

TWO WEEKS passed and the special activity that happens every semester in Veinlourd University came. Every section have their own location and for the Astatine section, their destination is the Fillea Island, an island owned by the Veinlourd's.

Zhyrine woke up yawning, she's still sleepy but she needs to wake up early to pack her things for the trip, so she set an alarm to not oversleep. This was the first time Zhyrine has to wake up early, before in the palace, she wakes up whenever she wants because she doesn't have any duties to attend other than doing her hobbies which is reading, hacking, playing and eating. For most, it was a dream but for Zhyrine, it was a pure boredom.

Zhyrine walked lazily to grab her food. Her lids unconsciously dropping as she ate, she's definitely still not used in this type of lifestyle.

Their professor has already consulted them and gave the information about the things that they will be doing there. They're basically gonna live there for three days with nature and their bag as their only resource

Though sleepy, Zhyrine can't help but smile while thinking what she'll do during the field trip, she's gonna have a lot of lots of fun!

She started packing and putting all her stuff in the travelling bag that the university provided.

After checking that she didn't forget anything, she went straight to the shower to wash up. She came out of the shower, blow dried her hair and got dressed. Their professor adviced them to wear comfy clothes to avoid discomfort while travelling so Zhyrine wore a comfortable old rose colored jogger pants and tucked in a plain white shirt. She casually put her rose colored hair in a high ponytail and went to her vanity.

She put a small amount of her powder in her unblemished face and put a slightly red colored lip balm in her lips. Her nanny taught her these things before she came here.

Zhyrine stood in the mirror and smiled at her appearance, pure youth and cuteness oozed from her. She nodded approving her look, she was about to grab the bag when a she heard a knock.

"Nee-chan?" Zhyrine heard and immediately recognized his voice, it's Yuki!

Zhyrine let go of the bag and went to the door to open it. Upon opening, a group of handsome men came to her view, the Elites.

"Good morning nee-chan!" Yuki greeted with a grin.

"Good morning too and....everyone?" Zhyrine said sounding confused as to why they are all here. Aries, Chain and Harris just smiled at her and waved.

"We came to pick you up! Are you done packing?" Yuki asked and Zhyrine nodded.

"Yes, I was about to go out... Am I late?!" Zhyrine asked horrified. She was sure she checked the time...

Yuki chuckled "No, nee-chan. We came so we can all go together."

"Oh" Zhyrine giggled "Then I'll just get my bag." Zhyrine went back to her room and carried her bag pack. It was quite heavy for Zhyrine since she wasn't used in carrying things and she's quite frail.

"Let's go!" Zhyrine said cheerfully and excited. She closed her door and while they're walking the hallway to exit the dormitory. Zhyrine was talking to Yuri at the back when she felt a hand grab her bag making her stop in her tracks and also Yuki who looked at her in confusion. She turned to look and saw Zyco. She looked at him confused. Zyco walked close to her and remove the bag from her and slung it behind his back.

"Let me carry it" he said and continued walking like nothing happened.

"But it's heavy.." Zhyrine said.

Zyco just glanced at the frail girl and ignored her.

Yuki giggled on the side, Zhyrine looked at him in a very confused look "Just let him Zyne" he said chuckling.

"Okay.." Zhyrine just muttered.

They went out of the girl's dormitory and went in front of the University where the busses are parked. Students from different sections are already making their way on their own busses and students are all over the place.

Zhyrine just followed Zyco and the others as they descend to the bus, Zhyrine roamed her eyes inside the vehicle. The inside is quite spacious and only contains ten comfortable chairs.

Everyone took their seat and Zhyrine was seated between Yuki and Rue who held an irritated look on his face. Why the heck am I sitting beside this girl?!

"Hey Loki! Let's switch place!" he said to Loki who's seated in front of him. Loki didn't speak and just ignored him.

Rue turned to Aries and Chain and Aries just put his tongue out on him to irritate him more.

"Just get along with Zyne, you stupid red haired monkey" Chain insulted.

"What did you say?!" Rue shouted angrily surprising Zhyrine beside her.

"Deaf, you didn't hear me? I said get along with Zyne" Chain said provoking Rue.

"Tsk! Why would I get along with this girl, I don't even know her" he sneered and crossed his arm. Zhyrine beside him just pouted.

"I already said you'll know about me soon, not now." Zhyrine said pouting.

"What? Are you some kind of Royalty so you're hiding your identity?" he said and Zhyrine didn't speak for a moment. Well, yes...?

"Why are you so rude?" Zhyrine turned to Rue. She crossed her arm, pouted and glared at him. Rue looked at her and rolled his eyes at her.

"Because I don't like you and I don't know what kind of things are you scheming." he said and glared back.

"I already said I will reveal my identity soon."

"Then you'll stay as a threat to me until I know who you are"

"Hmp! You're unreasonable!"

"You're stupid"

"I'm not stupid"

"You are"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I said I'm not."

"I said you are.''

"I said I'm not"

"You are, you stu- That's enough" Rue was cut off when Zyco's cold voice interrupted him. Rue gulped and immediately shut his mouth.



I am thinking if I can do a mass release next week because I kept writing like a snail, so I'll see if I can do it.

Anyways, try reading my other story too entitled DEIN. I haven't wrote an update on that one but I'm thinking after I write a mass release, I will also continue DEIN. I can't give up on that one because I love the plot I made in that story and I can't waste it!

That's all! Thank you for reading this short note, don't forget to vote and share your thoughts!