Deal With Freidmirth

Elliot woke up even before the sunlight of today's dawn could cast a golden glow on his room. Fresh scented soap lingered his skin while his hair was damp and messy. Even then, he still donned his uniform.

After buttoning his cuffs, he then shuffled his way out of his room; windows were tight shut, he could see the mist blurring on its crystalline surface. It was still frigid for a morning, but he paid no mind, even if the cold air brushed against his skin every time he took a stride.

Frankly, even for him, he looked surprised to get up so early. No matter how he shifted his position on the bed, he couldn't bring himself to indulge in an hour long of sleep. 

'Might as well make the most out of this time. I'm hungry…' Pondering while he rubbed his stomach.