The Best Companions

"I'm assertive."

Blake stared at her and her face filled with contempt from his claims. A roll in her eyes sufficed and leered at their grand outfit.

"It's unwise to wear those clothes within bustling streets, don't you think so?"

Both of them looked at each other, and, in synchronization, they reached out their pockets, retrieving the dimensional pouches. They unfastened their capes, placed inside it. In return, they grabbed a big piece of fabric, presumably a cloak similar to hers.

Anasthasia was marveled, still, with a valuable item. This time, she turned eagerly to get herself one.

'When I have money, I sure will…'

Gaze never broke free, so they slowed and became wary of their actions. Then, Anasthasia got to notice their vigilant reaction, which only flushed a pink shade across her cheek.

"I'm sorry, I'm quite intrigued about it."

Though, surprise loomed over her when they blurted the same time, "I have spare one—"

Glanced at each other while jerking their heads away. It was awkward, but not to her; she cackled. "I was so obvious. Rest assured, I'll get one."

However, a unanimous decision made to pick the relatively quiet road to take. Perhaps detour wasn't a problem for them, so with their strolls, she asked Michael.

"Do you have any objections as to how I decided it?"

Michael hummed. "I don't think it's that bad as I understood both circumstances. Besides, I don't think you would end my father's life."

"I sense a hint of confidence. Why so?"

"Didn't you say you had some matters with the Mana Tower?"

"Well, about that…" she trailed off her voice and faced Blake, who never looked their way but so clear he was all ears. "Rightfully so, this person right here only regulates and never the final decision."

With Blake's nod, Anasthasia's elbow jabbed Michael to the side. "What's with that? You think I'm that cruel?"

"Not really."

"Oh really, 'really' now…" She looked heavenward with clouds tinged with gold shimmers in the blue sky. "I can't wait to meet Lucy and the others."

Occasionally, she could notice the cautious look of people around her, but a little shrug, inwardly, helped maintain her calm. It's a natural response with them donned in such a cloak and moved so avant-garde would pique their interest.

It was a long walk until Blake signaled that the establishment was nearby. Anasthasia could feel her skin tingle from excitement.

'I'm looking forward to them!'

She glanced at the tall edifice with cream-colored bricks towered in a closer look, casting a long shadow in their direction. Arrays of windows were found on every floor and seemed to reach the heavens.

Michael tilted his head and called from her awed mood, "Tasha, let's go." He gestured arms to the varnished sandalwood arch as their sole entrance.

The cold breeze crept to her, coming through, she stuck her nose in the air as she savored the tangerine scent lingered in the air. A refreshing indoor air, indeed.

Anasthasia stared at the porcelain tile, splendid sheen with it reflecting off the plain beige ceiling. It wasn't crowded for a large space in the lobby. But there were different kinds of beasts along with their masters, of other races and sizes.

Not that it brought her attraction, it was easy for her to gloss over them and continue her keen watch to the one she looked for; odds were in her favor as she noticed the three familiar flavors from afar.

In the main reception area, near the semi-circular circulation space, Lucy sat in between the twins. Freidmirth, curling up, which Anasthasia presumed his favorite hobby of all time, as she embraced him.

Anasthasia strutted towards their direction, and as she drew closer, their neck stretched as though they anticipated something beyond the wooden desks. Blake and Michael followed.

Her clacks garnered their attention, and grins formed on their faces.

"How was it?" she queried.

"Sister Ana, everything... went fine." She then revealed her hand's back with a cute insignia of a solid blue and red color.

'That's a wonderful mark. Now they are connected.'

But she was particular with her subtle reactions. "However, what's with the hesitation?"

Lucy shook his head. "...They seemed to have their assessments." This time, she lowered her head and smiled. "Freidmirth is a drake, rare one at that, or so it seems."

Anasthasia was elated; hands covered her mouth to stop from the burst of laughter. Which, they also got the gist of it. It was contagious, they all did the same—hearty scoffs, giggles, and all the muffled snorts.

She heaved a sigh of relief and waved off a dismissive hand. "Nevermind, what's important would be all is good, Lucy."

"I think so too! Now, we're just waiting for some documents verified and handed over as a wrap-up."

No one could deny she wasn't the happiest girl in the world as her hands sailed nimbly unto Freidmirth's head with a solemn pat.

"You three have been staying here for a long while?"

They nodded in unison.

"Have you all eaten meals? Snacks?"

"We did, Miss Ana." Levi nudged his glasses as he beamed at her. "Freidmirth and Lucy were hungry for most of the time—"

"Hey! We don't!" Lucy smacked his arm lightly.

He gave a light shrug. "—And brother escorted them as they went out while I guard for incoming notifications from the reception area."

"Levi is right, Miss Ana. It's only a matter of time things completed, and we will go home—"

"We won't be coming home for today, Liam. If you don't mind." Anasthasia smiled, which made them all curious all of a sudden.

"We can stay at Blake's residence. We… are 'invited'..." She creased her eyebrows, stopping her muttering a hot moment. "Hold up, what's with that long and jaw-dropping face."

"Miss Ana, that's beyond insane!" Liam hissed, leaning forward.

"Master would never, ever want that, not any of us can."

"Levi, I told Tasha about it. She dares to do so, and Master doesn't mind at all." Michael answered in disbelief.

The twins had palms landed unto their faces, moving up the hairline and to their head. Meanwhile, Anasthasia looked at Michael in contempt.

"Who asked, even? Wasn't that you? How bold of you to instigate I'm the one, Crown Prince." Her eyes narrowed, but he hunched his shoulders.

'You're a quirky one prince. The other one is hellbent. What a weird pair of royal siblings.'

Finally, the receptionist called for them, so the three stood up and went to the main reception desk. Several documents were signed, sealed, and handed over. They went back, looking victorious.

Anasthasia mused, "Shall we celebrate?"

"Your treat, sister Ana?!" She couldn't help but squeal from the thought of it.

"Not now, for sure." Her head shifted to the side, eyeing Blake, who crossed arms and sat quietly. "Maybe Blake will. Did we forget we'll be going to his residence already?"

Blake's eyes snapped open as he glared at Anasthasia in disbelief. She returned his 'good graces' with cold glints, and he looked mortified.

He cleared his throat. "Shall we leave?"

They all bobbed their head and moved out.

The outdoor breeze brushed past them, and a sudden thought popped in their mind. "Now that you mentioned it, I don't see much marks on your body..." She took a glimpse of the sudden shift of their expression—a dejection; no, grief—a loss of their significant other.

"I'm sorry, it's insensitive for my part."

"Don't be sorry, Tasha." Michael shook his head as he stifled a smile.

Michael and the twins glanced at their arm as though they were in retrospection, hands grazed over what was supposedly there.

'Dang, I had to ask it. Anasthasia, what in the good—!'

"I agree with His Highness, Miss Ana. They were good partners, even until our mission in the Valley of Death, their very last breaths were our saving graces."

Lucy cuddled Freidmirth tighter, although not enough to suffocate him. She then tackled the twins and jeered at them, "Silly, do you think if you dwell too much on it, they will be happy?"

Levi smacked her head. "Cheeky brat. Do you think we're that? We're moving on."

Before she could react, Liam pinched her cheek. "That's why you better take care of him, he shall be your best companion, for better or for worse."

"Get off me!" Lucy rubbed the sore and glanced at Freidmirth, sleeping cuddly. "Until death do us part."

"Alright, it's sunset. We can't stand here any further." Blake strolled with indifference, but none of them wanted to fall behind.

"Sister Ana, why don't you have one?"

"I do have a couple."

"Like how Fried stayed." The twins watched her aghast. Anasthasia anticipated their reaction, so she clarified, "There weren't those beast insignias, at least for me, as they choose to be with me. They can stay whenever, though..."

Anasthasia's tone slightly dropped.

"I'd have to let them go if they want."