The Kindness Herein

Every corner Elliot found sheened with a glimmer, revealing a thin film that enclosed the bed-chamber they were in. He looked back to see how the guards unsheathed their swords, heels stepping back as they went wary with their surroundings.

It was different; a sudden onset of palpitations thrived in his chest alongside his nape and palms that ran sweaty from the eeriness that he felt at the moment.

"This could be the same case back then," Anasthasia mumbled inaudibly.

To his surprise, the guards remained with vigilance as they had no idea where they were. Naturally, his gaze darted at the man who shuffled on his bed, grabbing his sword from the nightstand, as he prompted a stance ready to pounce an enemy.

"Tasha, look! Crimson hair, and dull grey eyes…"

"... I know…" She creased her eyebrows as she embraced Freidmirth so tightly in her arms. "However, I don't want to assume. This might be a ploy."