Arc 1; Escort Part 3

It was pitch black throughout the forest!

David ran through the dark jungle, fleeing from the mysterious freak he met today.

He couldn't register what happened into his mind. But he knew one thing for sure that, the other guy is stronger than him, and there is no way he could win now.

'You all should have been the prey here and I was supposed to be the hunter. This is humiliating. Wait until I get better equipment from them and I will hunt you down myself. Then only I can put an end to my shame.', David bellowed like an injured animal in his mind.

"Tsk! Tsk! I have made a mistake, a grave one at that, silly me! silly me! I never should have believed what others said blindly, a 2nd magic circle student, my ass!"

David murmured to himself while dashing skillfully between the trees in the dark.

Due to the lack of sight or some other unknown factors, David suddenly crashed into an unknown object and tumbled over backward.

" Little lamp, did you miss me?", David heard a soft male voice.

Identifying this voice, David became deathly pale and started to shiver.

" How, are you here?", David screamed and took off in another direction without even waiting for the reply.

David has never been so scared in all his life. He rushed through the woods in search of a place to hide, hoping to survive this nightmare.

He soon saw a small pothole in a nearby dried-up hollow tree and hid in it. It was just the size for a person of his stature to fit in.

He closed his eyes and held his head in between his legs.

"I'll use my knife

To end your life

Stay for a while

I'll make you smile."

Hearing this voice again, David started trembling so much that he sealed his mouth with one hand. 'He is even more madder than me.' He became so afraid that his breath would alert the monster out there.

He felt the voice approaching rapidly towards his direction.

' People wish I was dead

But I love to see red

Now not another peep

Lay down, You should-



The loud noise made David jerk open his eyes. He started choking on his tears and started pleading to Xed, " Please, please don't kill me!!! Spare me, spare me, please!!'

Xed smiled and dragged David out of the tree.

David tried this best to escape but found that none of his muscles were responding to him.

" Hey come on, come on!! What kind of psycho are? Scaredy cat!" Xed shook him.

" Please, please this is only my 3rd attempt at killing! I am a newbie! I don't have much experience. Spare me, I beg you." David mumbled with a snot-filled face.

"Don't worry though, I am not a newbie! I have plenty of experience!!", Xed reassured.

David felt his soul escaping from his body hearing these words. For the first time since he began his sick games, David felt genuine fear trickle through him.

Xed brought out a table from god knows where, and laid down a naked David on it. He then took a scalpel and turned to look at David's face, " Does the scalpel look familiar?"

Xed sniffed the blade and continued,

" I can smell the two pitiful deaths all over the blade! Really inexperienced, I say! Hehe now let's start, okay?

Be happy, man. You are frozen the same way you dealt with the other guards."

An idea of what's about to happen next came to David's mind.

He knew he shouldn't have killed all those people, but each one had been so savory-sweet. Making their blood run until their flesh was cold, had always filled him with such incredible pleasure. He had selected them just like others picked their favorite chocolate in a gift box. Now that he started experiencing their situation, he heard their weeping voices in his ears.

'No, no, no...' David screamed in his mind.

Xed put the scalpel just below his belly, sank it down, and proceeded to cut open his body.

After that, he took out the intestines from his body. He sliced it into small pieces and dipped it in blood. He slowly fed the pieces one by one to David and even forced some blood down his throat for easy digestion.

As time passed by, David's mind turned numb and impassive. He stared aimlessly in the air, surrendering himself to his death. Tears fell silently down his cold, white skin. What lingering life present inside his body soon left him alone!!