Arc 1; Escort Part 1

Academy City, Plaza. The next day evening.

The city was a broad, complicated, maze of noisy streets and avenues. You could hear the endless honking of the vehicles even before the sun rose.

Restless businessmen who had to get to their home from the office, even mothers who had to bring back their children from their schools, faced the puzzling challenge of steering through the crowd of parents and children every day; Some of the teachers at the academy also could be seen stopping by the local bakery to get a snack or two before their evening classes.

After every person had reached their respective destination, the traffic congestions cleared considerably as if large serpents had eaten their fills and were retracting back into their dark, frightening caves.

Still, walking down the streets, Xed could smell the fresh evening air, almost sweet and floral, entering his nose revitalizing his mind again and again.

" Hello, Mister. Could you point me to the Rafe family's office? I heard it is situated somewhere around here?", Xed asked a nearby shopkeeper.

" Young man, Go straight down the road and go left at the next crossroad. In about 100 meters, you would see a big building named 'Rafe's Jewellery'. Now, move on boy. Today's business is rather good. Don't crowd around here.", the shop keeper pointed forward.

Xed smiled and walked forward. He finally reached the office and entered the building.

Without any further adieu, he went to the receptionist and showed him his mission card.

" Okay, Mr.Xed. You will be helping us with the escort along with one other mercenary of three magic circle we hired. We have received the info that three shadow assassins of two magic circles have been dispatched by an unknown party to sabotage the escort. Your mission will be to escort the minivan from today evening up to until we reach Lahart city port, " the receptionist told him the details.

" Ok, then. When do we start? ", Xed enquired.

" Within an hour, Mr. Xed. The other mercenary will be arriving shortly. Please wait near the lobby. "

After some time, a young man in his twenties wearing a black suit entered the shop.

He chatted with the receptionist for some time and finally came to the lobby where Xed sat. He was exactly the mercenary hired by the shop for the escort mission. His name was David.

"Hello, my name is David. I will be the one working with you on this mission.", he introduced himself energetically to Xed.

" You can call me Xed, Mr.David."

" You are quite a talent, aren't you, Mr.Xed? Reaching 2 magic circles by your age, good lad!"

" You overpraise me, Mr. David. You are not too bad yourself."

" I always dreamt of studying at Imperial Magic Academy. But I wasn't exactly the talent they want. Guess the world isn't always fair to everyone. Still, I am currently very pleased with my job and that's all that matters. Regardless happy working with you." David seemed like a very cheerful and optimistic guy, radiating happiness like a sun wherever he goes.

Xed shook his head and said with a small smile, " Same here, Mr. David. I too believe I will have a good time working with you this time ."

Xed found the guy very satisfactory,' Guys like him, even though not rare, make a pleasing company.'

The escort started within half an hour. Two cars escorted the minivan out of the building.

One car, full of Rafe family guards equipped with magic guns [1] at the front and the other with Xed and David; with the minivan sandwiched in between.

The escort was relatively peaceful. Xed and David conversed happily about various things, ranging from children to even the current political situation of the world.

Soon by midnight, the vehicles entered The Black Forest.

" Everyone, keep your eyes open! This forest is a perfect spot for an ambush. Be on guard!", David warned everyone on the radio. Truly professional, Xed liked this guy. His lack of strength could be overcome by his other qualities. Xed's lips curled up into a sweet smile.

The forest became darker and darker as they went deep. Even the moonlight faded away in the thick fog. The only presence of light was the glow inside the vehicles. Everyone was on deep alert, looking for any signs of ambush with their dim-lit magic torches.


The car at the front punctured its tires. It went out of control and hit a tree nearby. The remaining vehicles stopped suddenly. Guards came out of the first car with their magic guns, taking cover, and scanned for any signs of the enemy.

David motioned Xed outside silently and they both got out of the car.


A fireball came from the front and destroyed the first car. Some of the guards became terrified and started firing aimlessly towards the direction it came from. A narrow escape from death was too much for them to handle.

David shouted, " Cease the fire and stay calm! I will handle it!" He then turned towards Xed and said, " Watch over the guards Xed, I can handle a few two magic circle magicians."

He then dashed forwards bravely towards that direction with a sword in his hand. A piece of Magic equipment! Everyone who saw this immediately became happy. Even a three magic circle magician was too much for 3 two circle magicians; not to mention with the magic equipment in his hand, he became undefeatable for the few two circle magicians.

The guards soon regained their cool and stopped firing. They moved slowly towards Xed and hid behind him.

After hearing the cries of a few magicians deep within the forest, the guards were relieved and came out from behind Xed.

One of the guards said to Xed, "Good thing, We had a three-circle magician with us. It would soon be over, I think. Also, Thank you for the hard work, kid."

" You can go and help him, kid, if you want! We can look after ourselves now that they are trapped."

Xed smiled and replied, " No worries, Sir. He would be okay. Moreover, there is nothing dangerous for him there. He would be back soon."

After a few moments, David came back with 3 corpses levitating behind him. His sword was dripping blood along the path he walked and dirt and small leaves were smudged throughout his suit.

He put down the corpses near the car and wiped off the dirt from his suit. Everyone gathered around David and praised him, thanking him for all his effort.

Hearing this, David had the same cheerful smile on his face, but now with a tinge of madness mixed within. He then took out a mask and put it on; he then turned to everyone, " No, no, no every one! It's too early to thank me."

As he said this, he took out a small tube from his pocket and opened the cork.

He continued," After all, you may regret it later."

[1] Magic guns are the guns that can be used by nonmagicians. Even though it has some impact on magicians, as the circle increases, it's effect decreases.