Is my life really full of cliches?

On one fine evening, like many evenings before it, Xed walked along the lakeside path towards home after his daily exercise routine.

The air became cooler, the evening had sent the birds to their roosts and the crickets to sing away in the swaying grasses. Sun sank lower into the sky, slowly draining away the beams of sunlight to pave for the dark of the night.

Suddenly he heard a faint cry for help.

Xed pondered for a second, before letting loose a twisted smile and dashed towards the dark deserted alley opposite where the distress cry came from.

When he was close enough, he saw a man in his forties, wearing an old, worn-out dark jacket with patched-up pants and he had pressed a woman under his chest. One of his hands covered the woman's mouth. The woman flapped her two arms helplessly in the air, clearly struggling to break free from the man's hold.

" Clearly, it's this same cliche again. Damsel in distress. Did I really incarnate into someone's novel? " Xed joked, clearly not surprised, but a little amused of the serious scene happening in front of him?

The man was startled due to sudden interruption. Without the slight hesitation, he asked, " Hey buddy, wanna join in? I was just about to start. "

" Haha, For real? "

" I don't mind sharing. " The middle-aged man replied. " As long as I get what I want. Aren't you the same, standing there and peeping at me?"

" Oh? " Xed walked slowly towards the man, chuckling maniacally and lifted him up the air. " Human, Did you really invite a god for a gang rape session? ". Xed continued to laugh.

The old man felt something was not right and tried his best to escape. Little did he know that today, one of his to be the best days in life would turn to be the worst.

"Hey man, what do you want? Let go, let go you fucker! "

" Do you like to rape women? Do you? Do you? Do you feel excitement flowing through your nerves when you force a woman underneath you? "

" Put me down asshole." The man tried to punch his way out. But he soon realized that his body was no longer in his control.

" I am the same, too. I feel electrified too. Well not for a r*pe, human. I feel ecstatic myself beholding the pitiful, miserable cries of humans in their deepest layer of despair. Shall we check whether you feel the same passion when you are forced a large rod up your ass! Humor me with a good show and I shall let you live! "

Xed felt excitement up his spine. How long has been since he felt the despair of humans? How long should he wait to feel this exotic taste? Should he really wait for the end of kali yuga, a million years, to come? No, he will have his own fun time to time while waiting. Truly unique.

Xed proceed to walk further deep into the valley with the frozen man in his hands, paying no mind to the helpless lady crawling up against the wall on the ground.

Just before taking the turn up the alley, he picked up the rusted iron pipe from the ground without any change in his pace.

After some time, voices were heard from deep within the alley.

" You should feel lucky."

" Hey, hey, don't be too sensitive."

" Come on, It's not that bad, stop whining."

" It doesn't bother anyone else, don't be upset."

" Well, life isn't fair. Deal with it."

" No, no, no, no, noooooo...."

A deep chilling scream was heard next before getting swallowed up with the countless noises of the evening city.