

WARNING: okay so this is the longest chapter of the entire book it includes mention of rape, depression , suicide , abuse, gore and murder so if these topics trigger you I suggest you skip the flashbacks the mentioned are not in much detail but they are there

Jungkook barged into his house in rage his entry was so aggressive that all the guest which were present inside his house were now looking at him.

The guest were present inside his house because Jungkook's father had organized a party for Jaehyun and his wife , Mrs. Jeon however just sat at the very corner accompanied by Jisoo , unable to accept the fact that Mr. Jeon didn't care about his youngest son who had been missing since so many days how can a father be so heartless to his own flesh and blood Mrs. jeon had been taking therapy since all these days but she still misses Jungkook a lot and Jaehyun is no better

Jaehyun also misses his aby brother dearly , he was sad because Jungkook was not able to attend his wedding but he wanted his brother to be there with them when Jaehyun's wife would give birth to their child , both Mrs. Jeon and Jaehyun are no longer close to Mr. Jeon at all they both barely talk to him.

When Mrs. Jeon and Jisoo saw Jungkook they both immediately got up from their seat unable to believe that Jungkook was finally here in front of them Mrs. jeon nearly lost her balance but thankfully Jisoo was there with her as well as her friend Lee BoYoung who was also the wedding planeer for Jaehyun' s wedding. Jisoo nearly burst into tears but she controlled herself.

Jaehyung on the other hand had somewhat the same reaction his eyes were filled with tears when he saw his baby brother after so many days.

"NYX YOUR TIME IS UP YOU BETTER COMEOUT YOURSELF OTHERWISEW I WILL HAVE TO DRAG YOU OUT MYSELF AND TRUST ME YOU WOULDN'T WANT THAT" Jungkook yelled with rage his eyes were filled with anger his face was like that of a beast , Jungkook was feeling a lot of emotions at the moment he wanted to run to his mother and hug her he wanted to go to his brother and congratulate him for his wedding he also wanted to talk to jisso but he couldn't because all these emotions were overpowered by rage and hatred

Hatred towards this person called Nyx who tried to kill his Taehyung , his love his soulmate , Nyx hurt Jimin and is the reason his mother was going through depression.

Seeing that Nyx did not come out on his own Jungkook nearly exploded with anger "I gave you your chance Nyx looks like I have to drag you out myself" saying that Jungkook walked towards where his mother and Jisoo were standing he went towards them with quick and aggressive steps . His entire aura was dark.

He went and stood in front of his mother and reached out his hand towards his mother Mrs' Jeon didn't understand what was going on the person standing in front of her didn't feel like was her son she felt uncomfortable because of this person , so with a shaky voice she said

"Bunny what's going on"

But Jungkook looked like he didn't hear her at all he just reached his hands towards her it looked like he was gonna grab Mrs. Jeon but no Jungkook grabbed the person who was standing behind Mrs. Jeon hiding, Jungkook grabbed that person brought him in front and mercilessly threw the person on the ground. Shocking each and every person present their

"Game over Nyx a.k.a Lee Bo Young my brother's wedding planner"

Jisoo's heart stopped her eyes widened and her body started to tremble she quickly grabbed Mrs. Jeon and her twins and took some steps back. Mrs. Jeon was also shocked to the core

The wedding planner who was staying by their side all thse days and helped to organize Jaehyun's wedding was none other than Nyx.A woman

Lee Boyoung was also shocked but she quickly covered her expression and said " Mr. Jeon I guess there us some misunderstanding you-"

"shut up you bitch . I knew you would spout some nonsense like this so let me give some evidence JACKSON HYUNG" Jungkook called out and soon Jackson walked in with Kai and Seo Youngho and behind them walked Philip who was handcuffed.

" Officer Jackson Wang please show them the evidence" Jungkook said

Jisoo was shocked to hear 'officer Jackson' he eyes were sharp and they were fixed on Jackson, But Jackson ignored her gaze, Jackson knew he had to do a lot of explanation. But now he had to focus on Nyx.

"Recognized me miss" Jackson with a smirk while Lee Boyoung's face paled as soon as she saw all the subordinated who worked under her are now standing in front of her and her face became even worse when one by one Jackson showed her the evidences against her crimes and when she heard that her base was destroyed she knew that she was finished there was nothing left now.

"Lee Boyoung a.k.a Nyx you are finished " Jungkook said

Suddenly Nyx burst into laughter , her laughter was disturbing and creepy she slowly got up and looked at Jungkook with empty eyes just like a psychopath and in eerie voice she said

"I am a dead person Jungkook I died on the day my Nyx my Kang Jihoon died my soul was destroyed on that very day and my sanity also died that day the only thing left was this body with no soul and no heart only the desire for revenge yes revenge that was the thing I desired before Joining my Jihoon so I killed your mother"

Jungkook's eyes slightly widen while Jisoo had already prepared herself so she didn't show much reaction but she got angry for sure

"Yes sweetheart on that day when you ran away with your sister I came to your house to find your mother lying on the floor lifelessly he beautiful face was paled her eyes were closing"


Jang Nara was lying on the floor lifelessly looking at the ceiling feeling disgusted with herself she could still feel the touches of that filthy beast on her body but what was worse that she could not prevent her children from seeing her in this condition.

She closed her eyes as a lone tear fell from her eyes , her entire body was in terrible pain as she lied on the floor naked with the bruises still covering her body , She has been through so much in her life but she had face all the problems with smile she chose to fought never for once she ever thought to give up or run away , there were many times when she thought that life was unfair yo her when her mother died in front of her due to cancer, when her father abandoned her and her sister to live alone on streets , when she couldn't pursue her dream when her first love lest her when she became pregnant when her sister committed suicide but not even once she complained she chose to fight to survive she chose to face the struggles with a smile she chose to care for the people she had left but getting raped was something she never imagined not even in her worst nightmare.

She felt exhausted , helpless, disgusted she wanted to cry but there was no one beside her to comfort her to give a shoulder she could lean on she felt lonely for a moment she felt to just shoot herself and die on the spot and get free from this constant cycle of pain and suffering all the people she cared about had dies her mother dead her father ran away her sister committed suicide her first love abandoned her but she can't because she has to take care of her children she can't leave them alone on this brutal world alone she can't be cruel, for a moment she felt as if she was born to take care of others only to be left alone in the end.

she was deep in thoughts when she heard the footsteps near the door she opened her eyes and saw a figure walked in

"Jihoon" Boyoung said in a shaky voice and ran towards the dead body of Nyx and took him in her arms and cried her eyes out and yelled on the top of her lungs

Jang Nara watched her feeling pity for the women but the dead won't come back not matter how much you cry or beg

Lee Boyoung turned towards Nara said "why did you kill her just why huh? I HAD ONE PEROSN WHO LOVED JUST ONE AND YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FRO ME WHY I feel so much pain it hurts Jihoon comeback please "

With great difficulty Jang Nara sat up and reached out her hand to tough Boyoung's shoulder "you are experiencing this because you loved the wrong person Boyoung , you should have know this was the ending of your love story but you still have a chance if you choose to walk out of that door without looking back then you can start a new life and maybe this time you will fall for the right person you can still be happy "

Lee Booyung looked at Nara with a lifeless face and said "you know I was just five when my mother died do you know why....it was because my father had brutally beaten and you know why he had beaten her because my mother gave me food can you imagine just bacuse my mother gave me food my father beated her right in front of me and she died due to internal injuries right in front of my eyes

My father only wanted a son and not me I had already a older brother so my father was satisfied with that he never wanted me but when my mother got pregnant he thought he would get another son but unfortunately I was born , after my mother died my father started to abuse me sexually

he would treat me like a toy no matter how much I begged him to stop he won't if I screamed he would beat me if I resisted he would starve sometimes he would also invite my brother to join him and my brother would gladly accept and both of them would play with my body till they would be satisfied and then threw me away , they would also call the neighbors to rape me and would then ask for money , they would bully me in school and made me eat mud

one day when I had enough I ran away from home I was around 15 that time it was snowing outside and I was wearing ragged clothes my body as covered with bruises I was thirsty and I was starving after running a good amount of time I collapsed on the ground, there were many people around me no oen helped me when some men approached me I got scared because I knew what the expression their face meant I had seen that expression on all the people who toyed with me but when I saw a person standing at some distance from me aloof with a ciggarett in his mouth I felt that something attracted me towards him

so I crawled towards him and tugged his pants and said in weak voice 'help me' I had said this word to many, many people in my life and all of them just pretended not to hear me and just enjoyed playing with my body but this angel did he helped me , he took me his home gave me clothes , gave me food, gave me water, this person gave me warmth, he made me fell safe a feeling which was something new to me

Although he asked me to pay him back with my body but with him I actually felt good it actually felt like we were making love we were having sex and not rape . after staying with him a few days I found that this man was brutal and twisted he would kidnap children and women and sell them but before that he would also train them to prepare them for what was coming for those people he would not give them false hope never .

you know when he found out what happened to me he took me with him and in front of my eyes he killed those people who raped me nearly 50 people and he killed all of them he castrated my father right in front of my eyes and made him eat his own dick he then cut my father's limbs , took out his eyes and ears and feed it to him all of it while he was alive and then burned him alive and he did the same to my brother just that he didn't brun him instead he threw my brother's body in the middle of hungry and mad rats.

His this act touched my heart and deepened my love for him he did all this for me for the first time someone did something for me for the first time someone made me feel warmth for the first time I found someone for whom I want to live with I found someone I care about...."

Lee Boyung paused and then looked at Nara who was looking back at her with teary face Nara felt bad for this woman sitting in front of her ,Nara knew that this woman was long gone Boyoung can't be saved because there was nothing to save the driving force in Boyoung's life her reason to live to feel was gone Nara felt a little guilty for killing Jihoon but the next moment she erased the thought from her mind Jihoon tried to rape her Jisoo he had to die.

Nara lowered her eyes she didn't say anything Boyoung said "you took him away from me " Boyoung's hand slowly reached towards Nara's neck "you shouldn't have done that" and with that she jumped on nara and started to strangle her "he took rvenge for me so I will do the same for him die " Nara struggled and nearly got herself free from Boyoung's hold but the latter took out a knife from her pocket and slit Nara's throat.

Nara's eyes widen many scenes flashed in front of her eyes her childhood her teenage years her youth and finally the two angles Jungkook and Jisoo she felt sorry for them she had to leave them alone now how will they survive alone what will happen to them

"sorry kids" she said with a faint voice before the soul left her body and her heart finally stopped breathing"

Boyoung then walked towards Jihoon kissed him and said "don't worry honey I will join you soon but first I will send the kid of this woman nara to you , you wanted him right so I will kill him for you don't worry" and with that she slowly stood up and walked away

Flashback ends

There was pin drop silence in the room no one said a word every one present in the room felt bad for the woman Jungkook no longer held hatred for this person in his heart his hatred was removed by pity even Jisoo felt sympathy for Boyoung

Kai and Jackson who were present there to arrest her felt a little hesitated to do so

Nyx broke the silence she said " I wanted to kill you to avenge my Jihoo but now I am tired you destroyed everything I had but you took away the last thing I had left which belonged to Jihoon " Nyx turned to look at Seo Youngho she gave him a faint smile her smile was heart breaking she walked towards him and held his hands and said

" I am sorry for not being a good mom " and then with the speed of lightning she smashed a glass and with a broken piece of gals she slit her throat.

"MOM" Youngho yelled and held Nyx in his arms Kai immediately called the ambulance but it was too late .

Hearing her son calling her mom washed away all her regrets and pain , maybe Nara was right if on that day Boyoung had walked out of that door with out looking back and took her son with her maybe he life could be different maybe she would be able to redeem her self maybe she would be happy today but instead of taking that path she chose to walk on the dark path full of thorns and darkness and loneliness.

Boyoung looked at Jungkook and said " I am sorry" and then turned to look at his son " if there is a next life then I wish you to be my son and I promise in next life I will treat you like treasure son I am sorry for what I had done in this life" and with that her last breath and died in her son's arms with a smile on her face.

Everyone became silent again Mrs. Jeon hugged her son as tightly as she could "I missed you so much son where have you been , you have lost so much wait don't do this again don't make this old lady worried again I will die because of sadness"

"don't say that mom please don't talk about death" Jungkook said while hugging his mother

"Jungkook" Jaehyung called out and Jungkook ran to hug his brother " I am sorry brother I made you worried"

"you came back in one piece safe and sound is enough for me don't disappear again "

Lastly Jungkook went towards Jisoo and hugged her "I-I am..." Jungkook tried to say but Jisoo interrupted him "shhhh its okay don't say anything let me just hug not bunny" both of them didn't say anything just hugged each other tightly with tears flowing down their cheek

"are you not going to greet me" Mr. Jeon who silent all this time came forward with a calm face Mrs. Jeon and Jaehyun were angry with him and wanted to say something but were astonished when Jungkook ran towards his father and hugged him.

"Thank you dad" Jungkook said and Mr. Jeon's heart melted he regreted not treating Jungkook nicely all these years so he hugged his son tightly after a while they broke the hug and Mr. Jeons aid

" I am sorry son for being so cruel to you I know it might be late but will you give this old man a chance to be a good father just like your mother wanted" Mr. Jeon said and Jungkook nodded after all he also wanted to make up with his father

"wait will someone tell me what's going on here" Jaehyun said and Jungkook and Mr. Jeon laughed

"later brother just now I have to go to the hospital once Taehyung wakes I 'll tell you guys everything so bye everybody se you later " with last hug he gave to his mother and ran outside.




Youngho stood outside near the ambulance and watched the dead body of his mother covered with a white cloth. Never in his life he imagined that his family background would be so twisted

"DAD" someone called and youngho turned to look back only to see a little girl running towards him with a smile

"SUZY" Yougho hugged his daughter and pecked her forehead "daddy missed you so much princess "

"I missed you to daddy but where is grandma" the little girl asked

"grandma? "

"yeah that old lady told me that she was my grandma "

"suzy your grandma has gone to grandpa okay"

"when will she come back?"

Youngho lowered his eyes not knowing how to answer her

"little princess you should not ask so many question you papa is tired" Jackson came from behind Youngho and gave Suzy a chocolate

"Jackson uncle" Suzy said and went to Jackson "princess be a good girl and wait for dad near the car okay?"

"okay" and with that Suzy ran towards the car

Jackson came and stood in front of Youngho and gave him a file " what is this " youngho asked

"open it, you'll know"

Younho opened the files and saw that it was the medical reports of his daughter.

"I found these in Nyx's drawers , Nyx really cared about her grand daughter she had already paid for Suzy's heart surgery and found the best doctors for she also spent time with Suzy and gave made sure that suzy does not face any problem, she lied to you only to keep you by her side I thought you should know this she really loved you and Suzy she didn't lie about that" Jackson said and that gave a pat to Youngho's shoulder and then walked away

Youngho stood there looking at the files he had unconsciously started to cry he looked at the dead body of his mother with mixed emotions if only his mother had chosen him instead of her revenge and then today maybe their life would be different but it was too late to think about it Youngho now had his daughter to raise and make sure that he don't repeat the same mistakes his parents did and after thinking that he walked away after saying

"rest in peace mom and dad"

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