2030-08-14: Milla feels a little intimidated.

Noon is about to begin but Lionel is still lying on his stomach- sleeping. It is lengthy considering he hasn't learned the news of Milla yet. What would be his reaction though?

Outside his bedroom is Josh who keeps shifting on his place while waiting for this surprisingly sluggish vampire to wake up. He's been going back and forth here since early morning, but the latter is sleeping like a rock throughout the previous events.

Until a groggy voice comes from the bedroom, "F*ck you… Josh. Why do you keep disturbing my sleep?! You were outside my room last night, too. What the hell do you want?"

'What? You felt my presence and you didn't say anything to me?' Undeniably, he cannot proclaim that out loud, "I receive news about the Vampire Empress."

"What about her?" Lionel lazily asks him that implies the minuscule interest he could possibly offer about it.

'Is this what happens when you're single for more than a hundred years? You don't have any romantic bone in you? Well… it's not like he's courting her because he likes her. I know he's only doing it 'cause he sees her as a threat.'

"Seriously? You've been standing outside my room for who knows how long. And now- you decided not to talk?" His grumpiness brings Josh back who reacts right away.

"The Empress left for her voyages."

Lionel's successive words prove how he couldn't care less, "Okay."

"Okay..? You're not going to follow her or ask where she is?"

He earns a grunt from him, "...Where is she?"

"No idea."

"Josh… sometimes I want to strangle you. Why tell me to ask that question when you don't have an answer for it? You're inquisitive about her location so find her yourself or order the Shadows." He conveys these statements like it is a matter of fact.

"That's actually the issue. No one caught her in surveillance and there are no traces of her."

"Well, she's not invisible, and sooner or later, she'll stand out wherever she is. But do whatever you want, whether authorizing the Shadows to locate her or not. Prepare my lunch first, I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Oh, there's other news. The captain of the elite vampire guards left the island yesterday in a hurry."

"Did you do... as I say?" Lionel mumbles as he is beginning to feel drowsy yet again.

Josh involuntarily nods, "Yes, I assigned one of them to go after him if he leaves the island. He reported that the latter is browsing through surveillance videos and even threatened a woman to tell him about the place with the missing footage of the night before yesterday. 

Then, from that place, he didn't stop searching for something. Maybe he's looking for the Empress but why would he?" When he stops talking, the vampire lazing inside opens his eyes.

"...Keep me updated." He closes his eyes again, trying to fill up the wasted minutes he thinks he should have spent sleeping.

The Vampire Royalties are eating lunch with Frederick, they allow Sonia to leave her bedroom only so she can join them in dining. In the middle of it, Samuel inquires about his request to his son, "Steve, have you done what I've asked you to do?"

Steve consumes spoonfuls of lamb chops and mashed potatoes before answering him, "Nawww, uhm-"

"Talk when your mouth ain't full," Sonia complains about it, which their father nods in agreement.

Thereupon, Steve leans sideways and widely opens his mouth to show his sister, "Ahhhhh, happy?"

She shoves him on the forehead while backing away, "Ew, disgusting!" 

He ends up teasing her by mimicking her with a high-pitched voice, "Ewwww, disgustiiiing."

"Steve." The vampire king warns him and impels him to get back on the topic, "You were saying?"

"No, I haven't. Wait- before you scold me, it's not my fault. Rhine wasn't at his office but Ben told me that the next in command is my boy, Dionne. But I was too sleepy last night to find him. I'll talk to him later if I can't still find Rhine."

"Don't bother, just find and inform Dionne to immediately meet me at the study. I'll give him the orders instead," Samuel says this seriously that makes them question as to why.

Later, in the study, a knock can be heard on the other side of the door. What answers it is a tone of voice he rarely hears that it causes him to be meek, "Come in."

"Good afternoon, Vampire King." Dionne greets him as courageous as possible to hide his nervousness, 'I believe I'm not lacking as the Acting Captain or am I? And it's merely a day since I accepted the position...'

"Sit down. This is not about you so rest easy," he calms down after hearing this. "Where's your captain?"

He is confused about the question but gives a response, "He left the island saying he has to handle some things and it seems important because he was in a rush."

"Did you know that he didn't ask for permission from any one of us?"

Dionne's eyes widen in surprise, "No, I didn't. But… Captain has never broken any regulations, why would he break one now by leaving without permission..?" He fails to realize that he continues talking out loud.


"Yes, Vampire King?"

"You're the Captain until I say so. Your first order is to make sure that no word shall escape this island regarding the Empress who already started her trip all around the world. Can you do it?"

"Yes, I can do it." He is optimistic because he trusts his teammates to help him with this. Being at ease also enables him to think properly and be confident in himself.

"That's the spirit. Proceed with your order." The vampire king is back to his typical friendly aura after his inquiries obtain some answers.


Neither Lionel nor the Vampire Royalties know Milla's location, on the contrary, the male with remarkable powers catches up to where she is. He stays at a safe distance and does his best to suppress his undetectable presence even more. He surmises that she could easily sense him if he is not careful enough or if she makes an effort to feel her surroundings, meticulously.

A safe distance for him is a couple of blocks away but before establishing that, he wants to see her as near as possible. When she is about to enter a seafood restaurant, he intentionally joins her so they end up stopping by the door. Nobody move for a few good seconds, then he steps back a little and opens it for her.

She quickly brings herself inside, not expecting that her right side will brush his upper body. Paying no mind to it, she doesn't hesitate and looks for a vacant table. But what she doesn't understand is why she feels a little intimidated with his presence, she never feels that way whenever Lionel is around, '...Maybe I'm just like this because I'm surrounded by so many people? Yes, there's no other possible reason.'

She may admit it or not, she keeps on sensing where the hooded guy is. He takes a seat before her so she selects a table that will let her observe him. Unfortunately, he has his back on her so it is useless. This male never intends to be that close to her earlier. A simple glimpse will do.

But his body reacts differently and before he knows it, he's walking towards her. Now, he is forced to dine at the same place as her. He deliberately sits with his back on her because he doesn't want her to see his face, for now. So what she can only observe is his all-black outfit like hers but she suddenly recalls smelling something from his duffel bag, a smell she's fond of, 'Blood. He's a vampire? Should I ask directions from him since he will surely recognize me? That's easier compared to asking some random human, right?'

She doesn't acknowledge that she's also a little curious who he could be. For her, asking him will have to wait because she is here to eat some delectable seafood. That is her mistake, she is so busy in enjoying and appreciating the food- she fails to notice him fleeing because he read her mind. 

After less than an hour, she entirely consumed the food that is normally served for a group of four people. She attracts a lot of attention from the customers but they are not that shocked, vampires are common to have a big appetite. They often witness this situation in an everyday occurrence.

Without her focus on food, Milla dubiously peeks at his table- only to find no one there. She tries to sense him with a wide range but nothing. So she hurriedly pays for her meal and exits the restaurant. She could not find him or see him anywhere. He's gone or so she believes.