

The night was silent with gentle breeze blowing providing a calm environment , the moon shined brightly in the darkness of night bringing comfort to the soul of anyone who observed it.

Taehyung and Jimin were heading home in their car, the atmosphere in the car was silent and comfortable. Both of them were really tired from the long day.

The environment was calm and serene, and both Taehyung and Jimin sat beside each other feeling the gentleness of the night.

Taehyung and Jimin's life was back on track now both of them had healed from their injuries their company was making tremendous progress , their families were also in good health, their friends were also doing good everything was normal , except Jungkook.

Both of them missed their boyfriend everyday , there was not even a moment when they didn't thought about Jungkook's well being , they wanted to share everything they had with Jungkook but the younger was not there with them.

Sometimes they would think that it must be their fault because they let Jungkook go away , if they had the slightest idea they Jungkook was gonna disappear then they would literally tie him up .

They used every connection and sources they had but in the end all they got was disappointment , at this point all they want is Jungkook to just come back , come back to their arms , and they would just hide Jungkook away from all the demons of this society.

Jungkook's family was also worried , Jungkook's mother developed mild depression , while Jaehyun left no stone unturned to look for his baby brother and as for Jungkook's father he couldn't careless and as for Jisoo she tried to distract her mind by drowning herself in work and taking care of the twins Jisoo also took care of Jungkook's mother just like a daughter and Jungkook's mother also treated Jisoo like a daughter overall the life went on for everyone but all of them missed Jungkook.

Despite all the disappointment Taehyung and Jimin still stayed strong for each other their bond grew even stronger but they still felt incomplete without Jungkook. They would often visit the orphanage which was like a safe spot for Jungkook and play with the kids , Even Jinyoung who loved Jungkook cried because his kookie didn't come to meet him for so long , Taehyung and Jimin comforted the kid and promised him that they would bring back Jungkook.

The car ride was going smoothly but suddenly Jimin stopped the car which startled Taehyung

"Jimin why did you stopped the car?"

"look in front"

When Taehyung looked in front of the car he saw Jackson standing their .

"what is Jackson doing here" Jimin said while undoing hi seat belt, he got out of the car followed by Taehyung ,both of them approached Jackson.

"Jackson hyung what are you doing here" Jimin asked

"I have come to take you guys somewhere" Jackson said, but something about Jackson was not good his voice was cold while his face had dark look, the aura around Jackson didn't feel safe at all and that made Taehyung and Jimin really uncomfortable both of them looked at each other before looking back at Jackson

"where do you want to take us" Taehyung said

"you'll know soon" Jackson said and then signaled to someone and before Taehyung and Jimin could turn to see who their face was covered with a cloth with a strange smell, both of them struggled against the whoever was holding them , Taehyung realized that what these people were trying to do so he didn't inhaled from the cloth instead he hit the man behind him and was able to free himself , then he also free Jimin who was half conscious.

"Taehyung fought with all his might with these men but unfortunately he was out numbered there were five men standing in front of him including Jackson and he was only able to knock out two of them , and Jimin also tried to stand up but his vision was blurry because he inhaled a little amount of choloroform and also because his head was hit against the footpath when Taehyung freed him from those men and he fell on the ground.

"JIMIN HURRY UP AND RUN !JIMIN GO" Taehyung yelled .

Jimin whose mind was fuzzy didn't know what was going on he just held his head,

"JIMIN RUN SAVE YOURSELF AND GET HELP ,JUST RUN , JIMIN GO NOW! Taehyung yelled while trying his best to fight those men.

When Jackson and his men saw some people approaching them he panicked "put him in the car and let's go"

Jimin followed Taehyung's order and walked in other direction , he had no sense of direction, he just walked because Taehyung had told him to , even in this state Jimin clearly knew that he was no match for those men and he would only add trouble for Taehyung if he stayed their.

So with continuous streams of tears running down his face and his forehead bleeding he just walked on the road looking for help but he couldn't find anyone, he took out his phone and called Kai but his head was getting heavy not being able to take it anymore he collapsed on the ground.

"hello Jimin wassup" Kai said although he was a little curious that why would Jimin call him so late .

with the last bit of energy left in his body Jimin said "Help us , attack" and then he collapsed

"hello! hello! Jimin ! hello!" Kai yelled on the other side but when Jimin didn't reply he got worried he stood up from his chair and called rose "trace the location of Jimin's phone as soon as possible we need to find him, hurry up go" rose hurried back to her work .




Jimin woke up in a brightly lit room , as soon as he woke up he felt pain in his head , he soon figured out that he was in a hospital , suddenly the memories of last night came into his mind and he quickly tried to get out of bed but was stopped by Namjoon and Jin who were just beside him, while Yoongi went to call doctor

"Hyung leave me I have to go , th-th- they took Tae Hyung I have to save him " Jimin said in a shaky voice his eyes became red.

"Jimin calm down kai already sent his men to look for Taehyung and Namjoon and Yoongi are also looking for him don't worry we will find him " Jin said and comforted Jimin

Before Jimin could say anything Yoongi walked inside the room with the doctor followed by Kai , the doctor checked Jimin's injury and told them that everything was fine , after the doctor left , Kai asked Jimin to tell him every detail about what happened last night .

Jimin told them that it was Jackson who did this and told him everything he knew about Jackson , .

"from what you told me this Jackson guy doesn't look bad guy but why he did this."

"I don't know about that all I know is that my Tae is in danger and I will do anything to save him, I have already lost Jungkook I can't loose Taehyung too" Jimin said

Everyone felt bad for Jimin and tried their best to comfort him. While Jimin just sat on the bed with his head in his hand feeling lost.

Suddenly Jimin lifted his head and looked in front with a murderous look on his face and a bloodthirsty look in his eyes which gave goosebumps to everyone present there , all of them knew that Jimin's evil side is most dangerous, no one should provoke park Jimin because he can became a satan when angered,

"If those people dared to touch even a strand of Tae's hair then I swear to god I will rip their head apart." Jimin said in a dark tone which was enough for everyone to believe that Jimin was not joking.

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