2030-08-04: Steve is summoned by Lionel.

At this time of the day, 3 hours after midday, he arrives at a situation any human would find impossible. Lionel is lifting a 420 pounds dumbbell in one hand like he's only lifting a 10 pounds dumbbell. But neither of them are bothered by each other's presence, Lionel casually implores with less coldness, "What? And what made you excited, I could hear it clearly in your steps. Are you slacking with your training?"

'Ehhh?! Did he sense that from my steps? Is he bored or what?' Remembering his report, Josh uses it to get away from a possible lecture, "The Empress was seen entering the vampire prince's bedroom. But she-"

The next thing he witnesses distracted him with Lionel dropping his dumbbell slowly on the floor and a more critical expression about to corrupt his brain. It doesn't look good for him or Steve, allowing him to stop dilly-dallying and say facts, "She left his room after a few minutes. Just that, it isn't clear what the Empress did there."

A voice and a dangerous glint from his eyes make the room temperature drops drastically rivaling the lowest natural temperature ever recorded at ground level on Earth, "What could an Empress possibly need from vampire trash? Summon him here at dinner."

Lionel takes his time in leaving the gym which is scarier because this means one thing- he's thinking about something crucial. Josh can only pray for the possibly dim future of the vampire prince and proceeds to contact the Shadows, "He is inviting the vampire prince to eat with him later at dinner. Tell him to come early or he won't like the consequences."

Josh can't help to think after ending the call,  'These two, I'm afraid of how the combination of the Empress and Spence will work in the end. 'Cause their personality really rivals with one another. It's quite nerve-wracking thinking how they lack differences and how similar they are. If only… Spence is the same person he was before but maybe… just maybe.' 

Shaking his head, Josh stares around the gym that needs cleaning. Lionel doesn't let anyone inside on most parts of his mansion when he's home, so Josh is required to clean this unbelievable mess he makes. Looking around, he spots a few punching bags on the floor with holes on them and sand pouring out of them. Some damaged punching bags are barely hanging and the chains holding them are close to giving out.

On the other side are two thick and heavy ropes that leave marks on the floor because of Lionel's work out. Gloves and other gym equipment are all scattered across the whole floor that could make anyone complain while scratching their head. Josh is the opposite expectation of someone who always cleans up after the vampire emperor. After assessing the room, he goes straight to finishing the task and completing it in less than half an hour.

He heads to the bathroom in his own room on the second floor, takes off his clothes but suddenly stops to turn to his wide mirrors. He inspects his upper body and makes minimal poses emphasizing his 4-pack abs. Finding himself ridiculous, he proceeds to take a shower.

Despite Josh possessing a smaller build compared to Rhine, many prefer the former for being more handsome and he's actually considered as the number one desired bachelor all over the world. No one dares to grab a picture of Lionel or reveals what he looks like, so it doesn't matter who laid eyes on him or not. Never would they dare to question what rank he is in because he's already on the top of everything except… Milla?

Back in Hinchinbrook Island, the 'guest' in Lionel's mansion is palpitating with terror and finds it hard to stay in one place after getting the invite. Steve is walking around his room and looks so out of his mind. After some time, he finally pauses on his feet then scowls at the direction of her sister's bedroom.

Like a bat out of hell, he madly and wildly marches towards her room. He reaches for the doorknob, turns it but it appears like someone is pushing the door close. Due to his extreme anger, he gets to push the door open, and a nervous Sonia welcomes his sight. She has never seen her brother this angry before but she knows the reason as to why.

"What is it?" She tries to act clueless in an attempt to save herself, still maintaining her dainty self.

Steve knows he's not sure about his assumptions but there's no other reason why he's suddenly invited to Lionel's mansion. He can not restrain his frustration as he interrogates her sister, "Did you f*cking tell someone about what you saw earlier?"

"What are you talking about?"

Still restraining himself from exploding completely, "You know what I'm talking about. Do you want someone else to question you before you answer? Like… 'her'?"

Sonia realizes the possible consequences of her action today so she admits to it with an irritated voice, "Fine, it was me."

Fuming mad and hearing this confirmation, he wants to strangle and bury her with her stupidity, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you want me to die? Huh?! You're f*cking stupid, you know that, right?"

"What is happening here? Why are you two fighting? Do you want to disturb the Empress?" Their father, the vampire king, runs at high-speed upon hearing his children making loud noises as if they're not afraid of Milla.

Steve turns around and moves away from her sister, or else he doesn't know what he would do next, "Why don't we let this stupid princess answer that question?"

The vampire king glances at her daughter and speaks in a neutral tone, "Sonia? What happened? And don't call your sister, stupid."

"Let's see if you won't see her as stupid after hearing what she did, " Steve whispers to himself but still audible for her father.

"What did you do, Sonia?" In all honesty, the vampire king feels like it's something terrible to make the playful prince angry to this extent.

Feeling more guilty and now scared of its aftermath, Sonia stutters a little with her small voice, "I… I saw the Empress went inside Steve's room. So I reported it to… the Shadows…"

"And, now I'm suddenly invited to dinner at his mansion! Ugh, what will I do with you, you spoiled brat?!" Steve interrupts her with his raised fist seems wanting to hurt her or punch something.

The vampire king closes his eyes and pinches the space between his two eyes, trying to calm himself down. "Son, go to your room and I'll follow you shortly. Let me talk to your sister first."

Steve grumbles as he walks back to his room, "Psssh, good luck talking some sense to her."

"What stupidity is this, Sonia? I'm once again disappointed in you. You are grounded until I say so, you're not allowed to go outside your room. Go focus on helping the Grand Elders handle the emails. Now, give me your gadgets."

Seeing his father who always spoils her so disappointed, serious, and trying to contain his anger; she decides to obey him and gives her gadgets excluding her laptop, "I have to use this for the emails… right, Dad?"

"Hand it over, they'll bring a laptop with them but I will instruct them that you're only allowed to use it for acquiring the emails, nothing else." He leaves after and orders an elite vampire guard to stay on guard outside her door and another one outside below her balcony. 

Then, he comes into his son's room to talk to him. "Did he indicate for you to be alone in his mansion?"

Steve can only respond by nodding while he rests his back on his headrest. He realizes something and asks with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "Dad… do you think the Empress heard everything? If she did, why didn't she complain about the noise? Do you think she's sleeping through all of this? What do you think she'll do once she knows of it?"

"Calm down, Son. We'll have to see later. The only thing you can do right now is to get ready for dinner and don't be late. Just tell him the truth if they ask about what the Empress was doing in your room." The vampire king leaves him to prepare and he'll try to check on in with the Empress.

The vampire king carefully walks along the hallway until he reaches the farthest room- Milla's room. While he's mulling over on how to get the Empress' attention, he unexpectedly hears the loud sound of waves on the other side of the door. It's coming from Milla's black wireless headset on full volume as she sleeps away after not being interested in the vampire princess endeavors.