2030-08-12: Departure.

One week after. By now, the whole world knows the laws implemented for the sake of vampires. Some people think it is only fair because human governments never show interest in protecting them. They tend to get scared towards something that they can not control or rule over. This fear turns into hatred and hatred into violence. 

Some look at it as completely unfair, especially the people who wield the laws that protect them as a shield. They depend on it because it makes taunting vampires easier. Simply say it's self-defense even though it's not the case, then make the victim suffer instead. 

These people use these laws as an excuse so they can trample over someone's stronger than them. Why? Because they are jealous of something they don't possess, they don't feel happy towards the success or strength of others. Why can't they feel contentment and happiness at their own selves? Try improving and utilize the time they spend bringing others down to make themselves better.

Do they attempt to put themselves into the situation of a vampire? Is it their fault to be what they are? When will they learn to stop hurting others and just be happy by appreciating themselves?

Despite having all these laws for vampires, there are still some ludicrous people who continue to terrorize them secretly or in a subtle way. They better look out and hide during these succeeding days. Apparently, the human's generals can't alert the public or else their mole might be discovered.

These past seven days, Milla doesn't mention anything about her travels. No one knows when she will decide to leave Hinchinbrook Island. So they already give her everything that she will need such as her own LED watch that has a hologram of a phone and the American Express Centurion Card or known informally as the Amex Black Card. They teach her how to use these things especially the watch so she can contact them whenever she wants. Also, where she can use the credit card to buy things she wants. 

She's amazed about what this little thing is capable of doing so, 'How can this contain such a big amount of money? It's so thin! Where is the money? I don't... see it. I just need to show them this card, that's how I should pay?'

Nothing changes in the Empress's daily routine so they don't expect her to leave this day. They also don't know what to react if she suddenly leaves without warning or what they should do while she's away. All of them internally sigh a relief once she retires to her room, this means that they don't have to worry about it today. Or do they?

Late in the night when nothing loud could be heard on the entire island except the sound of the waves, the hooting sounds of owls from far away, and the dancing of the wind. Lights are out inside Milla's bedroom and no sound is coming from the inside, anyone would think that she's probably asleep like everyone else is. But no, she's inside her bathroom changing her clothes and depending on her senses particularly her enhanced sight.

She wears a simple loose outfit- black jogger pants, grey long sleeves, black oversized hoodie, and black sneakers. She doesn't forget to bring the only things she has in possession including the headset and iPods, all stored in a black Tom Ford Buckley leather duffel bag. It has no logo on the exterior but its brand carries a big name in the fashion industry, she obviously has no idea about it.

Wearing her hoodie and a black mask, she effortlessly climbs the roof from her balcony after closing her doors. She hastily covers the large distance to the other side of the mansion, away from the direction of where the boats are. She learns that most guards patrol there ever since the laws are approved by her so she has to avoid going there.

Then she lands into a not-so-near tree thick branch and holds on to the tree as she descends to the ground by sliding herself down. She doesn't choose to lazily jump off to the ground because it will absolutely produce a little noise. That's enough for the vampires on high alert to barely hear it and quickly take immediate action.

She reaches the other end of the island where nobody often goes. She left a swimming board or kickboard hidden in the bushes a few days ago. It will be used by her to make her bag afloat whilst she swims to Montague Island. She ties the shoulder band around the kickboard then she looks everywhere as far as she can to make sure no one can peep at her.

She takes off her clothes, keeps it inside her bag then changes into a pair of loose pajamas. Out of the many things they put inside her walk-in closet, these are the clothes she randomly picks up. Thankfully, it's dark outside and no one is there to see her swim in that outfit.

Milla silently goes into the water until it reaches her neck and slowly swims to the next island. The cold water is unbearable for humans but she's a vampire, it doesn't affect her that much. Compared to her later swim, this will be a quick one for her. So after getting on land, not wasting any time, she stealthily dashes to the end of the island. 

She has to swim across the Gulf of Alaska to arrive at the Glacier Bay National Park and Reserve. From there onwards will be the starting point of her adventure filled with new things to discover, humans and vampires interactions, and danger.

Not to attract any unwanted attention, she dips herself into the water like before as she unhurriedly swims until she's far from both islands. When she's almost near the middle of the gulf, she begins to pick up speed because they can no longer sense her from that distance. She will probably get lost in this large body of water if she's human. It's a good thing that she's a vampire, she can see the glaciers from afar.

The time she gets there is close to midnight and no one is around except for the scattered guards patrolling from time to time. She goes directly on top of the rugged mountains and runs continuously in laps to dry herself. After doing so, she changes back to her all-black clothing while hiding herself inside the temperate rainforest. 

She wears her watch, turns it on by raising it in front of her eyes then carefully clicks on the map icon. She's familiar with maps because Lucinda made her study the Nova Orbis Tabula In Lucem Edita 1689 World Map. So she searches for the identical shape of America in the map and sees it named as the United States.

Milla is too lazy to run from where she currently is and all the way there. She chooses to proceed to the nearest place where she hears the movement of people. The guards are all surprised in the sudden appearance of a lady at this time of the night and the cold blast of the wind. 

'It's a vampire!' They all have the same thought in their minds and the quickest one to respond reach for his radio- preferably to call for help. They haven't seen her face because of her hoodie and the darkness of the night isn't helping.

'Stop.' All of them stop including the guard who has his hand mid-air. No one knows why but they can't move after hearing this command inside their head- it's the voice of a woman. While the nearest man to her abruptly moves against his will and strides towards her.

He's starting to sweat and it looks like he could faint any minute now. The rest of the guards are doing their best to move their hands or legs but it doesn't do anything. "Where's the nearest airport? Point it here on the map. I would let you move but don't blame me if you do anything stupid. I hope you understand that for your sake."

The moment he can move again, he tries to get ahold of his radio as fast as he can. Indeed, it's a stupid mistake because Milla gets ahold of his wrist first, she slightly twists it enough for him to feel so much pain and shouts in agony, "You're lucky, I'm not in the mood to kill humans today. But I am hungry so be a good boy and do as I say or else…"

He nods eagerly, tries his best not to move his scantily injured wrist, and uses his other hand to point at Gustavus Airport. He can't move again but he feels like shaking in fear. They all think that she'll drain all of their blood after helping her. 

She turns her back on them and orders them, 'Go back to whatever you were doing as if nothing happened. Forget everything about me. And make sure there are no traces of me being here, nothing at all.'