Olive Moon Cafe

Anasthasia stepped aside, dodging the person by a hair's breadth. Simultaneously, she blocked her hand and released a gush of wind. The debris crushed to smithereens before it could hurt them.

"My, to think there would be a ruckus in broad daylight." She shifted to the side and faced Michael. "Shall we head inside?"

"It's dangerous." His eyebrows furrowed from her suggestion, but she stifled a smile and strutted forth.

"Excuse me, coming through." Her voice rang, which interrupted the fight scene inside the establishment.

'My I never thought it would visit a tavern in disguise—'

She arched her brow when she witnessed Ind gripping the student's uniform collar. His countenance bore menace, and his fist pumped in the air, ready to strike him. However, before his punches could land him, two men latched on his back: restrained his arm while the other strangled him.

"Stop!" Anasthasia called them out.