Act I. Shocking surprise

A few minutes ago, Zick grabs Sam and drags him to the other side of the room.

Jack and Lina look at the two, confused, holding their chins as they tilt their head. Making Jack and Lina have a talk from boredom.

"So... kinda bad impressions on us I see.." Jack grabs the back of his neck, continuing to talk more nervously. "hehe. Sorry. This is just a darn frustrated time around us right now. A lot of stress you know..."

Lina tilts her head to Jack, a questioning expression rises up her, making her reply to him with a shy and nervous voice, giggling as well.

"Hehe. Gee... speaking to me in such a frickin' way. Even if I'm distorted..."

"Well... why do you darn think that? Why distorted robots are lesser than robots like me and Sam?"

Lina tries to cover the mouth of hers with one claw, looking down, sighing.

"Ugh... gee... ever since we just get our motherboard, we are immediately programmed to be lesser, to not even get a medium roll in our society..." she sighs again, deeply. "Even me... frickin' janitor. Being kicked around by them. Laughed at. That was my purpose... to be kicked and laughed at as I clean their frickin' shit."

Jack being surprised with a shock rising up his spine, looking at Lina, questioning her and himself.

"What? What do you darn mean by that? You mean... you really mean..."

Lina cuts through his sentence with yet another sigh, looking down to her claws. Holding her feelings inside towards the bosses.

"I know... I never really got hacked... I just... wanted a frickin' second chance. I knew that if I'd fail capturing you then I'd be doomed for, getting a punishment that I could not even have nightmares about." She turns her head, trying not to cry. "I... I just wanted to live a frickin' good life, yet that was all I got, being a FRICKIN' janitor who cleans and eats shit. I came here from hearing the bosses themselves making a plan on capturing you two, so I decided to frickin' come here anyway, trying to get from a zero to a one. And I failed. I couldn't even reach one. Frickin' one!"

She tries to clench her claws as if they were normal hands, failing at that attempt, making her angrier, sighing right after.

"Ugh... but then... I noticed Zick, your brother, right Jack? I saw him, just in the same situation of you and Sam, equal. Even tho he is frickin' distorted like me. As soon as I got knocked out, I knew that not all is lost in me... so I let Sam think he hacked me by acting so I could be with you guys. Feeling like someone. Someone that's above zero. Even if it'll be a half, or a quarter higher than a zero. I'd still know I'm someone more than what I could."

Jack grabs Lina's shoulder firmly with his hand, trying to relax her.

"...listen. We're not all perfect. Even if that's your purpose. Some may have worse. You can never darn know. I'm not the best at these talks but... all I can say to you is, that I'm sorry to hear it, not just from you, but from anyone, makes my heart feel darn heavier all of a sudden... so... sorry for hearing it."

She giggles a bit, trying to relieve stress, grabbing her left arm with her right claw as she backs off a bit from Jack, making him lose his grip on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry too..."

The older brother, relieved, turning his head to the direction she's rolling while trying to smirk, beginning to reply to her apology.

"Don't darn worry. Ha! A lot of fights can happen between me, Zick and Sam as well. That fight we had was nothing new."

Lina looks down as she keeps rolling back, Shying away as she replies to him with a stutter in her nervous voice all of a sudden.

"No. I-I'm sorry for this..."

Sam and Zick walk up to Jack and Lina's direction as the both look upset after the talk that they had.

All of the three gentlemen look at Lina as they walk to her direction. Being surprised by what she does next.

She pulls out of her back, a remote controller with an off and on button, she gets on stage fast while feeling that she has no weight in her.

The trap master looks at the three, with a sad expression, as she will regret the act that she'll do. She turns on the switch, making Sam notice that she set yet another trap without him, Zick or Jack noticing.

The uncle shouts at the two brother with almost instinct like reaction.


As the switch is turned on, the floor below the stage's level electrocutes the three, making them scream for a few seconds as they fall unconscious from the EMP trap that Lina set.

She looks down at the floor as she turns the switch off, leaving them knocked out. With a nervous voice, she recycles her sentence from before.

"S-sorry... sorry for this... but this is my frickin' purpose... I just hope that when I give you to the bosses then I will have more respect as a janitor..."

Lina gets off stage, starting to tie up the three. As she is finished preparing them for the bosses to take, she feels two hands, having grip on each of her shoulders.

The distorted and frightened trap master shakes as she looks at her shoulders with a familiar past feeling that she had as a janitor.

Seeing one hand with a purple glove on, holding her right shoulder while a hand with a red glove on, holding her left shoulder. She shakes in fear even more as she knows who grabs her, causing her to talk in an instinct.

"B-bosses! Ha-hi! I-I wa-wa-was j-ju-just d-doing the j-job you wanted. I-I'm f-free to go b-back to the m-mansion now. R-right? Right?"

The two hands leave her as the two menacing figures walk around her, inspecting the three unconscious fellows.

The one on the left, wearing a red pinkish and white suit with a red gloves on his hands. A purple ponytail from his head down to his neck while the top of it is covered by a red pinkish top hat with one black stripe on it. On his lower body, he wears a black dress, reaching from his waist to his knees, wearing white long pants, reaching shiny red shoes. On his left arm, a symbol. A symbol of a red flower, symbolizing a rose. On his chest there is a black tie with a name written on it. Jean. The Rose boss's name.

The one on the right, wearing a suit, colored red, dark purple and yellow with purple gloves on his hands. purple long hair reaching his neck, almost as exactly as Jack's hair. While one red stripe, splitting to three separate stripes, carved on his dark purple top hat as some sort of a symbol. On his lower body, he wears a yellow dress with three red lines carved on it while under, he wears long, dark purple pants, leading to shiny yellow shoes. His chest has a yellow and dark purple striped tie on, with a name on it. Joshua. The Violet boss's name.

Joshua says with a serious, low, menacing voice to Lina as he looks at the three, causing her to jump.


"Y-yes b-boss...?"

Joshua points his finger at Lina slowly, keeping his menacing voice on.

"Good job Lina. I'll make sure to talk more about your prrrromotion. Now go back. You deserve some rest now. Go."

She bows to him, frightened yet thankful.

"Th-thank you boss! Thank you very much!"

Jean holds his hands up while kneeling to inspect the three tied up gentlemen.


Lina stops as if it were an instinct, hearing Jean, her second boss, shout so suddenly.

She turns to Jean, all worried and scared, as if she did something wrong. A nervous and frightened voice rises up from her mouth as a response to Jean.

"Ye-yes b-boss? A-any-anything wro-wrong?"

Jean speaks calmly with a low voice, grabbing Zick, still tied up and unconscious and throws him at Lina, making her catch him with effort.

"Have him. We don't need him. We only need these two. Do what you want with him for all we care. As long as it won't hurt our foundation. Got it dear?"

"Y-ye-yes! Yes I d-do!"

As Lina drives outside, heading towards the north, heading the bosses's mansion with Zick. unconscious and tied up, making regret rise up her spine a bit.

"Ugh... gee... I'm sorry but. That was why I was built... at least what the bosses's frickin' told me it was... what am I going to do with you now...?"

As she continues to go farther and farther away from the bosses. Jean and Joshua inspect more the two.

"So Joshua... is that really him? Is the rumor true?"

Joshua grabs Jack's knocked out head, noticing some cracks on it with a certain glow behind them. The Violet boss stands up slowly and menacingly.

"Yes Jean. The rumors are true. Jack is alive. With Torment inside of him as well."

Jean stands up as well, cleaning himself up, making himself as tidy and clean as ever. He stares at Joshua, cleaning himself too.

"I see. So starting a turf war and a bounty on his head was indeed worth it Joshua. We just need to fix him, stabilize him and get rid of that ghost inside of him. For the sake of Metasteam.