Three Of Them

Soon as they reached the abode, Anasthasia reached the door handle. Upon slightly ajar, the door was now wide open as soon as she pushed the door sideways. Her fingertips seemed to click midair, but it immediately shot out a bursting wind, clicking to a nearby switch.

The pitch-black darkness that they could never see beyond several inches even after opening the door was now in the ambient glow. Frigid air that remained afloat within began to warm up to their liking, caressing their skin.

Anasthasia led the way towards the living room while Elliot carried Draya in his arms; he looked around to find a suitable couch for her to rest.

He went for the three-seater with a plan in mind to play her down slowly but was stopped when Anasthasia began to ask about his actions.

"Are you sure you want to let her rest there throughout the day?"

"Why not? I think it's alright. She can handle this just as much."