Inquisition Gone Wrong

"Are you?"

Anasthasia flinched, albeit not to the point of subtlety, from her remarks. Her eyes flicked, then glanced at the rolls of fabric laid on the amber wood table, her hands grazed over them. She took her time, smiling in silence.

Closing Anasthasia's eyes, head shifted towards her and replied, "...What if I am?" Then her eyes narrowed open. Taking a glimpse of Lucy, hands at her back, but clear enough to see her fidgeting.

Those emerald bejeweled eyes lit up, enthusiasm taken over her body. She pranced to her direction, with every stride caused rhythmic thuds. She beamed a bright smile and clasped her fingers with a sharp stare, squealing, "That's so wonderful! I'm super delighted!"

"Wonderful? What do you mean?"

"You're one of the few who can wield magical powers!" She hopped and twirled out of excitement, batting her lashes so rapidly. Caused her to giggle further, "This is a wonderful encounter, indeed, and this has to be the sign for everything!"

"Lucy, I have no idea why you're that excited."

"Sister Ana, why are you reacting that way?"

"People like me are common, though."

With her face, Lucy shattered, stunned for a moment, and then looked at her in a repulsive manner, grimaced. Her high pitched voice started to grumble, "What do you mean they're common? They aren't."

Anasthasia creased her brows. "That's impossible! I can see the mana fluctuations and mana from people around here—"

"Wait, you can also sense people around you who are capable of wielding magic powers?"

"Of course, Lucy. I have been observing the streets for quite some time."

'But I definitely can't tell her about how the mana that resided would also diffuse from their body, it's as if their mana had taken—' She shook her head from her contemplation. She glanced at her once more, quipping with curiosity.

"Does that mean you knew I used magic to lift these rolls of fabric then."

She hummed in a soft tone and then responded, "Yes, that's about right. I caught a glimpse of it by my peripheral vision. The performance was clean and concise, and I can bet that not all could determine the first couple of glances."

"Then, does that mean you can use your powers too?"

"Yes, but—"

Anasthasia's eyes turned ablaze, crossing her arms and prying her for more, "How old are you?"

"I'm 14 years old."

"When did you experience the magical awakening?"

"About 3 yrs ago?"

"Do you have someone to guide you for that?"

Lucy's lips drew thin, inhaling quite an amount of air before she let it all out. "That's my problem. Because I don't."

Anasthasia's eyes deeply locked onto her, but her mind drifted to her surroundings. Ears twitched one last time from the varying sounds that reverberated the room, and the fragrance of wood continued to assault her nose. Finally, she blinked her crystal blue eyes as a cue for her next move.

"I wonder why's that the case."

"I'm not allowed to do so. My powers deemed nothing but embarrassment." Lucy's tone faltered, averting her eyes. Her hands, blessed with ivory, crumpled the hem of her outfit—harboring the same qualities and silhouette as hers except for the lilac color that draped with eloquence.

Anasthasia's vision obscured as different possibilities blockade forefront, ideas that could link and mold her decisions for the past years. It was an unstoppable surge of thoughts in her mind. Though, of all these, it didn't discourage her one bit as she stared deep in Lucy's eyes that burned with passion—the unquenchable thirst and want of learning and discovery.

"Is that so? Have you been using your powers in secret all this time?"

"That's about right, Sister Ana."

"You made this place as your training ground, is it?"

She saw how she shuddered ever so slightly in her stead, but she managed to hold on. She remained vigilant throughout the inquisition.

"Why don't you show me your powers?"

A soft thud heard had Lucy taken aback from her question. Her lips parted, trembling from the bombardment of questions. Which, in turn, had Anasthasia question herself.

'Was I being too straightforward? If she wishes to satisfy her curiosity by slowly picking at my cards and even lying her side to a stranger like me, she should likewise have prepared to answer my question.'

Anasthasia wanted to work things out efficiently for her. Just as she was about to wave her hand away to cut off the conversation, Lucy raised her head, glancing with determination. Her frail hands, which seemed to imitate a branch snapping from the careless caress of the squall, had let go from the clutches and hoisted midair.

After that, Anasthasia saw how her palms aglow with a shade of blue, and the sudden convergence of frigid wind heed upon her call. At the core, she saw the moisture solidified with the crystallized clouds of dust and particles in this peaceful room, where a crackling sound of shattered glass ravaged the air. Her skin caught up to the cold embrace.

'So it's the power of ice. This power of hers is incredibly fabulous.'

Anasthasia revealed a smug grin as she tapped her broken heel. "Alright, I am very well aware of your powers now."

"That's it?!"

She crisply nodded, "I have more or less gauge you magical powers."

'This child, as expected, really has a huge mana reservoir. She can easily claim a prodigal title for her natural talent. I only observed since, but I'm more happy than surprised that she's willing to reveal them.'

Snapping from her thoughts, Anasthasia sauntered, a lightweight thudding sound competed for the shattering muse of ice, closer to her. But Lucy didn't receive the response well, noting her advances quivered her in fear.

"Sister Ana, please don't come any closer!"

"What's wrong?" Anasthasia's voice halted as she bulged from what transpired forefront. Hers turned hoarse, frantically calling her, "Lucy! Lucy! You have to calm down!"

Anasthasia dodged and crouched from the haphazard, seeing how the frigid winds evolved to a flurry of coldness—diamond specks of dust and snowflakes—revolved the room. The surfaces of the walls turned and glazed over by the thin sheet of frost, continuing to blanket the area with piles of snow. Her body trembled from the subtle drop of temperature—a bitter cold.

"Snap out of your powers!"

Hearing her shout amidst the buzzing wind, she stammered under her course of power, "Sister Ana, I—I can't control at the moment!"


"I'm losing control of my powers easily!"

"No!" Anasthasia shouted with roughness in her tone, and she dashed back to the other side of the room. She screamed on top of her lungs, "Lucy, you must direct your powers to me."

'Formation of fire would be hard to generate right now. It's too quick, and I'm already in a disadvantaged position!'

Anasthasia clenched her teeth, scrutinizing the area. She then pondered in her thoughts, 'This won't do, the coldness is slowly reaching this area. I must continue to add more energy before she can remove them completely!'

"W—What do you mean—?"

"Just shoot me with it!"

"N—No! I don't want to hurt you!"

"Just listen to what I say! Now!"

Lucy looked away, and eyes shut completely, she pushed her arm and released an orb of frost that launched its way to Anasthasia. But she was quick enough to handle the situation, and she waved her hands. A sudden gust of wind dragged the furniture to her side, blocking the impact of shattered frost, and at the same time, placing her arms, which glow with bright red.


The rapid heat caused the furniture to ignite at a visible rate spontaneously, but its searing flames could not overcome the harsh coldness; she clicked her tongue as she glanced for more.

'This won't do! I need more!'

"Sister—Sister Ana! You're alive—"

"Lucy, what are you doing? Trust me, shoot your way here!"

Lucy and Anasthasia trade-off with their magical prowess, but this appalled the latter as things had yet to subside. The flurry of former's frost attacks had forced Anasthasia to remain in a defensive position, hoping she couldn't further harm the dangers loomed over Lucy.

'I need to make a perfect timing, or else things won't go well for both of us!'

With the incoming orb of frost, her blue eyes glinted with an abrupt quickness. She danced her arm and dragged more of the things she could grasp. She waited for the perfect opportunity during the collision.

'Almost there, almost there.'

Her blue eyes glowed as she cast, 'Meltdown!' once more.

The sudden rage of bright yellow flame from the furniture caused a severe abrasion against the flurry of ice. When an immediate, fierce spark observed from a distance, Anasthasia grinned in silence.

'That's what I'm waiting for.'

'Plasma Burst!'

The burst of chaotic energy arced and crawled in every direction, with every touch vaporized the ice caps, objects and surfaces ultimately reduced to charrs and ashes.