Arc 1; Vampires or Werewolves?

Xed soon reached the teacher's lounge and found his class teacher, Aria sitting all alone in her cabinet.

" Miss Aria, I have completed my mission. I am here to receive my store phone!", Xed told her as soon he reached her side.

Aria raised her head from the computer screen and said, " Good, good! You are still alive! I have high expectations for you. Wait a minute."

She scoured through her table and took out a rectangular transparent glass piece and gave it to Xed, " Only the store app is present in this phone. Create an account and exchange the things you need with your points. The things will be delivered to you by space magic instantly."

"Anything else to remember miss?"

"This phone is also necessary to access the VR machine [ 1 ] provided during your admission. The VR platform can only be accessed with a minimum of 400 points in your account! This is to prevent the students from losing themselves in virtual reality but also work hard in real life. The school has a network for virtual fights named IMAF. I suggest you try it to improve yourself. Also if you lose this phone, you have to pay high compensation to get one again. Ah, don't worry it won't break easily."

After discussing some unimportant things with Miss Aria, Xed went to his residence and opened the phone.

After completing a few security scans, Xed created his account and logged into it.

After browsing the store and making sure he got all the points, he threw the phone aside and slept. He never even bothered with the VR machines.

Virtual reality and Augmented reality may be surprising for some people, but not for a god.

In many cycles of Origin World, humanity had been even more technologically advanced than the people of Kalinga. These sorts of stuff couldn't even hold a candle to what he has seen.

The only thing that interests Xed was killing. But mindless killing was never his job though. He killed evil and only evil. After all, that was his duty. When the balance of good and evil tilts towards evil, he would always wake up to bring back the stable equilibrium again.


Xed didn't have any further classes till the end of the mission month. He was left with plenty of time in his hand.

So he decided to go see some of the exotic creatures of this world that he read about in the library.

The most famous exotic creatures he read about were the Vampires and werewolves.

Vampires and Werewolves were creatures of arch enemies. They came to existence about a few thousands of years ago.

Both were immortal species but the only difference was the magic practiced. Vampires use blood magic whereas Werewolves use transformation magic. Xed decided to meet Vampires first, after all, he has a ton of time left.

There were many myths and beliefs on their origin but the most popular one was based on a mortal known as Count Dracula.

Apparently, this mortal named Dracula was a Count who made a deal with the devil to be immortal in return for his soul. He got the power only to later realize it was a curse where he had to feed on human vitality to maintain his power.

Xed thought this exactly matched the deals made by the devils. It didn't bother him much that the devils made deals with humans. After all, he was a god. Humans were entitled to their own decisions. But it made him curious. Curious about the vampires.

So he decided to travel to Transylvania. The land where the Count Dracula myth originated.

Xed felt very enthusiastic to see this new creature called vampires, like a little kid visiting the zoo for the first time.

After calculating the appropriate distance to Transylvania from Imperial Magic Academy, Xed vanished from his room.

[1] VR machine will come into play in the future

Note: Mission week has been changed to Mission month