
07 TOP 10

"Wife, what brings you here?"

The King asked the woman who just entered his study room, her wife, the Queen.

"My mind is just quite unstable these days, I can't help but worry about our daughter." She spoke her words with laced worriness. The king sighed and stood from the dark wooden chair. He took steps towards his wife and held her cold hands.

"Wife, Zhyrine is not like the other kids these days, she might be crafty and mischievous inside but she's not impulsive. Going to that school and interacting with other kids will help her understand others in the future, I allowed her because I know sooner or later she will need to face the world, we can't just cage her forever." the king explained with a soothing tone as he held his wife's hand.

"I know, I know. But there are so many scary possible scenarios in my head that could happen to her…"

"Don't worry my Queen. I got someone trustworthy to watch over our daughter and if the world ends up recognizing Zhyrine, we will protect her." the king reassured. Zypha nodded at his husband.

"I also had an agreement with our daughter to keep her identity a secret or else she'll need to leave that school however, I don't know if she'll obey."

The king shook his head "No, I can't trust her on that but I know she can handle herself."

- - - -

"Whoa!! Someone beat Fiona!"

"The gorgeous Astatinian girl!"

"So that's why she's placed at the top class, she can keep up with the elites!"

"The girl who's hanging around the elites actually got to the top ten! Such big news!"

Students rambled while looking at the posted top 10 rank list from the monthly test's result. They couldn't believe someone beat Fiona Lacraine, the consistent top tenth on the rank list and from the Oganesson Section, the class next to Astatine.

The girl named Fiona clenched her fist as she heard about the news. She had always studied for 10 years straight to keep up with the elites, but no matter what she does, she was always placed behind them. Not until one of the members transferred to another school was she placed at the 10th spot. But now, it was taken away.

She cannot accept such a fact.




"Zyne! You placed 10th!! That's amazing!"

Zhyrine chuckled at Yuki's praise. If only he knew that she purposely answered wrong at a few questions in order not to take over the top spot and gain attention.

"Zyne actually beat Fiona, that girl must be furious by now."

Chain nodded in agreement at Aries' words "That girl breaths because of books and she's totally crazy about her grades, she must be fuming mad right now."

"We should celebrate! Let's eat tons of food today!!" Yuki exclaimed full of hype and raised his arms.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Zyne shouted excitedly.

"Now, now. Don't be too excited kids."

"You sound like their mom."

"Then you're the father." Chain winked at Aries.

Aries looked at him with disgust "The heck with you?!" he exclaimed and Chain bursted laughing.

While getting their food, they decided to eat at Evergarden on Yuki's suggestion. They placed their trays at the table located under the tree's shade and they sat facing each other.

"You two…" Zhyrine and Yuki looked at Rue. Both their cheeks were filled with food and their faces resemble a squirrel.

"Are you two pigs?"

"Numph! Weph noff pishhdss!!"

"Hey! Don't talk with your mouth full." Chain stated and Aries looked at him while shaking his head "Mother." Chain rolled his eyes on him.

Zhyrine was busy stuffing her mouth with food when someone barged the door open making her and the others attention shift at the person who came, Fiona.

"Oh, there she is, this is gonna be interesting." Loki said with a playful grin.

"Be careful Zyne." Harris warned and Zhyrine looked at him, confused.

Fiona walked towards their direction and slammed her hands on their table. Her murderous gaze went to Zhyrine.


"Me?" Zhyrine asked, confused.

"Yes, let's retake the test. I cannot accept this, I am certain that I studied more than you did without doubt. I don't know how you got more scores than me, but let's retake the test to see who deserves to be at the top 10." she stated while looking at Zhyrine with seriousness.

"Retake the test to see who deserves to be on the 10th spot?" Zhyrine asked playfully.

A smirk rose upon her lips and expression became serious. Her eyes bore lifelessly against Fiona. She stood up and placed both her hands on the table and looked at Fiona with a bored expression.

Except Zyco, all of them were surprised at her sudden change of attitude and expression. That's not Zyne!

"What would you do if I refuse?"

Fiona glared at her "Then I'm gonna drag you by your hair until we reach the room and don't stare at me like that you..!" she fumed and Zhyrine suddenly bursted laughing. She held his stomach while laughing and everyone except Zyco looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

"How adorable…" Zhyrine wiped the tears formed at the corner of her eyes due to laughing.

"Human psychology is really interesting." she uttered.

"Okay then, i'll go." she casually spoke but she smirked and resumed "but in one condition, if you lose... run naked around the campus and shout how dumb you are." she stated with seriousness.

They all looked at her with shock expressions on their faces.

"Tha-That…" Fiona was lost with words and even the Elite members were speechless.

Silence enveloped the whole Evergarden.

"Pfft- just kidding!!" Zhyrine bursted laughing.

Fiona's face reddened with anger. She was about to speak when the bell rang interrupting her. Zhyrine smiled at that.

"I-I'll deal with you next time." she stammered and left rushing.

"Aw but I still haven't finished my food." Zhyrine pouted while looking at her tray of foods.

Zyco stood up from his seat and patted her head "Let's go to class." Zhyrine nodded at him grinning.

"Leave the trays, i'll ask someone to put them back." Zyco stated.

Everyone was silent as they made their way towards their room. They glance at Zhyrine every now and then with eyes full of questions. They are clearly confused and curious about her.

Zhyrine stopped on her tracks and they all stopped after seeing her not taking steps. She faced them and smiled at them.

"Let's go to the Ex-house after class." she said then shifted her gaze towards Zyco for approval and he nodded.