2030-09-02: Reflect.

Early morning, in the study at the Vampire Royalties' mansion. The vampire king together with Frederick listens to Dionne's updates regarding the investigation, "The agents I've given the tasks to, fail in recovering the footage in Las Vegas. It seems like someone beat them to it. I gave them an order not to stop until they searched every alley, car, and everything that has surveillance in the route the Empress might have taken."

"Are those agents, subordinates of ours?" Samuel confirms then inquires about the former captain, "Has the suspect been found?"

Dionne nods but shakes his head after. He says whilst showing a faint smile, "Yes, those agents are of our race, they made an oath not to reveal their real job."

He lets out an almost indistinct sigh after, "They haven't spotted Cap- *coughs* the suspect."

"What about the Empress?" Frederick finally asks what he's been meaning to know since yesterday.

Dionne unconsciously lowers his head, feeling disappointed in himself. "My apologies, I hope to bring good news next time. I've sent heads-up to our agents in different countries to keep a lookout for the suspect."

"Remind the agents searching for the Empress to be as discreet as possible, she doesn't want us looking for her but we're just making sure she's completely fine. If they get busted, let them say how worried Frederick is that he's looking older and older."

The young captain glances warily at the Grand Elder before thinking of a response. The latter is looking out of the window, it is likely he's unaware of Samuel's comment, "...Stop with your lies. We both know I can still win against you in a battle particularly in a face-off battle."

"Oho, you want to settle this right now, old geezer?"

'I'm not even here, I'm only a hallucination. I didn't witness this.' Dionne feels like facepalming in his mind, this only proves who Steve takes after from.

But his nose isn't cooperating today, 'Hold your sneeze, Dio! I wouldn't be able to handle their embarrassment, please- No. No. Hold it-'

"N- Achooo!" His nose is currently in between his right arm and forearm when the room becomes quiet.

*coughs* "Go about your business, captain."

Dionne bows immediately before turning to leave, "Yes, vampire king."


He stops on his track in an instant. He deliberately turns slowly to hide his flushed face because he's about to laugh any minute now. Good thing Samuel speaks before they see his face.

"Tell my son to come here, I need to talk to him. You may go."

He bows again, only lifting his head after getting out of the room. With his fist covering his mouth- his smirk to be exact, he goes straight to Steve's new room. In the long time that he knew him, he's probably dozing off right after breakfast.

Arriving at the top floor, Ben who is guarding outside the vampire princess's room stands in attention upon Dionne's arrival. Facing the captain's direction, he gives him a salute and is about to greet the captain when he sees him put his index finger over the lips- signaling him to be quiet. Then Dionne removes his finger and waves his hand away, like telling him not to bother greeting him and the salute will suffice.

He almost forgot that the vampire prince's new room is on the right hallway upon facing the stairs because the old one is on the left. There's still plenty of rooms available in the other hallway so he cannot help but be suspicious about Steve's decision, 'Though the Empress's bedroom is the farthest… aishhh Steve is really shameless!'

*knock knock*

He knows Steve hears the soft knocks based on the sounds of him tossing on the bed and grabbing a pillow to cover his head. Aware of how to annoy him more, he slowly and softly knocks on the door. He continues not until he heard a growl from the inside, 'Pfft, did he forget he's a vampire and not a dog?'

"What. Is. It." Steve controls himself from cursing since he is not certain who's on the other side of the door. It might be his father, a Grand Elder, or one of the Shadows. Then he whispers to himself, "If this is far from being important, I might beat someone today."

'Yes, we definitely can't hear you. I'm so terrified… nope.' If he can roll his eyes on his mind, he would do it.

"It's Dionne. Your father wants your presence in the study. I'll take my leave, vampire prince." Quickly turning around to walk away when the door suddenly opens and an arm droops around his shoulders, "If it isn't my dearest friend, did you deliberately annoy me, huh?"

"Who am I to annoy you, vampire prince?" Dionne matches Steve's sly grin with his innocent-like smile then changes into his serious expression, "It's an urgent matter and might be regarding the Empress."

He gradually escapes while the other loses his attention for a few seconds. Steve looks at his arm hanging in the air and spots his friend on his way to the stairs who run shortly, "You!"

"They're waiting for you in the study, vampire prince!"

He intends to run after him, only to realize what he's wearing as he looks down on himself- on his boxers precisely. "I will gladly return you the favor someday! Count on it!!!"

Someone shouts back but it's not Dionne, "Steve, shut up! You're too loud!"

"You're grounded! You shut up in your room!" He scoffs and goes back to his room to fix himself.

"What an ass," Sonia's remark towards his brother.

Steve appears at the study not long after, "You called for me, dad? And good morning again, Grand Elder."


After his son settles down, Samuel doesn't waste any time, "How did you know that the Empress planned to travel alone? And you dared to share it with an elite guard? I know he's your friend but you shouldn't disclose such information."

"Did you get in contact with her?" Steve looks around, wondering whether a particular someone is inside the mansion.

"Won't you answer my questions?"

He raises one of his hands, "Dad, chill. I will answer all of it, I just need to know the answer to mine first. It's a matter of life and death for me."

"What do you mean?" His father unconsciously leans forward, "We have yet to locate the Empress."

Steve sighs in relief and wipes a non-existent sweat of his, "Phew, okay. What I mean is the Empress told me not to tell anyone about her instructions. If I revealed it to you, would you tell her?"

"Depends." Samuel reclines back on his chair after hearing his son's words.

"That doesn't sound reassuring at all." He examines his father before continuing with a confident smile on his face, "But I'm your son. You wouldn't let anything happen to me."

"Dad, it doesn't look like it but I'm smart. I know when to shut my mouth."

'Really? Your last statement is debatable.'

"She informed and ordered me to let it slip out of my mouth during my conversation with Dionne. And that I didn't hear it from her. That was it," he shrugs and makes himself comfortable on his seat.

The vampire king explains, "Okay. The issue here is- what you did may have brought some trouble for the Empress… or not. Apparently, she did it on purpose."

Discovering something, the ever quiet Frederick complains, "That girl… she knew. She might have some suspicions but why didn't she tell us? Are we unreliable in her eyes?"

These questions are not directed to Samuel or Steve, but it makes them think. They end up reflecting among themselves... and no one likes the outcome. How can they admit this, when they are vampires and leaders of their race? Are they no better than humans?