

ts been along day for Jungkook.

From the meeting with Park Hyungsik, to his confession to Taehyung and Jimin and then his reunion with his sister and then his sister giving him a life changing advice, which he decided to follow.

So here he is now standing in front of the graveyard , holding orchids in his hand gathering the courage to go inside and take the first step towards peace. He looked at his watch it was five in the evening, he remembered waking up at five in the morning, so a lot happened in thirteen hours.

can't believe the its been 12 years.

There were black clouds in the sky which indicated that it was going to rain soon, he felt a gust of wind swept past him as if encouraging him to go inside.

He went inside the graveyard went to stand in front of a grave, the name Jang Nara was engraved on the gravestone along with the lines a "A beautiful woman with a pure heart" indeed , she was the most beautiful woman, she had a wonderful personality, a strong will power , she had a great self respect all these qualities make her a wonderful woman, a woman that Jungkook still looks up to , she is still his inspiration and always will be.

Jungkook sat down on his knees and placed the orchids which symbolizes the delicate beauty on the grave, he touched the grave stone, and smiled "hey beautiful how are you doing, are the god's treating you fairly huh" he said as his tears started to run down his cheeks "you know I missed you so, so , so much that even words can't describe it, I know that I am late but I am sorry , hope you forgive me ,but just know that I will never ever forget you beautiful , you will always be in my heart and no one can replace you" he said and paused for a while tears flowing nonstop as he remembers his past

Little Jungkook was crying badly while sitting on the floor in his dark room as the lightning strikes outside his window making the small child scared "what happened jungoo why is my Jungoo crying huh?" a woman said as she picked the little child in her arms

"I am scared " he says and hugs the woman as if his life depended on it, another loud voice of thunder came from outside making the younger cry more loudly "its okay, its okay Jungoo I am here right , I will protect you huh, so don't worry" she said and hugged the child and whispered soothing words in his ears, after seeing the child calm down the woman sang a beautiful song for him, making the child more relaxed , after a while a little jungoo looked at her with big doe eyes which were swollen due to crying

"you will always protect me right , you will never leave me" he said and the woman nodded "never Jungoo I will always protect you" she said and Jungkook extended his pinky finger towards her "promise" ;the woman chuckled at the child's cuteness and interlaced her pinky with child's "promise"

"you really kept your promise and protected me ; but you left me. I miss you so much, I wish that you were hear with me , but you are not. " he said and started to cry loudly, he kept on crying as the rain poured down washing away his tears and agony "wh-w-why y-you out of so many people why you why us, p-p-please just comeback ,p-p-please" he said; unaware that a pair of eyes were watching him.


Its 8 pm and there is still no sign of Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were starting to get worried now, it was raining heavily outside ,they wanted to contact him but he won't pick up his phone , they couldn't call Jisoo since they didn't had her number.

So they decided to go and visit the café again hoping that they could find Jisoo there or maybe ask the workers. When they arrived at the café ,it was closing ,but they still went inside and fortunately found Jisoo there but there was no sign of Jungkook.

"hey Ms. Jisoo" Jimin called out to her "oh hey Mr. park and Mr. Kim, what are you guys doing here" she said.

"um isn't Jungkook with you" Taehyung said

Jisoo was a little surprised after hearing that "no" she said

"well Jungkook didn't come back yet and its raining so heavily outside we are a little worried now" Jimin said.

Jisoo became concern now her eyes widened "WHAT he didn't comeback" she said and Taehyung and Jimin shook her head , Jisoo thought for a while and then said "wait I know where he could be, come lets go" she said.

All the three of them sat in the car, and drove towards the graveyard , Taehyung and Jimin were confused, why would Jungkook be in a graveyard, but nonetheless they chose to follow Jisoo.

When their car stopped in front of the graveyard Jisoo ran inside followed by Taehyung and Jimin with an umbrella, soon they reached a grave a saw Jungkook sitting in front of it , completely soaked in rain, Taehyung and Jimin were shocked after seeing Jungkook like that , they were more worried for the younger now.

"JUNGKOOK" they said and ran towards him , Jisoo engulfed him in a hug without wasting anytime and Jungkook hugged her back and started to cry "I miss her noona , I want her back noona , please bring her back please, please " he said while crying desperately.

Taehyung and Jimin's heart ached while watching the scene , whatever reason it was , they hated seeing the younger like this it was too painful to watch , it was like someone was stabbing there heart , there own tears escaped their eyes after seeing the younger in that condition. They saw the name on the grave stone Jang Nara.

Jisoo kept on saying soothing words to him , her own tears flowing down her cheeks, soon Jungkook fell asleep in her arms.

Taehyung picked him up and placed him in the car, he and Jimin sat in the passenger seat while Jisoo sat at the backseat with Jungkook , crying while seeing his condition. No one said anything the entire ride.

After they reached the hotel Taehyung and Jimin changed Jungkook's clothes, while Jisoo ordered some soup for him , after making Jungkook laying down on the bed, Jimin and Taehyung sat beside him , Jisoo came inside with soup and kept it on the small table beside the bed she also sat on the bed .

"Ms. Jisoo can you tell us what was Jungkook doing in the grave yard" Jimin said

"he was visiting someone" she said

"who is Jang Nara I saw her name on the gravestone; and what is her relation to Jungkook" Taehyung said

Jisoo didn't say anything ,she looked at jungkook tears flowing down her cheeks seeing the conditon of her brother , she knew what must have happened there , she remebered her their past, even after so many years she cries everytime she visit that grave and jungkook is no exception . She feels like an idiot for letting Jungkook go there all alone . She looked at Taehying and Jimin they were patiently waiting for her anwer , but she can't them.

" i am sorry but its not my story to tell maybe you should wait and ask him in the morning" she said

The other two were't satisfied with her answer but decided not to push her , she left half an hour after her boyfriend came to pick her up.

Taehyung came back to the room after saying goodbye to jisoo.

On entering the room he saw Jimin lying beside Jungkook Taehyung also came and layed on the other side of jungkook.

Both of then didn't say anything,they just stayed in that position for a while observing the younger making sure that the younger is not uncomfortable

Taehyung saw Jimin's face he had a concerned expression he was staring at Jungkook's face.

"you should sleep chim we will talk on the morning " Taehyung said

" I don't think that i will be able to sleep today after seeing Jungkook like that" Jimin then looked at Taehyung "ever since he came to Busan he was behaving wierdly , both of us noticed that , then out nowhere his cousin sister appears and then we find him in front of a grave crying his eyeballs out, you saw that Tae he looked so fragile and vulnerable it broke my heat to see him like that Tae " Jimin said with his eyes wet with tears .

Taehyung's eyes also became wet with tears but he controlled himself.

" i cant see him like that to chim , but lool at him now he is here with us sleeping so peacefully like a child," Taehyung said " i promise you Jimin we will definetly find out what happened okay, i promise you that we will have our koo back, but for now we should sleep"

No one said anything after that, both of them hugged Jungkook and went to sleep.