Arc 1; First day of Academy

Xed's POV

Several days later.

In front of me is the world-famous Imperial Magic Academy, one of the most prestigious learning establishments, a place where elite students worldwide aspire to study. The students enrolled here are either top geniuses accepted by the school or rich scions of the top aristocratic families. Being a student of this academy is a cause for prestige itself, it seems.

As I entered the massive gate, I took out my Invitation card. Class A. Being a God's avatar have its own perks. Petty tricks and reverse aging were all it took to get one.

A transfer student. Funny indeed. Who would have thought I would someday enroll in the school of the very humans I am supposed to destroy!! Fate is really a tricky bitch.

" Mr.Xed Kalkin? "

" Hm? "Ah! just the lady I've been waiting for.

" Mr.Xed. I am Anna, Anna Hathway. Welcome to the Imperial Academy. "

" A pleasure to meet you, Miss Anna. "

" Please come this way. I will be your guidance counselor during your stay at this Academy. You can come to me for any help and I will try my best to ensure that you are satisfied with our academy. Now I will take you to your classroom, Mr.Xed."

"Lead the way, Miss Anna. ", I smiled and followed the woman.

Just because I am a God, doesn't mean I am stupid. Acting polite while the other treats you the same way is basic manners. Flaunting your pride everywhere where it is not required is plain stupid, even for a god.

Walking around, I took in full view of the entire academy. Even if it cannot be compared to the various abodes of Gods in Heaven, it looks rather majestic and full of grandeur compared to the other mortal academies I have seen so far. The thing I have always loved about humans is their creativity! They try to mediate the gap in their power with their own creativity. What a pity it does n't change the fact much!!

Miss Anna patiently introduced all the facilities one by one, explaining all that is required for my stay including a concise summary of rules and regulations. Soon we reached the Classroom A.

Miss Anna knocked on the door and introduced me to the teacher who came out shortly.

She then passed me the schedule and left. I then turned to my new teacher. She looked quite beautiful with her red hair and blue eyes.

I swear this world has the most colorful humans I have ever seen, pink hair, blue hair, grey eyes, and so on. My knowledge of humans has been constantly refreshing since I came here.

" Mr.Xed, I am your new classroom teacher Aria, Aria Polinovsky. I don't care which family you're from or what kind of talent you have for the school to transfer you in right now but in my class, you listen to me. You follow my orders. Clear? ", she said.

" Sounds fair, Miss Aria. "

" Then come in and introduce yourself. " She motioned me in.

I walked in confidently and stood before the entire class atop the podium. I attracted quite the number of stares. Well, to be honest, they should consider themselves lucky seeing a God in flesh in their entire lives. Not that I could tell it to them.

The class began muttering amongst themselves, trying to judge the handsome red-eyed teen standing before them. Something about their new classmate gave them the chills, although they couldn't quite put a finger to what it was.

The attention of the entire class seems to be on me. My lips turned up, giving out a smile in return.

" Hello, everyone! I am ", I paused for a second before continuing,

" Xed Kalkin "

Pindrop silence permeated throughout the classroom. I can finally gaze around freely now.

A girl caught my eye. A pretty one at that. Dark blue hair, lightly tanned, fair-skinned with slender arms and a graceful figure with an air of superiority around her. She blushes as I return her gaze. My lips curl into a smile. It is natural, I suppose, to appreciate a god even if it is currently hosting a human shell.

Soon the entire class returned to their usual murmur, but this time the sound of chattering increased a lot! Guess this little action of ours didn't escape the common eye. I can definitely feel a lot of hostility in my direction now.

Seriously now, Did this plebeians think I would compete with them over a mortal woman, an immature one at that? Hahaha. Actually, that's a pretty good idea. I can now consider these petty tricks to make my life over time more interesting.

Lust has always been one of the main weaknesses of mortals.

I think the favorite weakness that Kali [ 1 ] would like to exploit is also lust. Countries, no even entire empires that have boasted to be undefeatable, felt apart over time due to women!!

" Silence! If you don't have anything more to add, then find an empty seat somewhere to sit, Xed! "

" Ok, Miss Aria ". I looked around and spotted an empty seat just aside the pretty girl I smiled to earlier. Perfect! Now I can expect some random idiots coming around for petty revenge to show off.

They say while solving a problem, dig at the roots instead of hacking at the leaves. But I say, you should not only pluck at the roots but also burn the plant to ashes and scatter the ashes in the ocean.

No matter how beautifully a chicken dances, it never pleases the hawk. Mortals should realize this one thing before their crazy endeavors. If not, I shall perfectly etch the fact into their souls myself.

" Since Xed recently transferred to the academy, I shall first inform you of the basics. You may already know, but it is within my duty to make sure you already know this. So I shall explain once again. "

" Magic is divided into 2 types: Elemental, non-elemental, and both. Elemental magic is, as the name says, use different elements to fight like fire, water, etc.

Non-elemental magic consists of physical magic, space, time, sound, and other non-elemental magic.

Humans are not limited to each type. They may practice a wide variety of it. The only limitation is the quality and number of circulation methods you have.

Based on the amount of magic power you have, you are categorized into 9 circles. As the circle increases, the power increases as well as your life span. The first 3 are called novices, the middle 3 intermediates and finally, 3 are called experts. They say if you manage to enter the 10th circle you will become a god. But no one has ever reached the 10th circle. So it is just a baseless rumor ."

10th circle, god? What all nonsense are you making up idiots?

An increase in lifespan is acceptable because even if it is an impurity, it is energy nonetheless. But the side effect overcomes the benefit. You have to spend a lot of time in samsara path to remove all the impurities to proceed to reincarnate again, not to say its very, very painful! Pitiful, indeed. Appearances are often misleading. What matters is invisible to the eyes.

" Remember there are no trash techniques, only trash people. I have no use of lazy people in my class. " Teacher reminded everyone.

" Xed, if you have any doubts, clarify with your fellow classmates."

" Now everyone, stand up and proceed to the arena! Its time for your practical classes. "

[1] Kali is the demon mentioned by the head priest in the prologue