The New Home

"Thank you for the food." Anasthasia placed the bedazzling gold utensils to the table and gently placed the crimson-glazed table napkin. The softness of the fabric clashed with her red, dainty lips.

"I'm glad it is to your liking." Lucy stood from her seat. It had the same vibe Anathasia's and the dining table they were currently sitting—The small of strong, but the not pungent smell of varnish and amber wood genuinely assaulted her nose.

Anasthasia scrutinized her movement as Lucy grazed her fingers to the smooth surface of the table, and the sounds of every clink and clanks from picking up her tablewares played rhythm to her ears.

Blue eyes glinted as she drew closer, reaching the tablewares on her side. She held her hands with gentleness, halting her advance and quipping with calmness, "No, I'll do this myself."

"This isn't a big deal. Allow me to do this—"

"I insist," Anasthasia drawled, smiling, "And that's my line."

"...Okay, you shall do that."

"Where do we put this?"

"Over there!" Lucy had her fingertips pointed at the kitchen area, and she nodded in response.

Anasthasia had her peripheral vision alert while walking; she saw the walls with intricacies. But her ears could hear the sudden mumbles, rumbles, and myriad of thuds from the living room. Her brows creased further as her eyes dawned near the quartz countertop.

"Ignore it, Sister Ana."

"You noticed?" Her lashes flickered ever so slightly as she added a subtle grin on her face, "Was I that obvious?"

"That's not it, Sister Ana." She shook her head.

"What is it then?"

"They would come anytime soon, so that's a given you'll notice the sudden commotion."

"Who are those people?"

There was a pint of glimmer in her emerald eyes but died out at an unnoticeable rate. She then smiled afterward, saying, "Those people work under my brothers."

"Oh! Some henchmen?"

"I discourage the term 'henchmen,' as they are far beyond the likes of them and are incredibly pleasant people. They treated me like their own, and I'm deeply thankful for that."

"Seems like they care and protect you well."

"That's true, Sister Ana."

"I could have cleaned the mess in there, though; I mostly did the damage. I'd feel bad if I didn't help—"

"No!" Lucy squealed, grabbing a handful from the hem of her lilac cloak. "Don't use your powers in public, Sister Ana!"

"Why is that so?"

"I don't think I have seen a magician license that hung on your dress. With that in mind, if people find that out, you'll be treated no more than the likes of a criminal."

Anasthasia crisply nodded, which left her pondering to her thoughts, 'She knows how to handle different people. For her age, I'm impressed. I like that. I thought I'd get myself into a great hurdle. Well, I don't mind teaching a good student. It's years—no, several millennia had passed.'

When they slowly placed the dishes near the sink, which installed carefully right next to the quartz countertop. Anasthasia's fingertips can discern the cold, smooth sensation upon contact with the thick slab of glistening cream stone.

Lucy grabbed an ounce from the dishwashing soap while she reached for the white, ceramic plates. This arched Anasthasia's eyebrows, inquiring, "Do you handwash them?"

She nodded. "Sure, these are just a couple of plates. There's no problem if I clean them —"

"That's understandable."

"What do you mean, Sister Ana?" Turning, she gazed at her blue eyes that gleamed with enthusiasm.

"You can use magic for that."

"You mean—"

Anasthasia twirled her fingers in whimsical motion, with such fluidity, the faucet turned on and gushed out with such abrasion, removing the food leftovers and whatnot on the plate. She also drifted the liquid from Lucy's hands onto the plate in a circular motion.

With efficiency, she handled each plate one after another. Pumped the soap, moved along with the water, and Lucy carried the tablewares to the drying area. She snapped her fingers, and the fluid that burst out of its mouth seemed to reverse its natural course as though they were under an illusion spell before it finally closed.

"That was amazing, Sister Ana! I didn't know you can use the magic power of water as well!"

"Calm down now, and your eyes are sparkling so brightly." She giggled from her remarks and then slowly strutted her way toward the plates she had placed for drying. Hoisted her arms, hovering the palm of hers over the stacking plates and utensils. Afterwhich, a hollow light that tinged with red turned aglow and draped with the presence of warmth.

"Not only can you wash the dishes with ease but also warm them up!" Her jaw dropped, commenting with fascination in her eyes, "What else you can't do, Sister Ana?"

"You'll have to find out." She winked.

Which had Lucy grumbled in silence, and at the same time, Anasthasia laughed, both of them strutted back to the dining area. In the meantime, they would stay there until things renovated back.

"Lucy, Your cooking skills are at such high finesse. That's one of the greatest dishes I have ever tasted in my whole life."

"I put a lot of work and effort into this, thank you for noticing."

"Which brings me back to my hunches before, do you live here alone?"

"...Yes." She averted her emerald eyes, fidgeting her fingers at her back.

'I won't pry further. I'd feel bad that I'll put her in a tough situation again.' She sat at the closest chair as she elbows propped on the table and rested her chin on her fair-looking palms.

"Sister Ana!"

Anasthasia turned towards Lucy with skepticism, and she surveyed her subtle movements. Her lips drew thin before she uttered back, "What is it?"

"Since you'll be my teacher from now on, do you mind staying here?"

"That's if you are fine with it—"

"YES!" She squealed once more, dashing towards her way. Her small hands clasped hers, and her eyes glinted brighter than ever, beaming with glee, "You can be a freeloader as well—I don't mind. Just stay here, please."

"Calm down, calm down now. If you insist, then I shall take up the offer. You should hate freeloaders, though—"

"That's impossible!" Lucy choked under her breath, yelling, "There's no way you're a freeloader as you'll teach me from now on!"

"That's true…" Her voice drawn to a whisper, trailing from her thoughts, "I'm going to help your powers. But that's not enough."

"W—What do you mean, Sister Ana?"

"How do you think I knew those exquisite and intricate qualities of the fabric of yours?"

"You mean—!"

Anasthasia nodded in glee, her hand now rested on the table, flickering her eyes one more time, "I'm sure you drenched it with muck and dirt over those rolls. Perhaps to sully and deceive the people around you. But you can't fool me."

"That's wonderful to hear! I'd look forward to working with you, Sister Ana!"

"Don't sweat it. I can only help just as much—"

"No! It's alright! It's alright!"

"You need to calm your nerves; you've been interrupting me lately."

Lucy stood upright, mouth fully sealed from uttering. She stuck her chest out, arms tucked to the side, and then not even a breath had come out from her.

"Okay, going back." She glanced back to the table, fingers doodling over the glossy surface, which caused her to wonder, "How much do you know about your powers—?"

"Sister Ana, we don't have to dwell on that for our first meeting. Allow me to accommodate your stay in here properly."

"That's fine by me." Anasthasia slowly stood up from her seat, following Lucy's forefront. She pranced towards the stairway. Her blue eyes peered over the

The cinnamon fragrance of the wooden floor had assaulted Anasthasia's coupled with her eyes ogling at the combination of oak varnish and paler coating. The wood contained intricate grooves between the planks, alternating in design. Beneath their struts beat in a rhythmic tone that clearly showed the rigidity and quality.

Her eyes followed at her footsteps that pressed the wood floors on ascending steps. Moreover, she found her hands holding the handles that had caress of a dove's feather.

Reaching the end, Lucy trudged further and opened the door. She beckoned Anasthasia, "Sister Ana, come here. This will be your room from now on."

The golden beam dawned majestically at Lucy, which had her intrigued by the room. When she got close, the same light embraced her body. She yanked her arm right on her brows, blocking the dazzles.

By the window, a golden light fell upon the unmanned bed, the decorative plants, and the walls. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight as the shimmering light set the room to an ambiance, which she sought solace from.

"Sister Ana, allow me to present this to you. This will be your room…" Her cheerful voice then trailed off.

"...And perhaps, your new home as well."