco went towards her direction and stood close to her.

Zhyrine noticed his presence and turned her gaze towards him.

"Is something wrong Z?"

Yuki and the others turned their heads on Zhyrine's direction with a surprised expression written all over their face.

"I'll take you to your dorm."

Zhyrine grinned at him "Okiee! Leggo!" she said excitedly and grabbed unto his arm. They both left the room leaving Yuki and the others.

"Did you guys saw what I saw or i'm just imagining it"

"So you saw it too, that means i'm not hallucinating."

"Has the world gone upside down?"

"The world has gone mad."

"The world is ending."

Loki stared at them with a disgusted look.

"Stupid human beings."