Search And Rescue

It was but a breeze for Russell, and all Anasthasia ever hoped was to have his turn a smooth sail. The outpost has everyone in random placement, which the instructors knew nothing about until they viewed it from the next switch. 

She did feel a pang of regret as she hoped he would be one of the last members to take, lest they encountered a mishap and fell behind.

'Since this has happened, I wish him all the best. Now, time to focus on these people.' Anasthasia had her gaze bore deep, startling their posture. Soon as she emptied the cup, she flicked it as it flew like an arrow's flight. 

'Oops! Almost hit his throat.' Anasthasia grimaced the thought of it, she wiggled her finger, and a burst of wind had the cup settle down near the serving table. She made a light blow on her fingertips as she shut her eyes.

"You!" With turquoise hair and hazel eyes, the man growled. He had his stubble jaw tensed, seething in anger. "How dare you—"