A Cryptic Talk

By the power bestowed upon 'Seraphine,' Anasthasia was able to manifest a large scale recovery in the enchanted forest. Her actions garnered several mumbles from her fellow peers and students, but she heeds no mind as the gigantic creature remained still in front of them.

When the forest land was once brought to ruination, everyone noticed fresh green sprouts growing so fast in their naked eyes, only for a few minutes, and the verdant jungle blanketed out with a dense canopy.

Even among the rustling leaves perched atop, she could still see it with an amiable gaze. Since she did her part upfront, it was so kind of a sight to see the treants and wisps retreated without any problems.

The students, who trembled in horror and grief, finally had a sense of relief: some cheered, few cried, a couple of them went into contemplation—grateful for another day.