Drop The Act

In the same corridor, Elliot trudged his way; every thud he made echoed to the end. He couldn't help but skid close to the other side of the wall, just away from the large window panes that beamed with the sun's brilliance. 

It was still morning, yet even with a laced tunic donned with a coat on his shoulders, there was more than enough sunlight to burn him.

'I need to check on them—What is this different air?' Elliot wrecked his brain what could be that loomed within his perimeter that supposedly was an impenetrable and safe haven. 'I shall follow this.'

The more he got to the direction; his heart grew restless—the palpitations went insane as he realized what path he would go was his initial objective, yet it matched well.

From his side found an array of armored statues with picture frames of the predecessors in such a grandeur portrait. He took a good look at each one of them whenever he moved past them.