Marquis Of Evergreen

"Why would I?" Charlotte harrumphed, crossing her arms. "Moreover, I don't think it's worth the celebration. Right now, if I didn't know better..." She stepped forward while trudged away.

His steps turned heavy as his palms guarded close to his chest. His face turned dread due to her fury; groggily said, "...I can explain if you don't want—"

"I doubt you will! I can bet it's business-related, and, perhaps, you already had it prepared!" She scowled ever-so-lightly. A simple knead in her forehead tad alleviate her worries. "Fine, I'll forgive you this time."

This overt frown and whimper faded in a blink of an eye. His face brimmed with life and vigor that he crushed her under his taut embrace.

"M—My glasses!" she choked, trying to break free.

"Oh, my bad." He let go and scratched his nape from his impulsive manner. "I'm more than pleased to see you here. Who would've known..." He grinned sheepishly.